Author Topic: I have questions...  (Read 3674 times)

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Offline billwhite2

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I have questions...
« on: July 09, 2008, 03:52:06 PM »
I’m excited to be a member of this forum because I have so many questions for the Jewish members. Please forgive me if I seem ignorant, but I’ve never been around a Jew that I could approach for these answers.

As a Christian, I believe in the Bible and my favorite book is the Book of Revelation because it prophesizes the future for the Jewish nation and the rest of humanity. I believe that Israel will be attacked by a confederation of Iran, Russia, Lebanon, Syria, China, etc. (the battle of Armageddon, Ezekiel chapters 38 & 39) and also I believe that Israel will be the ultimate victor. This conflict is coming soon and I hope to live long enough to witness it. So my questions for the Jewish members are as follows:

Do you believe that this battle will occur?
Is this prophecy described in any Hebrew text?
Does Jesus Christ play any kind of role in the future for Jews?

More questions to come in the future. Thank you so much for your response!


Bill White

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Re: I have questions...
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2008, 04:02:36 PM »
I think most Judeo-christians beleive this.

It think we all believe that this attack could be the beginning (or ending) of an era.   I'm not sure about it being the apocolypse... but it will very likely be something huge... and yes... even biblical.

Offline Zelhar

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Re: I have questions...
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2008, 05:06:12 PM »
Revelation is from the NT so obviously it is not considered prophesy by Jews. The war with Gog of the Magog is from Jechezkiel so it is a prophesy in Judaism, and it is a hebrew text.

Offline IslamIsCancer

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Re: I have questions...
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2008, 05:47:46 PM »
Leave Russia and China out of that list they are not muslims.
Free Javakh!!!
I defecate on Stalin's grave.

Offline billwhite2

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Re: I have questions...
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2008, 06:24:43 PM »
There are two reasons why Russia and China are mentioned.

1. Russia is a close ally of Iran and has helped that country build nuclear reactors. The Bible prophesy about Gog and Magog, I believe refers to the regions near the former Soviet Union.

2. Bible prophesy refers to an army of 200 million men crossing the Euphrates river to join in the battle of Armageddon. At the time that prophesy was written the population of the entire earth wasn't 200 million, however China now has a standing army of 200 million.

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Re: I have questions...
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2008, 06:36:26 PM »
Leave Russia and China out of that list they are not Muslims.

They are still evil. Russia is giving Iran Nuclear secrets and China will do business with any one if it helps them advance in the global economy. Including Iran, Syria and all Muslim countries
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: I have questions...
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2008, 09:29:20 PM »
We Jews don't follow anything in the 'new testament' so book of revelations is not relevant to us and not part of our tradition.  It is a text that was made by a different religion.

It is uncertain as to who specifically is gog and who is magog, did the war start, is it starting soon, but we very much so believe that the war of gog and magog will be an event leading up to the redemption and that redemption will happen soon.  There are different opinions about who *might be* the modern manifestations of gog and magog.

Jews don't believe in Jesus and he is completely irrelevant to us. 

We believe that a messiah will redeem the Jewish people and unite all the righteous of the entire world under worship of the one true G-d.  This is an article of our faith.   It hasn't happened yet, but we believe in good faith that it will happen soon.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: I have questions...
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2008, 10:03:36 PM »
Re:  "So my questions for the Jewish members are as follows:
Do you believe that this battle will occur?
Is this prophecy described in any Hebrew text?
Does Jesus Christ play any kind of role in the future for Jews?
More questions to come in the future. Thank you so much for your response!
Bill White

-Most definitely the Battle will take place exactly as prophecized:
In Hebrew the word for Armageddon is Meggido; referring to The Plain of Meggido in north central Israel.
Jesus reiterated the Scriptures and Prophetic teachings of the Jews verbatim:
In actual fact, there are only a few teachings and statements attributed to Jesus which were not reiteration of the central teachings and prophecies of the Jewish People.
However, where Jesus did diverge from Torah Law was so drastically different as to be unacceptable to anyone following Torah Law.
Jews then, as today, were awaiting the Messiah (Moshiach), an annointed human being...not the incarnation of God in the form of a man who could then be worshipped in place of the One Indivisible G-d of Israel.
Jesus never himself worshipped statues or bowed down to worship a man, because he was a Jew also, and one is not a Jew who worships flesh and blood or wood and stone.
And, to quote Jesus:  "Not one dot or tittle will be changed in the Law"

-In my personal opinion, we are now in "The End of Days", entering into "The Time of Jacob's Trouble", and the War of Gog M'Gog is in its beginning stages.

