Author Topic: ADL/AIPAC/Jewish lobbyist groups our downfall, Nazis and methods of recruiting  (Read 2345 times)

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Offline White Israelite

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You know we talk on the forums about how Islam is a threat to Israel and the West and I fully agree absolutely, we also talk about the neo nazi crisis and how neo nazis are even willing to align with muslims to work against what they call "ZOG" (Zionist Occupied Government) as if there is some sort of Jewish conspiracy to control the world. Now to the contrary, if we observe our enemy (specifically the neo nazis), we do have some common ideaology if you think about it in minimum ways. Many of us are against illegal immigration to the country, against gun control, support sticking with our own kind (Jewish law forbids interreligious marriage), and we both hate communists. The line ends about there.

Somewhere down the middle we, split. How so?

They fly the flag of the swastika, they follow Adolf Hitler

We fly the flag with the star of David, we follow Meir Kahane teachings.

Two distinct belief systems

The majority of Nazis follow Pagan/Odinist followings or atheist.

Our members follow Judaism/Christianity (and a few Atheist)

They support National Socialism

We oppose Socialism

So we have some similarities, but we completely differ in political goals.

One thing that can be said is that we do have common enemies, but yet the Neo Nazis completely contradict themselves when it comes to Islam and would prefer to allign with the enemy with the mentality "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". Very strange relationship. They complain about the Islamic immigration into Europe but yet they want to allign with these people because of their hatred for the Jew and Israel.

At the same time, I keep hearing about this enemy

It's well known that Nazi groups have become much more deceptive to attain to political correctness and attract new members. I can tell by how someone talks if they are a nazi or not. One doesn't have to be a Nazi to be anti-semitic.

Remember that Nazis have different methods of recruiting, not everyone is attracted to your stereotypical redneck KKK white hooded guys who claim you should join their cause because their religion says so.

There are many methods to attract new members and the Nazis.

I will list a few

First of all, the Nazis accuse Jews of infiltrating their movements, they accuse us of being paranoid but they themselves are infact paranoid of people who may not be white based on genetics or accusing political boards/gun forums, internet sites or the media composing of Jews.

The reality is, the media is stereotypically portrayed as Jewish however offers very slanted views on Israel as it (such as CNN).

Look at the minutemen group, this is not a racist movement, they are there to oppose illegal immigration into our country, but as of recent, StørmFrønt members were seen amongst the crowd to protest illegal immigration. First of all, not only does this give those of us who oppose illegal immigration a bad name because then they associate anyone who is against illegal immigration as a neo nazi. Another negative influence to this is that the neo nazis use this a form of recruiting white males/females who share similar views and basically leave a bread crumb trail for them to follow.

Gun shows, yes there is a lot of neo nazi recruitment. There are legitimate tables that sell nazi relic and artifacts, but there are a lot of tables selling books on conspiracy theory and the turner diaries. I was fooled years ago when I purchased this book as I assumed it was just a book about government going after the peoples guns, instead it was directly blaming the Jews claiming they were going to disarm all whites specifically. I think they focus on a lot of conspiracy theorists and people who are gun nuts (like myself) and are trying to brainwash/leave a breadcrumb trail.

Religion, yep there are many twisted views behind this. First, Nazis will twist Christian literature and try to get Christians who observe N.T. by claiming that the Jews are not the true Jews of Israel but are infact Khazars from Russia. They are using this as a method of recruiting Christians over to their twisted form of Christianity. These are normally "Christian Identity" groups who claim that Europeans are the lost tribes of Israel and even go as far as to claim Hitler was a Jew.

Paleoconservatives/Right wingers/Constitutionalists. Not all right wingers are pro Israel but that doesn't exactly make them a Nazi either. Paleoconservatives maintain old school conservative views and generally view NeoConservative as a new branch that has infiltrated the republican party. Generally paleoconservatives are angry that the republican party has gone against the constitution and worked with democrats. Usually they are not sure who to blame but retain Christian values. They are an easy target for Neo Nazis because they provide information/half truths on names usually listing Jews as behind the scenes as in regards to immoralities in the world. (pornography business, international bankers, illegal immigration support, gun control, feminism, homosexuality, communism, etc.) Generally paleoconservatives (at least the ones I met) will retain strong conservative values but will not have support for Israel in terms of financial aid. I wouldn't exactly consider them an enemy, but they are susceptible to place their blame on Jews due to misinformation on the internet.

