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Europe has been turned into a Third World dumping ground.

What does "sred" mean?

Europe Sucks Israel's and AMerica's asses till Israel and america farts $#!7S and does diharrhaea in Europes mouth.

That doesn't sound nice.


--- Quote from: WHITE PRIDE on September 05, 2006, 04:39:09 PM ---Europe is the greatest continent ever, without Europe there'd be no USA and no Israel..I am from Europe and anyone talking bad about Europe is someone in whose face I'd spit

--- End quote ---

Europe was the greatest continent ever they lost that distinction about 150 years ago and have been going down hill progressively ever since. If it wasn't for the good old USA bailing Europe out a few times namely WWI, WW2 the demographics of Europe would be much different then the ones you think are so great.
 Their would be no USA or Israel if it wasn't for Europe. If Europe had its way there would not be any USA. They did everything in their power to stop it. If it wasn't for the ingenuity of our founding fathers America would still be a colony.
 England  namely Winston Churchill was not all that keen on allowing the State of Israel to be formed. There again it was the hand of G_d and the tenacity of the Jewish people that present day Israel exists. Europe is a place of great historical culture from where the majority of the people that built America roots stem from. Whats left of modern day Europe is a hollow  shell of what was and thats quite sad.


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