-Jewish Prophecy is precise and clear that the Jews emerge the victors of this war, saved by our Moshiach (Messiah), who at the last moment appears to Redeem Israel and all of mankind.

-If Jesus is to play a role for the Jews, then (a) The Christians and Jews both are undoubtedly in for quite a shock; and both are going to have "a lot of explaining to do".

-The now in progress volatile and changing geological and planetary processes which we are now witnessing are proof positive according to the Prophets that the End of Days is upon us.  It has been stated that the entire Earth will be in travail like a woman in childbirth as the Moshiach approaches to usher in Redemption.

-The Biblical Law and Prophets are quite clear that Jerusalem is today, as it always has been, the sole indivisible capitol of the Jewish Nation and the site of the coming Third Temple...the Arabs who call themselves PLO/Hamas are interlopers and savages who are to have no part in owning any of the Holy is Jewish Land and Holy Land and does not now nor ever will belong to them.

-And, as prophecized, all of the nations of the world are gathered against Jerusalem today, and Jerusalem is to be the millstone around the neck of each nation which dares to reject G-d's RoadMap and Plan for the Jewish People.

-As to the Book of St. John the Revelator, much of Jewish thought and imagery is incorporated into it, but it is such a radically esoteric text that it often is found to be as unfathomable to Christians as it is to Jews.


Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: I have questions...
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2008, 10:07:36 PM »
We Jews don't follow anything in the 'new testament' so book of revelations is not relevant to us and not part of our tradition.  It is a text that was made by a different religion.

It is uncertain as to who specifically is gog and who is magog, did the war start, is it starting soon, but we very much so believe that the war of gog and magog will be an event leading up to the redemption and that redemption will happen soon.  There are different opinions about who *might be* the modern manifestations of gog and magog.

Jews don't believe in Jesus and he is completely irrelevant to us. 

We believe that a messiah will redeem the Jewish people and unite all the righteous of the entire world under worship of the one true G-d.  This is an article of our faith.   It hasn't happened yet, but we believe in good faith that it will happen soon.

the Gog Magog war began on 9/11, 2001

That's one way to interpret things.  It's not necessarily the only way. 

Offline q_q_

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Re: I have questions...
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2008, 10:43:28 PM »
I’m excited to be a member of this forum because I have so many questions for the Jewish members. Please forgive me if I seem ignorant, but I’ve never been around a Jew that I could approach for these answers.

As a Christian, I believe in the Bible and my favorite book is the Book of Revelation because it prophesizes the future for the Jewish nation and the rest of humanity. I believe that Israel will be attacked by a confederation of Iran, Russia, Lebanon, Syria, China, etc. (the battle of Armageddon, Ezekiel chapters 38 & 39) and also I believe that Israel will be the ultimate victor. This conflict is coming soon and I hope to live long enough to witness it. So my questions for the Jewish members are as follows:

Do you believe that this battle will occur?
Is this prophecy described in any Hebrew text?
Does Jesus Christ play any kind of role in the future for Jews?

More questions to come in the future. Thank you so much for your response!


Bill White

battle described in ezekiel, as you say.. which is a hebrew text!

we do believe that negative prophecies can be avoided if we repent..
(whereas positive ones are guaranteed)

we have a passages in mystical hebrew texts, says Yismael will rule for 1300 years and G-d will spit him out.
first wave of zionist immigration was 1880s, and state of israel, in 1948.

Though it does seem to me that christians have finally become largely good.
Understandably and fairly, from 2000 years of christian persecution, the rabbis have connected Esau to Rome and to christianity.  There is talk in that same mystical text, of Esau battling Yishmael and neither gaining control of the land of israel.

Jews tend not to dwell on the negative prophecies that much..
Even in the negative prophecies, we win against the surrounding countries. The traditional jewish approach is to do the commandments and let G-d deal with the future, and not try to guess at details of these negative prophecies. I guess they're not popular! The emphasis regarding the future prophecies, has always been on the messiah(we don't believe that's jesus, since we don't believe in him, he has no relevance to judaism).

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: I have questions...
« Reply #10 on: July 10, 2008, 10:53:44 PM »
i think it's silly to wait for the apocolypse to take place.  To do so makes one a defeatist...Likewise, to sit and wait for the messiah..we aren't supposed to do that. We are supposed to make the world turn, labor and seek truth and bring justice and to make the world a better place.