Conspiracy Theorists / 9/11 truthers. I fell in this bandwagon at one point. I used to be huge on conspiracies and the new world order. They are not necessarily Nazis, conspiracy theorists range to all kinds of people. Some believe theres a shadow government involved or a select group of elites, illuminati or skull and bones. Most believe 9/11 was a conspiracy either by the United States or Mossad or some other entity. Generally they don't trust the government. Some are highly religious and believe this is to do with the prophecies, others claim it's a mass government cover up for domination in the middle east. Most I have spoken to do not recognize Israels right to exist or they claim that modern day Jews have no relation to the original hebrews and come from Europe or Khazaria, others claim only sephardic Jews have a right there, and the religious claim sephardic are edomites. Generally most conspiracy theorists are libertarian, they don't usually fall in play with mainstream politics.

Rural areas/Cities, I have experienced more racism in the city than I ever have in a rural area. Most people where I live have never even met a Jew and I certainly didn't fit their definition of what one looks like. Neo Nazis target individuals living in the cities because they are the ones who have experienced racism, they go after the youth. Some angry white kid gets attacked by a gang of mexicans or blacks and is tired of it while he watches his city destroyed by people from a 3rd world country. What do they do? They probably get involved or try to stick with their own kind. I know I used to go online and look up stuff on illegal immigration on google or something and the first sites that would pop up would be StørmFrønt or some neo nazi website. The way the sites are disguised don't make it apparent at first that they are of nazi influence but just "protecting and preserving" the white race. Youth are susceptible to anything, you can brainwash kids easily, it's all about making them question everything they've been taught until they realize and think this movement will protect them and they will become someone important. Rural areas attract some religious fanatics, but a number of white supremist members who have never been in a rural area tend to learn survivalist skills and attempt to get out of the city and buy up large land to get away from what they describe as "muds".

Now then, you know some of the Neo Nazi methods of recruiting, lets look at why the mainstream Jewish interest groups, the ADL, and AIPAC will be our downfall.

It's a known fact that politics tells a lot about a individual or a character, we all know that there is a lot of Jewish involvement in Hollywood, is it dominant? Not sure about that. However many celebrities regardless if their Jewish or not appear to be very liberal/conservative in their politics. Mainstream movies nowadays are full of immoral garbage. Sure you get your war movies that tell a true story, but because of political correctness, it's well known that blacks are put in to satisfy affirmative action. Can you imagine a black man in lord of the rings? What's the point of that?

We saw the same in Disney when Pocahontas was released and promoting of interracial mixing. You see this in most movies today, tv shows, you name it. Diversity is "cool", being white is "not". Alright no big deal right?

Who are the groups behind diversity and illegal immigration? Some of the leftist Jews I spoke with state that Jews were kicked out of every country they went to and during Nazi Germanys holocaust, Jews were denied into countries and as a result, they feel sympathetic to illegal immigrants coming into America because they "understand their suffering". I think this is why a number of leftist Jewish politicians support illegal immigration, others for their own agenda. Either way it's destroying our country.

Guns, it's well known most Jews live in the city, very few in rural areas. First of all, most Jews don't see guns like the average person who would own them. Most people in this country for some unknown reason associate guns for sporting or hunting purposes, anything other than that is villified. Jews are forbidden from hunting because it's not kosher and the blood is spilled, also not allowed to hunt for sport. That means Jews are not generally raised around firearms. 2nd, in cities, gun laws are very strict for owning a firearm for self defense purposes, assault style weapons are almost always banned in cities, that means Jews will not even attempt to get a handgun for the most part because of the difficulty and unfamiliarity with firearms and see little use for "assault style weapons" although I oppose that term because they are not true assault weapons. As a result, Jews tend to be unarmed in the city and usually when a mass shooting happens (and being that most Jews in America are reform which means they probably have liberal/leftist political feelings), they usually feel at mercy of the state to protect them and Jewish politicians in control ban the firearms claiming they are of no use. Pro Gun lobbyists and neo nazis claim it's Jews that want control of the firearms then and as a result, we are blamed for wanting to take the guns.

