Author Topic: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11  (Read 55625 times)

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8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« on: July 16, 2008, 02:23:59 AM »
I realize that with this thread I am not toeing the "party line". I can already see people rolling  their eyes..."oh Lubab's been taken in by the conspiracy nuts". But that's really the wrong attitude.

I came to JTF for answers and the truth. My questions led me to ask and when Chaim gave answers that made logical sense, answers that explained the current reality I was experiencing, I knew this was a place that had a lot of truth to offer.

But I know one must never assume he's found the truth and then it's over. Well...the Torah is ultimate truth for me and everything else is suspect. But there is always more to know and one must never stop asking questions, even questions about the Torah.  I never want to be a ditto-head who doesn't think for himself and ask questions even if the person I'm following blindly is the great Chaim ben Pesach. So while I know Chaim might be displeased that I bring up these issues and I am sorry for that, my great love for the truth at all costs compels me to bring these issues up for discussion because they are too important to ignore.

So I Have Questions About 9-11.

Now let me start off by saying I don't yet have answers to these questions and I would hate nothing more than to be forced to conclude that our own government had any part in the execution of these bloody mass murders. That would be the ultimate betrayal. That's exactly why I ask these questions...hoping that maybe someone here (or all of you together can answer these questions to my satisfaction so I don't NEED to believe that the US government is capable of such evil.
(Though at the same time I realize government doesn't have a very good historical record for treating it's citizens still hopes America is different).

So here are my questions and if anyone can help me out with any one of them please do so. I think this will spark an intereting discussion and I hope everyone will learn something and respect an opposing viewpoint. Let's try to keep away from labels like "conspiracy theory"
because there's no reason why one man's interpretation of events is any better than anyone else just because he happens to be the President or his spokesman. Every man should be able to weigh the evidence and draw their own conclusions if this still is a free country.

Enough intro, here are my questions:

1. Apparently we have a whole lot of Air Force Defenses in this country. We have a very high tech military. Maybe the best in the world. This military has protocols on how to deal with hijacked planes. It is my understanding that even commercial flights that go off slightly are quickly surrounded on both sides with US fighter planes on both sides. NORAD I believe is the organization in charge of this stuff.

Yet over the course of 2 hours on 9-11 one plane hit. Another plane hit. It was clear we were under attack. Then a third plane hit the Pentagon (which I would assume would be the the best guarded building in the country). There was apparently a fleet of fighter planes about 10 miles away. I think it's called Andrew's Feild or something like that.  Not one plane of ours went up into the air that day to do something about those planes which they knew were WAY off course  and obviously up to no good.

Why is this?

There was Norman Mineta, transportation secretary, who testified before Congress that he was with Dick Cheney when the plane was approaching the Pentagon and people kept running in asking him  "does the order still stand?!" and even when the plane was withing 10 miles of the Pentagon he kept saying "yes the order still stands, have you heard anything to the contrary from me!" You can find this testimony on Youtube ( ) . It was reported in the mainstream media. Now what "order" was Cheney referring to. It seems obvious to me that the only order he was referring to was an order for the Air Force to do nothing about that plane heading into the Pentagon...because that's exactly what happened...nothing...and in it went and many people were killed there.

2. WTC Building #7. It was not hit by a plane. You can see it had some small fires in a few floors. The media coverage  of the fires in that building were reported in the major media and are available on YT as well. What caused it to collapse later in the day around 5:30 in about 7 seconds.  It collapsed neatly and completely into it's own footprint for no apparent reason that I can think of. I've seen much weaker buildings with much worse fires burn for much much longer and they don't collapse at all. They just sort get gutted from the inside and the frame remains. Here nothing remained. Absolutely everything went down all in one shot for no good reason.

Larry Silverstein was on PBS a few days later and said he asked "them" to "pull it" "and we watched the building come down". "Pull it" is a phrase known to be used by demolition workers when they do a controlled demolition. If it was a controlled demolition how did they set that up so fast amongst all the chaos of the day? Correct me if I'm wrong but a controlled demolition would take weeks to set up, and why would they set one up in the first place?