Unfortunatley too many people who call themselves religious pray for an apocolypse..and some crazies along the realm try to create wars to make others feel that the war of gog and magog have taken place.

To do such things can leave other wtih the feeling of hopelessness and they can't do anything about it becuase it was "predicted in the bible".  I say to that, "blasphemy!"  We have the ability to change our fates by lovingkindness, mercy, and pursuit of justice!!!!!
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: I have questions...
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2008, 11:33:28 PM »
Dr. Dan:  "i think it's silly to wait for the apocolypse to take place.  To do so makes one a defeatist...Likewise, to sit and wait for the messiah..we aren't supposed to do that. We are supposed to make the world turn, labor and seek truth and bring justice and to make the world a better place..."

Sounds like the introduction to the TV Soap Opera "As The World Turns".

Let me know when you intend to begin making the world turn, labor and love, Dr. Dan.

From the looks of things you've been slacking off.

And be sure to let me know when you finally get around to reading Torah verbatim cover to cover.

That you never have is glaringly obvious.

Offline AsheDina

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Re: I have questions...
« Reply #12 on: July 11, 2008, 12:39:12 AM »
 It is clear to me that SOMETHING is happening. And this "something" is NOT very good at all. I am still here on the Monterey Peninsula, where over 500,000 acres that are GONE and burned DOWN, they were started by lightening bolts from out of nowhere, and that is the 100% TRUTH as for Northern CA.  Last year 300,000 acres were burned to the ground.

#1. the first that I mention started EXACTLY one day after the Supreme Court Judge over-ruled the will of the people.  This is something I have been pondering upon, and I believe like Jay Leno says that with all of this going on in the USA- it is NOT a good time to take Gd out of the Pledge of Allegiance.

#2. The second also happened out of nowhere, and this was DIRECTLY after Arnie S. ok'd CO-ED bathrooms in JR SR high schools, to make the Queeeerrrrrsssss FEEELLLLLLLL better.

  So- 'something' IS happening.
  Yesterday, Jews and Christians were praying where public could SEE, and I MUST say that it is now about 63-65 degrees on the Monterey Peninsula tonight. So, I fully AGREE that when righteous people just turn their hearts and prayers toward the ONLY ONE Gd that DOES exist, that 'something' can turn into 'something' better.

  As far as apocolyptic things, there are many many mentions in Daniel about a latter time of great distress. I personally believe this latter time is now. I agree with Dr Dan, though- we cant just sit around and dwell on these things when our nation is falling apart, and Israel in turmoil, righteous people MUST fight for the things that are good, morally strong and correct. To do nothing- is TERRIBLE.
שמע ישראל
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Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: I have questions...
« Reply #13 on: July 11, 2008, 12:51:10 AM »
Paulette I enjoyed this post very much, you make very good points.
As a man of faith, I can't possibly take all the recent catastrophes in this country as a coincidence.  I did not know about what was happening in Pennsylvania.   I DID know about the judges ruling in favor of co-ed bathrooms to appease transgender/gay lobby (unfortunately).   This is an unbelievable turn of events.  Talk about planting the seeds of the destruction of a society.  It just defies all logic.

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: I have questions...
« Reply #14 on: July 11, 2008, 07:02:13 AM »
Dr. Dan:  "i think it's silly to wait for the apocolypse to take place.  To do so makes one a defeatist...Likewise, to sit and wait for the messiah..we aren't supposed to do that. We are supposed to make the world turn, labor and seek truth and bring justice and to make the world a better place..."

Sounds like the introduction to the TV Soap Opera "As The World Turns".

Let me know when you intend to begin making the world turn, labor and love, Dr. Dan.

From the looks of things you've been slacking off.

And be sure to let me know when you finally get around to reading Torah verbatim cover to cover.

That you never have is glaringly obvious.

I am laboring and loving...

I have read the Torah cover to cover...verbatim.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: I have questions...
« Reply #15 on: July 11, 2008, 07:09:58 AM »
It is clear to me that SOMETHING is happening. And this "something" is NOT very good at all. I am still here on the Monterey Peninsula, where over 500,000 acres that are GONE and burned DOWN, they were started by lightening bolts from out of nowhere, and that is the 100% TRUTH as for Northern CA.  Last year 300,000 acres were burned to the ground.