Zionism, ok first of all Zionism has always been a controversial thing even when it started. Theodore Herzl had the idea of immigrating with Jews from eastern Europe in the 1880's, made the first Aliyah and settled in the land by buying from rich Arabs. Well, this started Arab ideas that Jews were there to take the land from them and this started the small militias like Irgun and the Arab terrorist groups. Russia had this whole document called the protocols of Zion claiming that it was part of a international Jewish conspiracy to create a homeland. When Hitler wrote Mein kampf, he stated that the Jews didn't want a state in Palestine as a Jewish state, but simply as a "base of operations" for criminal activity, prostitution, drug trade, and to escape persecution and enemies, and that Jews could not survive unless they could be parasites to their home nation. This "ideology" is still carried by even those who do not describe themselves as Nazis claiming that Israel exists only as a US colony or base and that this is the reason "liberal Jews" have no problem giving up land to the "Palestinians" because it is a artificial state and claim Jews will always have control of it. The other claim is that the reason Kahanists were banned from Israel is that it would ruin their public relations if religious Jews came into power. It's also claimed that the Jews have control of the US and are funding Israel as a means of a apartheid state. This is all propaganda when in reality the enemy are the liberal Jews who are working with the US government to destroy the state of Israel and are a enemy of the religious Jews. Zionism as a political movement has been hijacked and the name turned into a dirty word. The people describing themselves as "Zionists" are actually "post zionists" and they believe in a "Jewish state next to a Palestinian state". Further evidence of this, look at Amona. Not only was it a public relations stunt but it was meant to appease the US and the world as the current leftist/atheist Israeli government is a enemy to the religious Jews.

ADL, the Anti Defamation League. These people are NOT a friend to Jews. From first appearance, they would appear to be protecting Jews like the NAACP protects blacks. They have their own agenda and claim to speak for Jews and have a lot of political power. They throw around the term "anti-semite" like we call people Nazis. The term has no value any more and is equivalent to blacks screaming "reparations for slavery". Jackie Mason was right when he said Abe Foxman would be out of a job if anti-semitism didn't exist. The fact is that anti-semitism is a reason the Jewish people still exist, and the ADL wouldn't exist if anti-semitism didn't exist. We would have assimilated long ago but because we feel so threatened, we stick together and realize we are infact different. What makes the ADL so dangerous is that they give Jews confidence and a false sense of security that they are battling "anti-semitism" and exposing the nazis, it's like a pedophile giving candy to a kid, sure short term it may be great but what about the long term? ADL is causing long term damage by claiming we must pass gun control legislature and even lists Kahane as a terrorist, that means they are opposed to religious Judaism and the constitution. You have those people sucked in, you can tell them anything you want and they will believe it. "Must ban guns because terrorists can use them" "religious Judaism is bad, it will cause people to hate you". Abe Foxman is like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, Their both a cancer to Judaism.

AIPAC, from first glance, it looks like their pro Israel, they have the blue and white colors, the star of david flag, and Christian supporters/speakers who say we must support Israel. Another lobbyist group like the NRA. They are like a business with salesmen and they do a good job at that. AIPAC may have had good intentions at first, but they are there specifically to make money while banking on the Israeli flag and Jewish people. NRA and AIPAC have a lot in common if you think about it. You have a speaker stating how they must preserve the state of Israel an how they need funds to fight the battle, but neither of these groups would exist if there was no anti-semitism and Israel already had the land needed or if gun control laws were abolished. These two groups are actually whats holding back our rights and Israels right to exist and have the land promised to her. Evidence to this is that Obama attended a AIPAC meeting and had applause from the audience. The groups are powerful because they have a lot of money but they also can sway members/voters to vote for any politician needed even if their record shows otherwise. AIPAC is an enemy to Israel and has been infiltrated just like the NRA.

Every mainstream group does this, they were once great groups but now they have sold people out, so you can't trust them.

You hear these constant claims about Jews, the person may not even be Jewish but they will still be called a Jew and hated. We're told that the holocaust won't happen again and I hear a lot of groups crying about what happened and how they lost someone in the holocaust. I hate the be the @$$hole here but the fact is it happened, you can't change the past. You better start doing something to prevent another one from happening.

People assume that Jews are the most tightly knit group out there and we help each other, in a way it's a double edge sword. We're not as united as one may think. The majority of the Jews in America and perhaps even Israel are supporting these very politicians who want to take away your gun rights, who support this diversity, illegal immigration, homosexuality, and all the other crap that gives people the very excuse to hate us.

Yes the Nazis are a threat, so are the muslims, but you know what I consider the biggest threat? The self hating Jew. They have done everything imaginable to defy what it means to be a Jew and that reflects on all of us as a result.

