Guys, this thread is really distressing. Why are right-wing Jews insulting each other because of what language they speak? This is really sad and pathetic, and has to stop. Kahanists must be a unified force, or we will not survive.
I have no qualms against any kahanist jews on this forum. I respect all of them, including jdl4ever who are here to save Israel and the United States. I do, however, disagree over this secondary issue. From my understanding, it is ok and encouraged to disagree on this forum as long as the rules are followed.
Jews returning to the torah and Israel is probably the most important political position that JTF stands for. Since the torah was given to us in Hebrew and Hebrew is the language of Eretz Yisrael, speaking correct Hebrew is an important part of fulfilling these mitzvot.
From my observation, staying a unified force has not been a JTF priority over standing up for values. If it was, Chaim would be unified with Bnai Elim and would not have such harsh words against Jay Rubin and Earl Krugal.