The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

Father Kills Daughter; Doubted Virginity

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Thats terrible! I'm sorry you have to go through something like that but its the only way to freedom. If you stay the course and show your parents that there is life after islam, maybe they will be inspired by your example. This is the #1 reason why I believe islam is evil. It destroys families. I wish you the very best, sarah. And I curse Muhammed for causing you to go through this. But there is light at the end of this tunnel...


With Islam it is impossible to try to reason with insanity cause they are insane,, if they are willing to do this to their own children these sick monsters. Imagine what they would do to the Infidel. The ones in this country and the west have got to be forced out.  I can give a damn about "Racial Profiling" they are not a race and this is a matter of America's survival.


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