#1. the first that I mention started EXACTLY one day after the Supreme Court Judge over-ruled the will of the people.  This is something I have been pondering upon, and I believe like Jay Leno says that with all of this going on in the USA- it is NOT a good time to take Gd out of the Pledge of Allegiance.

#2. The second also happened out of nowhere, and this was DIRECTLY after Arnie S. ok'd CO-ED bathrooms in JR SR high schools, to make the Queeeerrrrrsssss FEEELLLLLLLL better.

  So- 'something' IS happening.
  Yesterday, Jews and Christians were praying where public could SEE, and I MUST say that it is now about 63-65 degrees on the Monterey Peninsula tonight. So, I fully AGREE that when righteous people just turn their hearts and prayers toward the ONLY ONE Gd that DOES exist, that 'something' can turn into 'something' better.

  As far as apocolyptic things, there are many many mentions in Daniel about a latter time of great distress. I personally believe this latter time is now. I agree with Dr Dan, though- we cant just sit around and dwell on these things when our nation is falling apart, and Israel in turmoil, righteous people MUST fight for the things that are good, morally strong and correct. To do nothing- is TERRIBLE.

The answer is JTF...To bring justice.  Because very few look for justice. Very few zealouts of righteous causes...Too many zealouts of evil causes.  Too many misguided souls.  For me, is the world falling apart, has the apocolypse started?  I don't know, I dont care if anythign did actually start. All times, the world was in disarray...we are in a different disarray now.  It's tough times...It doesn't mean that it's "Gog and Magog" or the "Apocolypse" or that the "Moshiach is coming soon coming soon."  It means, "Come on! Get off it! Seek justice, worship, labor and love."

...I still think that the world crashed when both world wars took place...but it all got better until now.  But it will get resolved, Gd willing, and it will get better again..Just dont' know when..don't know how...and don't know when another disaster might be coming if it will come...and if it can be prevented.

JTF!  There is where we see a lot of the truth and throw it in peoples' faces.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline q_q_

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Re: I have questions...
« Reply #16 on: July 11, 2008, 10:47:51 AM »
Dr. Dan:  "i think it's silly to wait for the apocolypse to take place.  To do so makes one a defeatist...Likewise, to sit and wait for the messiah..we aren't supposed to do that. We are supposed to make the world turn, labor and seek truth and bring justice and to make the world a better place..."

Sounds like the introduction to the TV Soap Opera "As The World Turns".

Let me know when you intend to begin making the world turn, labor and love, Dr. Dan.

From the looks of things you've been slacking off.

And be sure to let me know when you finally get around to reading Torah verbatim cover to cover.

That you never have is glaringly obvious.

I am laboring and loving...

I have read the Torah cover to cover...verbatim.

something went very wrong then, 'cos it doesn't show.

I have never seen you refer to even one verse of it!

Of course, a liberal's idea of cover to cover , verbatim, could mean anything!

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Re: I have questions...
« Reply #17 on: July 11, 2008, 10:53:25 AM »
Some do...... :)

I know several Rabbi's who believe in Yeshua ha Meschiach....... ::)

We Jews don't follow anything in the 'new testament' so book of revelations is not relevant to us and not part of our tradition.  It is a text that was made by a different religion.

It is uncertain as to who specifically is gog and who is magog, did the war start, is it starting soon, but we very much so believe that the war of gog and magog will be an event leading up to the redemption and that redemption will happen soon.  There are different opinions about who *might be* the modern manifestations of gog and magog.

Jews don't believe in Jesus and he is completely irrelevant to us. 

We believe that a messiah will redeem the Jewish people and unite all the righteous of the entire world under worship of the one true G-d.  This is an article of our faith.   It hasn't happened yet, but we believe in good faith that it will happen soon.
שמע ישראל

Offline q_q_

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Re: I have questions...
« Reply #18 on: July 11, 2008, 10:58:54 AM »
Some do...... :)

I know several Rabbi's who believe in Yeshua ha Meschiach....... ::)


They are Christians that call themselves rabbis, in order to fool ignorant jews.

We accept no missionary activity here

Yeshu/Yeshua is another name for Jesus.

(not to be confused with Yehoshua - joshua)

Your happy smiley faces suggest you know what you are saying, and are garbing it with friendliness in hope that jews will drop their guard.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2008, 11:04:27 AM by q_q_ »

Offline Americanhero1

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Re: I have questions...
« Reply #19 on: July 11, 2008, 11:32:00 AM »
Some do...... :)

I know several Rabbi's who believe in Yeshua ha Meschiach....... ::)

We Jews don't follow anything in the 'new testament' so book of revelations is not relevant to us and not part of our tradition.  It is a text that was made by a different religion.

