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I'm a new no-jewish member of this forum
The only thing worse than a liberal gentile is a liberal Jew. O0
--- Quote from: beppe74 on July 08, 2008, 12:16:21 PM ---To zelhar.
Can you please tell me which jewish organizations you like and dislike?
I need to know more to clarify my doubts.
Thanks a lot.
--- End quote ---
There are, unfortunately, mostly dislikes in my list. In Israel I support groups affiliated with Kahane. I might vote to the national front because there are no other right wing party to vote for. I would support the Beitar movement if it kept its ideology set by Zabotinski. Unfortunately the Likud, which is the modern form of Beitar, party today is a terrible party which handed over to the Arabs the Entire Sinai, Gaza, and parts of Smaria and Judea, if they have the chance they would give up everything to the Arabs.
We support the hilltop youth in Judea and Samaria and oppose the Yesha council which helped the government to fulfill the expulsion from Gush Katif.
Most international Jewish and so called 'zionist' organizations are either phony or traitorous. This include The Jewish agency, AIPAC, The Jewish Federation, ADL and almost any other organization.
The Only good political organization in the exile was the old JDL and now it is the JTF. I am not against Chabad either because they are loyal Jews who support Israel.
Thanks zelhar.
Can you suggest me some good website or blog where I can find Jewish like the one in this forum.
Also you know someone in the UK similar to JTF.
Sorry to trouble you but it seems to me that liberal Jewish have the total control even if they don't represent all the Jewish.
Correct me if I am wrong.
I don't know many Jewish blogs. Our admin, Lisa, has a blog and she also runs the Jews Against Obama blog, and she probably could tell you of other ones. And another member here, horselady, has a blog.
I live in Israel so I don't know about UK organizations, and I doubt if there are any. However We have in this forum people from the UK like Yesha and q_q.
I am afraid the liberal Jews are in control of the Israeli government, the Jewish media, and most other Jewish organization. You need to make a distinction though between the self hating traitorous Jews who act against their people deliberately, to most other liberal Jews who are misguided and passive but they are loyal.
The traitors should be exposed and cut off from the Jewish people, the rest of the liberal Jews- we should show them a better way, hoping they understand that they were mislead.
And me, I'm in the UK too..
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