The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

Edgar Steele Puts Blacks and Moslems in Their Place

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אם אתה כזה חכמולוג, תצטרף לפורום העברי, ונראה מה אתה שווה.  מאיפה הסקת שאני תומך במעשים של רבנים בעבר שעשו טעויות, כמו רבי עקיבא שחשב בטעות

ayn li makledet ivrit, aval echtov be'otioth latinioth sherabi akivah lo asah shum davar beta'ut, ella bekavanah muchletet umeduyeket, kaday lehatot et kol am yisroel mihamashiach shekvar hikriv et atzmo lema'anam ulehaschit otam mi'olam haze umi'olam habah.

kach kavanato, she'adif lehashlich otam legehinom lenetzach uligrom hashmadatam biday haroma'im bimkom lehashpil et atzmo le'emet ula'abed et kvodo kmo sha'ul habinyamini.

harav kahane haya mashiach sheker kmo kol harabanim hayom usheavar, lo mishaneh im reformim, conservativim, datiim le'umim, chassidim, naturei kartanikim, vechuleh. hakol oto davar: si hasheker tachat masechat emet, u'ze'evim torfim belevush kevasim.

aval hem nimtza'im ayfo shehem... hashe'elah hi le'an ata telech... acharahem le'agam ha'aish hasoref lenetzach o legan eden al yaday hamashiach vego'el ha'emet?

habechira rak shelcha. ve'im tivchor et hasheker, lo yiyeh shama shum rav, kollel kahane, lehafchit et ke'ev ve'et srefat ha'aish shamechakeh lecha...

tivchor nachon, chabibi. ulai ze ha'azhara ha'acharona shelcha.

vegam tismach sheHaAdon me'abed et medinat hasheker ve'et ha'avoda hazara shelcha keday lehachriach otcha liftoach et aynecha! AMAYN!

ayn li makledet ivrit, aval echtov be'otioth latinioth sherabi akivah lo asah shum davar beta'ut, ella bekavanah muchletet umeduyeket, kaday lehatot et kol am yisroel mihamashiach shekvar hikriv et atzmo lema'anam ulehaschit otam mi'olam haze umi'olam habah.
i dont have a hebrew keyboard, but i will write in latin letters that rabbi akivah did not do anything by mistake but rather with deliberate and precise intent to deceive all of the people of israel to turn away from the Messiah who already sacrificed Himself for them and to destroy them from this world and the next.

kach kavanato, she'adif lehashlich otam legehinom lenetzach uligrom hashmadatam biday haroma'im bimkom lehashpil et atzmo le'emet ula'abed et kvodo kmo sha'ul habinyamini.
his intention was that it was preferable to throw them into hell forever and to cause their destruction at the hands of the romans than to humble himself before the Truth and to forfeit his honour as Saul the Benjaminite had done.

harav kahane haya mashiach sheker kmo kol harabanim hayom usheavar, lo mishaneh im reformim, conservativim, datiim le'umim, chassidim, naturei kartanikim, vechuleh. hakol oto davar: si hasheker tachat masechat emet, u'ze'evim torfim belevush kevasim.
rabbi kahane was a false messiah like all the rabbis of today and in the past. it makes no difference if they are reform, conservative, national religious, chassidic, naturei karta, etc. they're all the same thing: the worst lie hiding under a mask of truth. and savage wolves in sheeps' clothing.

aval hem nimtza'im ayfo shehem... hashe'elah hi le'an ata telech... acharahem le'agam ha'aish hasoref lenetzach o legan eden al yaday hamashiach vego'el ha'emet?

but they are where they are... the question is where are you headed... after them to the lake of fire that burns forever or to Heaven through the Messiah and the True Redeemer?

habechira rak shelcha. ve'im tivchor et hasheker, lo yiyeh shama shum rav, kollel kahane, lehafchit et ke'ev ve'et srefat ha'aish shamechakeh lecha...

the choice is yours alone. and if you choose falsehood, there wont be there any rabbi, including rabbi kahane, to reduce the burning pain of the fire that awaits you there.

tivchor nachon, chabibi. ulai ze ha'azhara ha'acharona shelcha.

choose wisely, friend. maybe this is your last warning.

vegam tismach sheHaAdon me'abed et medinat hasheker ve'et ha'avoda hazara shelcha keday lehachriach otcha liftoach et aynecha! AMAYN!
and also rejoice that the LORD is destroying the country of falsehood that you idolize in order to force you to open your eyes to the Truth. AMEN!

Fruit of thy loins:
Who is this obscure little man called Yeshu, and what is his significance?  Is he not long since dead?   ???


--- Quote from: davkakach on January 25, 2007, 06:52:27 PM ---
--- Quote from: cohanechai on January 24, 2007, 07:42:33 PM ---You are either a commie neo-Nazi fifth columnist, or a dirty muzzie.  It says in the Bible (in which you obviously don't believe) that the Land of Israel belongs to G-d, and that He gave it to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob's seed (which does NOT include Yishmael).

Go-d gave it, but Go-d took it away in 70 AD and 135 AD, when the romans crushed the fake messiah bar kochba.
why do you think Go-d treated us that way? maybe we really pissed Him off by rejecting His overture of PEACE. you know, Pele Yo'etz, El Gibbor, Avi Ad, Sar Shalom. Who might that have been?

(incidentally, why dont we reject rabbi akivah as a heretic for endorsing a fake messiah? same question for all the rabbis who endorsed shabtai tzvi. how come you continue to respect them?)

--- End quote ---
Apologies to the non-Hebrew speakers of this forum, but this deluded and vicious leftist Israeli deserves a reply in Hebrew:

אם אתה כזה חכמולוג, תצטרף לפורום העברי, ונראה מה אתה שווה.  מאיפה הסקת שאני תומך במעשים של רבנים בעבר שעשו טעויות, כמו רבי עקיבא שחשב בטעות שבר-כוזיבא הוא המשיח, או רבנים שהאמינו ששבתאי צבי הוא המשיח?  הם היו אותו סוג של רבנים (למעט רבי עקיבא שטעה בתמימות) שסילפו וזייפו את ההלכה בדיוק כמו ה"רבנים" הרפורמים/קונסרבטיבים של היום.  לא כל הרבנים אותו הדבר, וזה ברור אם אתה משווה בין הרב כהנא הי"ד לבין האומללים במחנה הדתי-לאומי/ש"ס/אגודה.

תתבייש לך, טפש מרושע גס רוח שכמוך, על איך שאתה מדבר על הרב כהנא, שהיה יהודי צדיק, אוהב ישראל, תמים לב, טהור, קדוש.  הוא הקריב את חייו בשביל לנסות להציל מדינה שנשלטת ע"י שיקוצים מתועבים כמוך שמובילים אותה לאבדון.

--- End quote ---

We deserve a translation.

cohanechai:  ;D


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