Don't even think for a second I am defending Nazis or Muslims, I'm not, but how do you think they are recruiting members? You think a youth one day said "I hate Jews?" No, they are brought into it by their family or they get into it because they deal with the same [censored] we deal with and are brainwashed into believing we are the enemy. So where do we solve the problem? You want to get rid of weeds, you don't cut them, you pull them out by the roots. Start at the root of the problem. We need to get the self hating Jews out of power and we need to do everything possible to unite and get Jews to open their eyes at the destruction their causing. No more questioning "why do they hate us?", understand how the Nazis operate and why they are able to recruit so many people. Seriously, you listen to how people talk and it all adds up. It's like a kid going through school, sure they might be bored listening but after a few sessions and perhaps a year or two of learning, it's planted in the back of their head and they stick with those beliefs and teach others those beliefs. There are a lot more Nazis than there are Kahanists so of course their movement will be much larger.

You want my advice? The Nazi movement has reformed to the point they are no longer just wearing the hoods or brown shirts. They are your common everyday people and they don't talk about it in public, why? Because your average person will be like "your crazy", they make people question things and they infiltrate movements made with the intention of meeting a political agenda and hijack it as their own.

It's a dangerous movement because of the way they operate. Even Jewwatch no longer refers to the enemies as Jews but rather Zionists. Some of them may be "legitimiate" in claiming they only hate Zionists but don't hate Jews (although I dont see how thats possible), others are using it to plant seeds hoping that it will bring these people to sources that will get them involved in the neo nazi movement.

So....what a Jew should do, first of all, the warning signs are there that we are going to face pogroms of some kind. Remember before Hitler came into power, the economy was in bad shape. America, we are in a similar shape, the thing is that Germans were united, Americans think of themselves as more individualists but are starting to unite and ask questions about whats going on in America, and it's not against the muslims like we may think.

I suggest we try to repair damage done to our name, I suggest Jews leave the cities and form communities in rural parts of the country where they will be safe, learn how to use a gun, learn survival skills, and get involved in farming. Call it paranoid but while your sitting there typing, or sleeping, these people are planning and advancing. Theres nothing wrong with advancement of the white race, however the way these people are masking it is a militant way to kill the Jew. Get your facts straight and your heads on straight. If anyone reads this, I hope it's a wakeup call to individuals. 

Offline mord

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Alot of paleo conservatives are pro Israel i have a friend who belonged to JDL of Rubin and then Bnei'Elim he now lives in Ft.Collins  Colorado he used to live in nasau county L.I. he was a chapter head in the John Birch society.About the KKK  i have a very funny story i'm not a good typer i type with 2 fingers ;D maybelatter i'll type the story. And yes rural people tend to be less anti Jewish
« Last Edit: July 08, 2008, 03:57:59 PM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline RationalThought110

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Alot of paleo conservatives are pro Israel i have a friend who belonged to JDL of Rubin and then Bnei'Elim he now lives in Ft.Collins  Colorado he used to live in nasau county L.I. he was a chapter head in the John Birch society.About the KKK  i have a very funny story i'm not a good typer i type with 2 fingers ;D maybelatter i'll type the story. And ys rural people tend to be less anti Jewish

    What about Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul?  Aren't they the ones who use the term 'paleoconservative'?

Offline mord

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Alot of paleo conservatives are pro Israel i have a friend who belonged to JDL of Rubin and then Bnei'Elim he now lives in Ft.Collins  Colorado he used to live in nasau county L.I. he was a chapter head in the John Birch society.About the KKK  i have a very funny story i'm not a good typer i type with 2 fingers ;D maybelatter i'll type the story. And ys rural people tend to be less anti Jewish
Yes they are anti Jewish Buchanan  for sure he's not really a conservative anymore since he joined the msnbc  station he's become very strange .He knows his paycheck comes liberals

    What about Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul?  Aren't they the ones who use the term 'paleoconservative'?
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline White Israelite

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Alot of paleo conservatives are pro Israel i have a friend who belonged to JDL of Rubin and then Bnei'Elim he now lives in Ft.Collins  Colorado he used to live in nasau county L.I. he was a chapter head in the John Birch society.About the KKK  i have a very funny story i'm not a good typer i type with 2 fingers ;D maybelatter i'll type the story. And ys rural people tend to be less anti Jewish

    What about Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul?  Aren't they the ones who use the term 'paleoconservative'?