It is uncertain as to who specifically is gog and who is magog, did the war start, is it starting soon, but we very much so believe that the war of gog and magog will be an event leading up to the redemption and that redemption will happen soon.  There are different opinions about who *might be* the modern manifestations of gog and magog.

Jews don't believe in Jesus and he is completely irrelevant to us. 

We believe that a messiah will redeem the Jewish people and unite all the righteous of the entire world under worship of the one true G-d.  This is an article of our faith.   It hasn't happened yet, but we believe in good faith that it will happen soon.
Yeshu the hebrew name for JC. removed by Lisa  (chaim uses this expression alot)
removed by Lisa.

removed by Lisa

Oh what Christians dont belong on this forum
« Last Edit: July 11, 2008, 11:56:08 AM by Lisa »

Offline Americanhero1

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Re: I have questions...
« Reply #20 on: July 11, 2008, 11:34:35 AM »
Some do...... :)

I know several Rabbi's who believe in Yeshua ha Meschiach....... ::)

We Jews don't follow anything in the 'new testament' so book of revelations is not relevant to us and not part of our tradition.  It is a text that was made by a different religion.

It is uncertain as to who specifically is gog and who is magog, did the war start, is it starting soon, but we very much so believe that the war of gog and magog will be an event leading up to the redemption and that redemption will happen soon.  There are different opinions about who *might be* the modern manifestations of gog and magog.

Jews don't believe in Jesus and he is completely irrelevant to us. 

We believe that a messiah will redeem the Jewish people and unite all the righteous of the entire world under worship of the one true G-d.  This is an article of our faith.   It hasn't happened yet, but we believe in good faith that it will happen soon.
Yeshu the hebrew name for JC. removed by Lisa (chaim uses this expression alot)
removed by Lisa

THis is what happens when there are christians on the forum

Don't be cursing Jesus
« Last Edit: July 11, 2008, 11:56:53 AM by Lisa »

Offline q_q_

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Re: I have questions...
« Reply #21 on: July 11, 2008, 11:35:23 AM »
Some do...... :)

I know several Rabbi's who believe in Yeshua ha Meschiach....... ::)

We Jews don't follow anything in the 'new testament' so book of revelations is not relevant to us and not part of our tradition.  It is a text that was made by a different religion.

It is uncertain as to who specifically is gog and who is magog, did the war start, is it starting soon, but we very much so believe that the war of gog and magog will be an event leading up to the redemption and that redemption will happen soon.  There are different opinions about who *might be* the modern manifestations of gog and magog.

Jews don't believe in Jesus and he is completely irrelevant to us. 

We believe that a messiah will redeem the Jewish people and unite all the righteous of the entire world under worship of the one true G-d.  This is an article of our faith.   It hasn't happened yet, but we believe in good faith that it will happen soon.
deleted by Lisa  (chaim uses this expression alot)
- deleted by Lisa-.

THis is what happens when there are christians on the forum

These incidents are very rare.

ymach shmoh vezimroh is a general curse.

there is a question as to where Yeshu comes from, and one theory is it works out as an acronym for ymach shmoh vezomroh.    But we are not discussing the origins of the name Yeshu here.

Do not push your agenda of removing christians from JTF.  The JTF works with christians, you know this already.
Stop provoking problems in order to promote your agenda.

Christian missionary activity on the forum is very rare, and is going to be caught out pretty fast. And isn't tolerated here.

Even one christian missionary who missionized outside the forum, was banned from the forum.  
« Last Edit: July 11, 2008, 11:52:32 AM by Lisa »

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Re: I have questions...
« Reply #22 on: July 11, 2008, 11:50:43 AM »
I removed Shimon's offensive post.  Apparently, he's against any Jewish organization working with non-Jews.  However, Rabbi Kahane worked with righteous gentiles, and so does Chaim.  If Shimon doesn't like it, he's free to start his own forum. 

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Re: I have questions...
« Reply #23 on: July 11, 2008, 11:53:02 AM »
Also, I will be generous and grant Shimon his wish to be banned. 

Offline Lisa

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Re: I have questions...
« Reply #24 on: July 11, 2008, 11:57:34 AM »
...But it looks like someone already beat me to it! :-[