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Ask JTF for Sunday, July 13, 2008.

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Scientists on the discovery channel have recently uncovered evidence that early man frequently mated with chimpanzees for thousands of years. These were neantherthals or another species of human called CroMagnon. What was G-d's purpose for these beings, do you believe that the neantherthals were human, and did they have souls that can be made accountable for such sins?

(By the way:  Do you know any places in Queens where I can get kosher Wooly Mammoth?)

Hello Chaim,
  What do you make of this past week's remark that Jesse Jackson made towards Barack Hussein Obama?
  I find it hard to believe that this wasn't staged, trying to make Obama look like the 'good guy' in this whole mess... what do you think? 

Shalom Chaim and Thank you as always for your hard work and answering my questions.

How concern are you that if Barack Hussein Obama is elected he will cleverly destroy Israel through a one-state solution, whereby Israel ceases to be a Jewish homeland and becomes a multi-ethnic war zone like Lebanon.

I have already read that Hamas has wised up and realized that this could be a clever strategy in defeating Israel because most Israelis want their country to be thought of as a democracy, and Hamas can argue Israel is not a true democracy if it keeps its Jewish identity. Of course this is nonsense, but unfortunately the vast majority of Jews always fall for these tricks, and are afraid of Israel being thought of as the new South Africa.

Hello Brother Chaim

I am sure you know very well as I do about Mumia Abu Jamal, this disgusting cop murdering ape who till now is still rotting away in a prison under the tax payers five and dime, why hasn't this animal gotten what I favor the death penalty for beasts like this?  (Yes I know he shot a police officer, killing him leaving a wife and children behind)

Oh and I am 100 percent in support of true law enforcement and fire fighting,  they do not get enough recognition they deserve so much more.  The ones that have to go in these disgusting neighborhoods with crackheads and gun blasting zulus.  They deserve recognition not some animal like this Mumia Abu Jamal.  (If I had power he would like the game of hangman treatment, figure it out)

Dear Reb Chaim,

Many Goyim believe the world is “millions” or even “billions” of years old. This is contrary to Jewish belief that the world is 5768 years old so far.  The evidence for the Goyim is flawed since Hashem made things look much older and carbon dating can’t be accurate. However, where in the Torah can we see that we are correct and the Torah standpoint is correct? JTF forum member q_q sent me a link to a forum page where the issue is debated, so a brief response would be just fine. Thanks a lot and Shalom.


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