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NEW: Ask Yesha Monday 21 July/18 Tammuz

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Message from Yesha:

THE LATEST SHOW, EPISODE #7 – 7 July - can be heard by going to this site and following the links -

Open to Jews and gentiles. 

Please post your great questions and comments here I look forward to addressing them on Monday 21 July/18 Tammuz. The show will be put up, G-d willing the next day, Tuesday.

Everyone is welcome to ask on any topic, though on Torah I’m not that qualified to answer.

Please limit your post to one question or comment – that’s per poster.

 Thank you all,
-Zev Ben Yisrael, “Yesha”

Times on the show that I answer forum members’ questions – minutes and seconds:

IslamIsCancer @ 9:00

Blastaway @11min

Rubystars @ 15’00

Zelhar at @ 18:30

Gam Bashan veGam Gilad @ 23’00

Time: 46mins; 21MB

My apologies for the poor quality of sound and the low volume that it was recorded at.

Greetings Yesha. If you move to Israel, do you plan to be active in the Kahanist movement offline?

Hello Yesha.

I have a very important question for you.

America has Mexican construction workers and Israel has Arab construction workers. So why can't they hire Anglo and Jewish workers for their respective countries?

Hello Yesha,

is the weather in London really so bad, like many people think?


Shalom rav Zev,

I had a discussion with a friend of mine and she said the Charedim have a theological problem dealing with the holocaust ("How could God have allowed it to happen?"),and as a consequence they hardly mention this subject at their school and they don't have a day commemorating the tragic events. What is your opinion about this matter?


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