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I'm a new no-jewish member of this forum
I live in the UK but I'm a strong supporter of Israel.
I need help.
I'm a nationalist but at the same time I support Israel and Jewish so you must help me with that.
In Europe there is the problem of muslim integralism and one consequence is the rise of antisemitism so why some jewish organization keep promoting mass immigration including immigration from muslim countries?
Please don't be offended but you have to understand I am a bit confused.
I've laways believed there are several kind of jewish and many powerful one are overwhelming liberal and leftwinger.
Please help me to understand and Please,please,forgive me if i offended you because what I want is only to know more about this.
I really hope i will not kicked out from the forum.
Please accept my apoligise if someone will be offended.
Welcome Aboard.
Welcome Beppe!!. You will find a bunch of great information and people with strong beliefs. Don't worry about offending anyone. I have done it a couple of times and they haven't kicked me out yet.
Welcome to the forum. We don't like most Jewish organizations either. And not only are we against Muslim immigration, but we favor expulsion of Muslims from the non Muslim countries.
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