It's notable that Larry Silverstein owned the twin towers and Building #7 and profited greatly from the insurance policies he'd taken out on his buildings weeks before the events. His buildings were the only ones that collapsed.

3. Why was the US government on the morning of 9-11 conducting drills to practice what to do if planes get flown into the world trade center and pentagon? This was also reported in the major media outlets and I'm sure you heard about it.
If they were aware of such a threat why did our air force respond so poorly (i.e.) not at all?

Or was it just a coincidence? What are the odds that they were coincidentally conducting an exercise on the exact same event that happened the exact same day? Can you imagine how many zeros you'd need to calculate  those mind-boggling odds.

4. The collapse of the twin towers themselves seem very strange to me. The official claim is that they collapsed because the jet fuel melted the steel. If that would happen I would expect to see some sagging, maybe a falling over leaning tower of piza type of thing or falling over and yet it collapsed so neatly into it's own footprint. And the other building collapsed the exact same way.
If the jet fuel was responsible for fires that were so hot that it melted the entire  steel core of the is it that humans survived in the area of impact of the planes? I'm sure you've all seen pictures of people begging for their lives crawling out of that hole where the plane hit. That should have been the hottest spot of all! And yet we don't see them burning alive. They seem to be okay waiving their shirts etc. until the building starts to collapse It also seems that most of the jet fuel went up in a burst of flames upon impact and the fires inside were almost already under control when the actual collapse happened. Weird, no?

6. Bush's reaction. We all know that when Bush was told "our country is under attack" he was in Florida reading a book about a little goat. He seemed to sit there with the kids and continued reading with them for I think 15 minutes after he KNEW America was under attack.

The most disturbing thing about this is not the callousness of the president that while people are screaming for their lives from the top of that tower he's still sitting reading to little kids...the most disturbing thing to me that if he believed we were under attack by terrorists who hate America and everything we stand for...he should have been scared out of his whitts because he would be the obvious next target for another plane. Who knew what they would do next.  Al Queda would know where the President was suposed to be that day. Any sane president would run for his life into some sort of underground bunker but certainly get out of where everyone knew he was going to be. Why didn't he look scared? Why didn't he do anything for 15 minutes? He was even joking around...should he at least have gotten all the kids out of there to protect THEIR safety in case Al Qaeda was going to somehow bomb that school.

This would all make perfect sense if he knew about the attacks and working with Bin Laden (CIA trained and used by the  US before in operations against Russia and Serbia I believe)...but makes no sense if we're being attacked by an enemy that we don't know what it will do next.   

7. Mainstream news reported that some passports of the terrorists were found in the rubble. How it is that a plane's jet fuel made such a fire as to burn ALL the steel core of WTCs and collapse the entire building in seconds but these passports made it out onto the ground unscathed.

8. Most disturbingly: Guiliani ordered all the rubble from 9-11 almost immediately picked up and dumped and I think it was demolished or thrown in a river. Someone can go and Google and look up exactly what happened to it but it was unavailable for inspection very very quickly.

That was the biggest crime scene of the century. Why the rush to get rid of all the evidence?

Answers to any of these would be greatly appreciated, but I'm looking for facts and logic, not epithets and personal attacks please.
I'm looking for the truth just as you are...hopefully.

« Last Edit: July 17, 2008, 08:54:08 PM by Lubab »
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Offline briann

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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2008, 02:35:43 AM »
I will call your bluff Lubab.

The technical part is gone over.. in quite detail by popular mechanics great article here:

Read it... and tell me what you think. 

If you really want to go into more detail... check this out:

Offline SavetheWest

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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2008, 02:39:46 AM »
There is a video of Bin Laden saying he knew the towers would collapse because of the burning jet fuel.  He said because of his experience in the construction industry that he knew that this would happen. 

Offline Lubab

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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2008, 02:43:11 AM »
I will call your bluff Lubab.

The technical part is gone over.. in quite detail by popular mechanics great article here:

Read it... and tell me what you think. 

