Author Topic: Video of Gitmo Interrogation Released (Teenage Islamic Killer Cries Boo-hoo!)  (Read 1660 times)

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CNN) -- A 16-year-old Canadian prisoner weeps and buries his face in his hands in an interrogation video that provides the first public look at such an interview at the U.S. prison camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

The lawyers for Omar Khadr, now 21 and still at Guantanamo, released the 10-minute 2003 segment on the Internet early Tuesday before releasing about eight hours of interrogation footage in Edmonton, Alberta, in the afternoon.

Khadr was 15 in 2002 when he was shot and taken into U.S. custody in Afghanistan, having been accused of killing an American soldier. He was questioned in 2003 and 2004 by Canadian intelligence agents.

His U.S. military attorney, Lt. Cmdr. William Kuebler, told Canadian Television that the video -- which was shot over four days through a heating vent in the wall -- shows that his client has been wrongly vilified in the media and that the defense wants the Canadian public to see the truth.

"What I take away from these tapes is really the lie that has been told about Omar Khadr," Kuebler said.

"He's been portrayed as this 15-year-old bloodthirsty terrorist or hardened terrorist. What I take away from this video is that this is a frightened ... kid who is literally begging for help from Canadian authorities.

"It really puts the lie to the justification for holding Omar and treating him as an adult these many years."

Canadian defense attorney Dennis Edney, part of a team trying to get Khadr out of Guantanamo and returned to Canada for trial, said that most Americans and Canadians who have spoken with Khadr consider him "salvageable."

Edney and lawyer Nathan Whitling, appearing at a news conference Tuesday afternoon, criticized Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper for failing to stand up to the United States and bring Khadr home to be tried.

Whitling said Khadr is the last citizen of a Western nation detained at Guantanamo. VideoWatch Whitling's comments »

"Every other Western leader, and many non-Western governments, have recognized that Guantanamo Bay is an affront to the rule of law and has demanded the return of their citizens to face justice at home," Whitling said.

Khadr, whose family is alleged to have ties to al Qaeda, is accused of lobbing a grenade that killed U.S. Special Forces Sgt. 1st Class Christopher James Speer after a 2002 firefight in Afghanistan. He was questioned in 2003 and 2004 by Canadian intelligence agents.

Whitling said Khadr has said his father was with him in the July 27, 2002, battle but abandoned his son to the militants and fled.

"As a 15-year-old boy, he had no choice but to do what his father told him to do," Whitling said.

Khadr's legal team said the young man was happy on the first day of shooting the video because he thought his Canadian interrogator was going to take him home. His mood became more morose in the next three days.

In the video, Khadr is seen removing his orange prison shirt to show wounds he says he received during torture. VideoWatch a glimpse of the interrogation »

While crying, he says, "I requested medical for a long time" but didn't get it. "I lost my eyes; I lost my feet, everything."

But the interrogator responds, "No, you still have your eyes. Your feet are still at the end of your legs.

"Look, I want to take a few minutes, let you get yourself together ... relax a bit, have a bite to eat.

"I understand this is stressful, but by using this strategy to talk to us, it's not going to be any more helpful. We've got a limited amount of time."

Khadr then says, "You don't care about me."

His interrogator responds, "I do care about you, but I want to talk to the honest Omar that I was talking to yesterday."

"I will be honest," Khadr responds.

Before a break, a woman asks Khadr to put his shirt back on, and someone turns on a fan. Khadr, seen through a one-way mirror, sobs uncontrollably while alone.

At a news conference Tuesday, a Pentagon spokesman said Khadr has not been mistreated.

"Our policy is to treat detainees humanely, and Khadr has been treated humanely," Navy Cmdr. J.D. Gordon said.

Asked about allegations that Khadr was sleep-deprived to weaken him before the Canadian interrogation, Gordon said, "We don't respond to every allegation. He was treated humanely."

Gordon also was asked about defense lawyers' efforts to get Khadr moved out of Guantanamo and returned to Canada.

"We believe Khadr should be held accountable for his actions. His trial date has been set for October," the officer said. "The charges are grave."

In April 2007, Khadr was formally charged with murder, attempted murder, conspiracy, providing material support for terrorism and spying, according to his charge sheets.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia concluded last year that the U.S. military could not limit what information the courts hear when foreign detainees are challenging their imprisonment and ordered that documents related to Khadr's case be released.

Canadian federal Justice Richard Mosely ordered that tapes of Khadr's interrogation be provided to his attorneys for his defense.

Look at the comments made at the bottom that are sympathizing with this enemy of all non-Muslims.

Seriously Western Society now has been infected with the mental disorder of self-hate, which will eventually lead to its own suicide!
“You must accept the truth from whatever source it comes”- Maimonides

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Canada is extremely left-wing and self-hating.

I do not believe America is that far gone, yet. Most Americans still want to see terrorists killed, or at least locked up forever. Unfortunately, our kapo judiciary does not agree.   ::)