Paleoconservatives are definitely a bit awkward, they claim to be the true original conservatives and that NeoConservatives are not real conservatives but liberals who became conservatives.

I just consider myself a conservative period.

Offline Ulli

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Thank you Cohen for this great analysis.  O0

In my oppinion you are mostly right.

We have to be very watchful in the next years.

Our economies, weakened by Socialist policies, will collapse under the ascending price for oil and it's derivatives.

This will turn our countries in real state-directed economies and Socialism will rise again. The people are very jealous - at least in my country.

In the same time the Muslimes will get more economic influence through their gouvernmental investment fonds in our countries. They are founding anti-zionism = anti-semitism.

I am shure that the Nazis are joining and will join the Anti-zionist train.

But Socialism and Islam are the ultimative Symbiosis of evil, which will destroy our culture and us in the end physically, if we don't stop them.

The real circle of evil is in our countries

Socialist Policy => Lots of Welfare => Lots of Muslime Babies => More Muslimes => More votes for the Socialists => More Power for the socialist Politicians => more extreme leftwing policy  :(

It is the biggest lie ever, that Muslimes came to our countries to work!

They come in the first line to receive welfare, because they are unable to match with our intellect and working ethic.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2008, 03:07:48 PM by Pheasant »
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline Ulli

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I am thinking since a long time about the founding of a community similar to the Hutterites in my country.

Of course only in the form of a hutterite colony, but with other theology.  ;)

In my oppinion, such communities have with their intern "Christian-communism" some advantages.

1. You are able to educate your children in your religion and culture by members of your community.

2. You will be able to earn a lot of money for the community, because all tasks like kitchenwork, raising the children, making the laundry can be effectively done by some individuals, during the others can work in other sectors. This helps you if the colony becomes too great and you have to split to buy new land.

3. You are able to raise very big families without stress the women too much. I.e. the little children go to community-kindergarten, the older to community-school, after school they can learn bible or work in some sectors of the farm.

4. You will be able to defend yourself properly, because you have a big number of individuals there.

5. The church community would at the same time the great-family and the economic unit.

Israel has had this in form of the Kibbutzim. Cohen, you could found a religious JTF-Kibbutz Israel with a few fellow Jews.  O0

Like a big Jewish-family  :)

« Last Edit: July 08, 2008, 03:05:13 PM by Pheasant »
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline Ultra Requete

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As to nazis they will always blame and hate the Jews no matter what but main problem is that those left wing "liberal" self hating Jews are worshiping the Judaism without the G-d: as their "christian" counterparts they do belive in sin but not in redemption given by religion so they blame their own cultures and countries for all evil. Notice that true leftism not nationalism/tribalism camuflaged as one ala VC/Aztlan is uncommon outside the west. But there's one solution better than running for the hills, Go to Israel, kick out the A-rab squater from your land and build a model society the light for the nations there - the Zionism based on Torah is not dead. if Osama the false meshias will win the presidency there'll be too late for American Jews. Consider this not a 2008 but 1938.
Jeremiah 8:11-17

11 They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. Peace, peace, they say, when there is no peace.

12 Are they ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when they are punished, says the LORD.

13 'I will take away their harvest, declares the LORD. There will be no grapes on the vine. There will be no figs on the tree, and their leaves will wither. What I have given them will be taken from them.'

14 Why are we sitting here? Gather together! Let us flee to the fortified cities and perish there! For the LORD our God has doomed us to perish and given us poisoned water to drink, because we have sinned against him.

15 We hoped for peace but no good has come, for a time of healing but there was only terror.

16 The snorting of the enemy's horses is heard from Dan; at the neighing of their stallions the whole land trembles. They have come to devour the land and everything in it, the city and all who live there.

17 See, I will send venomous snakes among you, vipers that cannot be charmed, and they will bite you, declares the LORD.

Love your Enemy
And Heap Burning Coals on his Head!!!

Offline Ulli

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As to nazis they will always blame and hate the Jews no matter what but main problem is that those left wing "liberal" self hating Jews are worshiping the Judaism without the G-d: as their "christian" counterparts they do belive in sin but not in redemption given by religion so they blame their own cultures and countries for all evil. Notice that true leftism not nationalism/tribalism camuflaged as one ala VC/Aztlan is uncommon outside the west. But there's one solution better than running for the hills, Go to Israel, kick out the A-rab squater from your land and build a model society the light for the nations there - the Zionism based on Torah is not dead. if Osama the false meshias will win the presidency there'll be too late for American Jews. Consider this not a 2008 but 1938.