If you really want to go into more detail... check this out:

There's no bluff to call here. I'm being perfectly honest with the way I see things.

I'll read it but I'd like to hear YOUR thoughts Brain. Please tell me which number question you are addressing and how you think it is resolved in your own words...because you can post links and so can I...and we can go on doing that all day without every really communicating.


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Offline SavetheWest

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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2008, 02:46:21 AM »
In an answer to #7, you saw in the video that there was a large explosion.  There were huge pieces of debri, parts of the plane and parts of the building that flew out everywhere.  In Okhlahoma City they found some evidence blocks away, perfectly preserved.  Do you think that was a possible conspiracy?

Offline Lubab

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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2008, 02:49:27 AM »
I will call your bluff Lubab.

The technical part is gone over.. in quite detail by popular mechanics great article here:

Read it... and tell me what you think. 

If you really want to go into more detail... check this out:

I'm reading the article and so far it has addressed two point I brought up but in both cases they relied on "conclusions" by the NIST which is a government organization. So if it's the government itself we are scrutinizing I think we have a problem there already when it is using goverment paid scientists to draw their conclusion.

Read their conclusion about Building #7: do you find that convincing? That a building with some damage and comprimised by fire collapses in 13 seconds?
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Offline Lubab

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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2008, 02:53:22 AM »
In an answer to #7, you saw in the video that there was a large explosion.  There were huge pieces of debri, parts of the plane and parts of the building that flew out everywhere.  In Okhlahoma City they found some evidence blocks away, perfectly preserved.  Do you think that was a possible conspiracy?

Well if you look on the net  you'll find there is some evidence to support a conspiracy there too so I wouldn't just base yourself on Oklahoma... I know...I know you can find anything on the net, so maybe you have answer to this one if you don't believe Oklahoma was a government black op.

I'm willing to lay #7 to rest for now...but there's 7 more to go.

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Offline SavetheWest

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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2008, 02:55:11 AM »
Also, you can see how the US government bungled Katrina, loses your mail and can't even catch employees going to strip clubs on government credit cards.  One of the US warships in the Pacific caught fire because the whole crew was drunk and not paying attention and had to abandon ship when the fire engulfed the entire ship which never should have happened.  They also let two nuclear warheads fly over the US because of massive oversight.  There is a ton of incompetence and stupidity in government because often there is little accountability.  Also, the airports before 9/11 were a joke.  I took a flight through Ohare and they found a knife that I had on me.  The security guard told me, "I won't tell if you won't tell" and gave me back the knife.  

Also, if Bush was involved with  a conspiracy, wouldn't he have had himself doing something presidential; instead of bumbling in front of a bunch of schoolchildren?

Offline muman613

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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2008, 02:56:54 AM »
Im sorry but I will complain...

I am a bit tired of the conspiracy theory of 9/11... Not that I want to stifle true debate but I am a personal victim of the attack. Talking about this is just crazy. My brother worked on the 105th floor of WTC tower #1 for Cantor Fitzgerald. I believe the Popular Mechanics explanation and think it is good at refuting the conspiracy theories.

Here is a link to a memorial : &

Please be considerate...

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
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Offline Lubab

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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2008, 02:57:49 AM »
For those who might claim this thread  makes us look nuts I would refer you to some polls. CNN did one and more than a majority of Americans think there's the possibility of some kind of government cover up. In NY it goes up to like 80% of people who think it could be an inside job. And most of the families of the 9-11 victims are calling for a new independent investigation. So this threat is not totally out of touch with public sentiment. 
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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2008, 02:59:52 AM »
My family doesnt buy this conspiracy BS...

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
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Offline Lubab

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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #11 on: July 16, 2008, 03:00:44 AM »
Im sorry but I will complain...

I am a bit tired of the conspiracy theory of 9/11... Not that I want to stifle true debate but I am a personal victim of the attack. Talking about this is just crazy. My brother worked on the 105th floor of WTC tower #1 for Cantor Fitzgerald. I believe the Popular Mechanics explanation and think it is good at refuting the conspiracy theories.

Here is a link to a memorial : &

Please be considerate...


I am very sorry to hear that.
Believe me I care just as much for the people who died as you do. I'm sorry if just talking about the event strikes a chord...but you don't have to read it...I think it would be a dishonor to the victims to not fully look into and hold accountable the people responsible  for their  deaths. 

I'm looking for people to actually address my questions not just  post I said before Popular Mechanics relies heavily on the conclusions of a committee formed by the same government that I am trying to investigate. So we still must hold Popular Mechanics's arguments up to the test of logic and not just accept "the NIST said X" so therefore that's what happened.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2008, 03:03:29 AM by Lubab »
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Offline SavetheWest

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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #12 on: July 16, 2008, 03:02:22 AM »
Most Americans couldn't find Israel or Canada on a map.

Offline briann

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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #13 on: July 16, 2008, 03:03:17 AM »
I will call your bluff Lubab.

The technical part is gone over.. in quite detail by popular mechanics great article here:

Read it... and tell me what you think. 

If you really want to go into more detail... check this out:

There's no bluff to call here. I'm being perfectly honest with the way I see things.

I'll read it but I'd like to hear YOUR thoughts Brain. Please tell me which number question you are addressing and how you think it is resolved in your own words...because you can post links and so can I...and we can go on doing that all day without every really communicating.

Dissproving conspiracy theories such as this is very easy to everyone but the person who beleives it.   People who believe 9/11 conspiracies, or hollocaust denials, etc... will NEVER change their mind no matter what you say.   I can give a stormfronter 1000 pictures of jews suffering and being murdered.. and they will only believe that all of those photos were faked.

Its a fruitless effort... because those who choose to believe an extraordinary claim without extraordinary proof... are usually delusional... and think that everyone.. everywhere is lying to them.  So you can imagine my skepitisism here.

HOWEVER... pick 1 from the list and I will address it (tomorrow... since its late tonight)  Choose one from your list that you think is completely unexplainable by anything other than a cover-up, and I will do this. (JUST THIS ONCE)

Offline Lubab

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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #14 on: July 16, 2008, 03:05:06 AM »
I will call your bluff Lubab.

The technical part is gone over.. in quite detail by popular mechanics great article here:

Read it... and tell me what you think. 

If you really want to go into more detail... check this out:

There's no bluff to call here. I'm being perfectly honest with the way I see things.

I'll read it but I'd like to hear YOUR thoughts Brain. Please tell me which number question you are addressing and how you think it is resolved in your own words...because you can post links and so can I...and we can go on doing that all day without every really communicating.

Dissproving conspiracy theories such as this is very easy to everyone but the person who beleives it.   People who believe 9/11 conspiracies, or hollocaust denials, etc... will NEVER change their mind no matter what you say.   I can give a stormfronter 1000 pictures of jews suffering and being murdered.. and they will only believe that all of those photos were faked.

Its a fruitless effort... because those who choose to believe an extraordinary claim without extraordinary proof... are usually delusional... and think that everyone.. everywhere is lying to them.  So you can imagine my skepitisism here.

HOWEVER... pick 1 from the list and I will address it (tomorrow... since its late tonight)  Choose one from your list that you think is completely unexplainable by anything other than a cover-up, and I will do this. (JUST THIS ONCE)

Okay I pick #2. The one about building #7. That is one of the hardest ones for me to swallow.
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Offline muman613

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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #15 on: July 16, 2008, 03:06:49 AM »
The one thing I will say is that I blame the Clinton administration for sitting on their hands while OBL was a known terrorist with intentions to strike America. He knew where he was and due to legal red tape he was unable to capture him. There were missteps by Bush when he started but I dont think he took seriously the threat.

There were numerous reports of threats and most were not taken seriously. I dont blame Bush as much as I blame Clinton...

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
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Offline SavetheWest

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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #16 on: July 16, 2008, 03:10:08 AM »
I'm just taking a shot in the dark here but maybe the impact of both towers coming down was so strong that it knocked down the building right across the street.  The power of that debris coming down could easily rival an earthquake.  That combined with the debris hitting the face of the building from across the street could do that. 