Yes it is a common phenomenon of leftwing Jews and Christians. I can't really say which group is more self-hating and sick.

It is pathologic.

Good point  O0
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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You make many excellent points in your presentation, and indeed there is at least a kernel of truth, if not more so, in all that you point out in comparing JTF to other groups.

It must be made clear, as Rabbi Meir Kahane said, that "...the Jew living outside of Eretz Yisrael is perceived as having no G-d."

This hatred of us was there long before there was any dream of returning to a State of Israel.

It was claimed that we were the "Power-Holders" "Those Who Pull the Strings" controlling each and every world leader, even while we were in fact unwashed, unsocialized creatures barely surviving with tuberculosis in the shtetls and ghettos of Medieval Europe.

Then, as today, they accused us of drinking the blood of gentile infants, of kidnapping gentile babies so we could bake their blood in our matzot each Pesach.

Then, exactly as now, sub-societies formed within the main populations whose sole reason for existence was to spread hatred of the Jew, and to work for our permanent extinction and annihilation; both physical and spiritual.

Those today who gladly offer up their "Third Millenium Final Solution to the Jewish Problem" -- evicting each and every Jew from Eretz Yisrael, and resettling us either in Europe or Alaska; are fools who don't understand that such "solutions" would only serve to fuel further hatred of the Jews.

The calls for the extermination of the Jews is the same today as it always was throughout our history in Exile, and this is true even in countries which have no Jews living there and never did allow any Jews in to live there.

Chaim Ben Pesach says the truth:  We Jews must ALL live only in Eretz Yisrael where we belong.

To remain in Exile giving energy and thought for ways and means to lessen hostility against us, is not only futile, but will result in the exact opposite behavior towards us.

Offline Ultra Requete

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That's true Massuh by why the're so many leftist "piss now" or corrupt elitist Jews like Sharon actualy living in Eretz YIsrael? Why the Israelis didn't started the construction of temple after 1967? Why even religius Israeli parties like Shas are corrupt? For me Israel won't be liberated without being redeemed first. But still Zionism was best thing for and from Jews in XX century.
Jeremiah 8:11-17

11 They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. Peace, peace, they say, when there is no peace.

12 Are they ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when they are punished, says the LORD.

13 'I will take away their harvest, declares the LORD. There will be no grapes on the vine. There will be no figs on the tree, and their leaves will wither. What I have given them will be taken from them.'

14 Why are we sitting here? Gather together! Let us flee to the fortified cities and perish there! For the LORD our God has doomed us to perish and given us poisoned water to drink, because we have sinned against him.

15 We hoped for peace but no good has come, for a time of healing but there was only terror.

16 The snorting of the enemy's horses is heard from Dan; at the neighing of their stallions the whole land trembles. They have come to devour the land and everything in it, the city and all who live there.

17 See, I will send venomous snakes among you, vipers that cannot be charmed, and they will bite you, declares the LORD.

Love your Enemy
And Heap Burning Coals on his Head!!!

Offline AsheDina

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  • PSALMS 129:5 "ZION" THE Cornerstone.
Alot of paleo conservatives are pro Israel i have a friend who belonged to JDL of Rubin and then Bnei'Elim he now lives in Ft.Collins  Colorado he used to live in nasau county L.I. he was a chapter head in the John Birch society.About the KKK  i have a very funny story i'm not a good typer i type with 2 fingers ;D maybelatter i'll type the story. And ys rural people tend to be less anti Jewish

    What about Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul?  Aren't they the ones who use the term 'paleoconservative'?

Paleoconservatives are definitely a bit awkward, they claim to be the true original conservatives and that NeoConservatives are not real conservatives but liberals who became conservatives.

I just consider myself a conservative period.

  PaleoConservative  is a NAZI slug in paltalk CHAT. He wants to murder me, David ben Moshe & Cohen- Well, here it IS again.. people like this "Paleo" monster in chatland- is a demon worshipper- calls himself a "christian" he sees Jews as the threat of all mankind. this is one SICKOOOOOOOO  >:( I cant comment more- Dr Dan told me to get out in the sun, b/c I am like in a cave.  ::)
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