Offline Lubab

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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #17 on: July 16, 2008, 03:10:17 AM »
Also, you can see how the US government bungled Katrina, loses your mail and can't even catch employees going to strip clubs on government credit cards.  One of the US warships in the Pacific caught fire because the whole crew was drunk and not paying attention and had to abandon ship when the fire engulfed the entire ship which never should have happened.  They also let two nuclear warheads fly over the US because of massive oversight.  There is a ton of incompetence and stupidity in government because often there is little accountability.  Also, the airports before 9/11 were a joke.  I took a flight through Ohare and they found a knife that I had on me.  The security guard told me, "I won't tell if you won't tell" and gave me back the knife. 

Also, if Bush was involved with  a conspiracy, wouldn't he have had himself doing something presidential; instead of bumbling in front of a bunch of schoolchildren?

First of all I  think the mail system is pretty darn reliable.

Second of all, there is a lot of incompetence in government, but one alternate view of these events is that not everyone in government needed to be in on the operation..just a few people at the top who give the orders...

I agree with you it's weird that Bush would be doing that if he was doing a conspiracy, but isn't it even weirder if it isn't?
Maybe Bush is dumb and Cheney and others were running things at the time and they specifically sent Bush off to do something dumb  with the kids so he wouldn't muck it up? I don't know, I'm just throwing ideas out there.

I do believe there were a host of new generals that took over that day and they weren't the usual crew. Cheney I think took charge of military operations which was unusual. I'd have to look that up and double check.
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Offline Muck DeFuslims

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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #18 on: July 16, 2008, 03:14:08 AM »
Oh please.

Why don't you make it 10 nagging questions and include:

9. Why were Israeli Mossad agents photographed celebrating the WTC collapse and why was explosives residue found in their moving van ?

10. Why did the Jews who worked at the WTC fail to show up on 9/11 ?

With all due respect Lubab, your 'nagging questions' have been dealt with-- and the suppositions and innuendo they're based on-- thoroughly debunked a million times by a variety of reliable sources.

These questions only 'nag' at those silly enough to put credence in absurd conspiracy theories, when the simple truth is that a bunch of Islamonazis attacked America and murdered 3,000 Americans.


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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #19 on: July 16, 2008, 03:14:20 AM »
I'm just taking a shot in the dark here but maybe the impact of both towers coming down was so strong that it knocked down the building right across the street.  The power of that debris coming down could easily rival an earthquake.  That combined with the debris hitting the face of the building from across the street could do that. 

Well the government claims the fire melted the steel foundation of #7. #7 came down many hours after WTC1 and 2 fell. So if that was the case why didn't it fall in the morning instead of later that afternoon. And why the sudden collapse? And why didn't we see a similiar thing happen to other buildings which were much closer to the impact of the 1 and 2's collapse?

I'm sorry but that answer for me just raises more question.

Uncanny that the only buildings which fell were all owned by the same guy though.

"It is not upon you to finish the work, nor are you free to desist from it." Rabbi Tarfon, Pirkei Avot.

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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #20 on: July 16, 2008, 03:15:21 AM »
The one thing I will say is that I blame the Clinton administration for sitting on their hands while OBL was a known terrorist with intentions to strike America. He knew where he was and due to legal red tape he was unable to capture him. There were missteps by Bush when he started but I dont think he took seriously the threat.

There were numerous reports of threats and most were not taken seriously. I dont blame Bush as much as I blame Clinton...


Totally agree.  Clinton had a shot at Osama but didn't take it because he was with a relative of one of the princes of the United Arab Emirates in Afghanistan.  He thought it would create a PR disaster and cost thousands of people their lives because of this.  Osama was on the FBI's most wanted for years and never taken truly seriously for all the people who believe he just popped up from somewhere.  You can even see his photo on the FBI's most wanted in that movie Hannibal, which was made before 9-11.  

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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #21 on: July 16, 2008, 03:15:57 AM »
Oh please.

Why don't you make it 10 nagging questions and include:

9. Why were Israeli Mossad agents photographed celebrating the WTC collapse and why was explosives residue found in their moving van ?

10. Why did the Jews who worked at the WTC fail to show up on 9/11 ?

With all due respect Lubab, your 'nagging questions' have been dealt with-- and the suppositions and innuendo they're based on-- thoroughly debunked a million times by a variety of reliable sources.

These questions only 'nag' at those silly enough to put credence in absurd conspiracy theories, when the simple truth is that a bunch of Islamonazis attacked America and murdered 3,000 Americans.


If they were answered so many times then why don't you just answer for them for me right here and I'll close the thread and even delete it just as soon as I see your logical response to all of these 8 questions.
"It is not upon you to finish the work, nor are you free to desist from it." Rabbi Tarfon, Pirkei Avot.

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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #22 on: July 16, 2008, 03:16:30 AM »
Oh please.

Why don't you make it 10 nagging questions and include:

9. Why were Israeli Mossad agents photographed celebrating the WTC collapse and why was explosives residue found in their moving van ?

10. Why did the Jews who worked at the WTC fail to show up on 9/11 ?

With all due respect Lubab, your 'nagging questions' have been dealt with-- and the suppositions and innuendo they're based on-- thoroughly debunked a million times by a variety of reliable sources.

These questions only 'nag' at those silly enough to put credence in absurd conspiracy theories, when the simple truth is that a bunch of Islamonazis attacked America and murdered 3,000 Americans.


Well, all Jews except for my brother... Im sorry to say...

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #23 on: July 16, 2008, 03:23:54 AM »
I would just point out that we have reliable people, physicists, academicians and high government officials on both sides of this debate.

So I wouldn't just assume it's only the two kids from Loose Change who think this way. It's simply not the case

Many of these people were afraid to come out about their views earlier on but have spoken out in more recent years.
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Offline SavetheWest

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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #24 on: July 16, 2008, 03:27:33 AM »
Also, you can see how the US government bungled Katrina, loses your mail and can't even catch employees going to strip clubs on government credit cards.  One of the US warships in the Pacific caught fire because the whole crew was drunk and not paying attention and had to abandon ship when the fire engulfed the entire ship which never should have happened.  They also let two nuclear warheads fly over the US because of massive oversight.  There is a ton of incompetence and stupidity in government because often there is little accountability.  Also, the airports before 9/11 were a joke.  I took a flight through Ohare and they found a knife that I had on me.  The security guard told me, "I won't tell if you won't tell" and gave me back the knife. 

Also, if Bush was involved with  a conspiracy, wouldn't he have had himself doing something presidential; instead of bumbling in front of a bunch of schoolchildren?

First of all I  think the mail system is pretty darn reliable.

Second of all, there is a lot of incompetence in government, but one alternate view of these events is that not everyone in government needed to be in on the operation..just a few people at the top who give the orders...

I agree with you it's weird that Bush would be doing that if he was doing a conspiracy, but isn't it even weirder if it isn't?
Maybe Bush is dumb and Cheney and others were running things at the time and they specifically sent Bush off to do something dumb  with the kids so he wouldn't muck it up? I don't know, I'm just throwing ideas out there.

I do believe there were a host of new generals that took over that day and they weren't the usual crew. Cheney I think took charge of military operations which was unusual. I'd have to look that up and double check.

There are countless stories of lost mail and stupidity throughout government all the time.  You hear all this criticism about Bush's lousy government making stupid mistakes and then that his Administration was behind a massive, complicated plot from the same people.  Regarding Cheney, no one in positions of power want attention like this if they're up to something.  If they keep things quiet and people are entertained and distracted, then they can get away with anything.  You kind of draw attention to yourself if you create a massive, life changing event that involves televised mass death and destruction. You will rarely hear about the real conspiracies regarding health care, Wall Street and the oil crisis. People like Bush's press secretary and others couldn't keep their mouths shut about minor matters so you think that hundreds of people would never break their silence about a conspiracy like this?