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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #275 on: July 18, 2008, 03:51:44 PM »
Hitting the greatest political centers of the US would be a win-win for a Bush-Al Queada team.

Al Queda get's to knock out a major infidel target and beome heros in the Muslim world.and Bush get's to declare Marshal law and give himself even more power to do whatever he wants and go to war with whoever he wants.

Now remember, I'm just playing devils advocate here, trying to show there is a logical argument to be made on the other side.

If you don't think it's logical, tell me why.

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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #276 on: July 18, 2008, 03:57:20 PM »

Who hijaked the planes?  The CIA?

American agents don't have the guts to kill themselves in that fashion.  You know that.

That wouldn't be necessary. The US military has the ability to hijack planes and fly them by remote control. The government has talked about staging terrorist attacks in just that manner to dispose of other dictators around the world in unclassified documents that have surfaced recently. That is one possibility.

Or it may be it was real Arabs from Al Queda who flew the ones into WTC (the easy target), and the plane that hit the pentagon wasn't really a planes at all (there was no plane wreckage found there...hole size created was too small for a plane of that size...and there was no hole where the engines there were tons of cameras rolling tape on that area that day but we've yet to see an actual plane go in there..and the gov. refused to release more tapes other than 5 still frames which don't show any plan at all) while Cheney and co. helped them out by intentionally sleeping at the wheel. 

 Lubab- GET A GRIP.
 So does Israel have little mechanisms to plant on palestinians bomber people at random, to blow them UP and blame the palestinians ANYWAY?
 Do you have ANY CLUE how SILLY this looks and sounds?
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Offline Scriabin

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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #277 on: July 18, 2008, 04:00:50 PM »

Who hijaked the planes?  The CIA?

American agents don't have the guts to kill themselves in that fashion.  You know that.

That wouldn't be necessary. The US military has the ability to hijack planes and fly them by remote control. The government has talked about staging terrorist attacks in just that manner to dispose of other dictators around the world in unclassified documents that have surfaced recently. That is one possibility.

Or it may be it was real Arabs from Al Queda who flew the ones into WTC (the easy target), and the plane that hit the pentagon wasn't really a planes at all (there was no plane wreckage found there...hole size created was too small for a plane of that size...and there was no hole where the engines there were tons of cameras rolling tape on that area that day but we've yet to see an actual plane go in there..and the gov. refused to release more tapes other than 5 still frames which don't show any plan at all) while Cheney and co. helped them out by intentionally sleeping at the wheel. 

 Lubab- GET A GRIP.
 So does Israel have little mechanisms to plant on palestinians bomber people at random, to blow them UP and blame the palestinians ANYWAY?
 Do you have ANY CLUE how SILLY this looks and sounds?

Good point.

Until this thread was started, I never considered the possibility that PLO suicide bombers could actually be controlled remotely by the Israeli Government.

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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #278 on: July 18, 2008, 04:01:20 PM »
it's the truth... why shouldn't he be serious about accepting it...?

look what you guys are missing here... is that none of the planes that hit targets... i.e. only the twin towers were actually hit by any aircraft... but neither of them were the planes that they appeared to be... they were painted to look like those planes from a  quick glance people had or might have had of them as they flew past and into their targets.... they were military planes flown by remote control... and on both undersides of these carriers missiles were attached and shot into each bldg. before impact by the planes... (this last point from the very beg. of loosechange 9/11 edition 1)... and this is true bec. as seen from eyewitnesses' accounts... people were claiming to have seen no windows on the sides and also to have thought them to be cargo planes as they said they appeared to them to have been somewhat smaller than passenger planes... however after the full-court press applied by the media propaganda machine these good people became confused into thinking they didn't see what they saw or hear what they heard... and these stories stopped being reported and people stopped coming forward with them out of fear... fear for what would happen to them and their families if they contradicted the false "official story being put forth with and by the full weight of the gov't.... also many of the ones who might have been brave enough and who bec. of their loyalty to amer. did not see or feel to have any reason at the time to discount the official line... and so did not wish to seem unpatriotic in a time of national crisis... they too let go of their contrary sightings and did not insist on trying to get the story changed... again they had no reason to assume their own gov't. was lying to them and they certainly had no reason to suspect that their own gov't. had attacked its own citizenry... but i am coming here to set the record straight so that one day justice can be administered and meted out and the victims and their families can have a true accounting as to what really happened to them and their loved ones and can see the proper people punished for these murders...

what happened to the real 2 planes is simple... they landed wherever they were sent off to when all planes were being grounded and ordered out of the sky... these 2 planes in all the turmoil and chaos were lost track of and this enabled the part of the military in on the hit against amer. to sequester these two planes wherever in a hangar and then kill the passengers and destroy the plane... (this point will be further clarified further down and emanates from a portion of the loosechange 9/11 second edition film while addressing what really happened to the penn. plane)... it didn't crash land or get shot down... see further down...

the same thing happened with the pentagon plane... there it is clear that no plane whatsoever was impacted into the bldg. even though there was a passenger jet that screamed over the site moments before the attack as witnesses claim... and there was a fighter jet seen in the area by some witnesses as well... and of course the mysterious white plane which was the command post of the gov't. run operation on 9/11 to attack their own country... many including secret service point to this plane over the white house after the day's events unfolded... the fighter jet of course fired one or two cruise missiles into the pentagon and retired... this is the famous plane that the young aide kept querying cheney about letting it get this close (10 miles out at last report) without trying to intercept it as reported by "the asian guy" secretary or transportation norman mineta who was in the bunker with cheney and gave the report of this strange back and forth between the veep and this aide... anyhow... so wherever that passenger plane ended up... the same scenario occurred... the crew and passengers were murdered and the plane decimated beyond recognition... in fact this plane and i believe the penn. plane are both still on the books as extent planes by their airlines... check this point out in lc9/11 2nd ed... and utilize that video for the next paragraph's claims as well...

now we come to penn. and here there is more evid. as to what happened to it... bec. 2 planes landed in close succession in cleveland and one plane deplaned quickly and the other not for an hour or more... and one plane went to a reg. terminal and the other was wheeled into a nasa hangar at or near that airport... and he doesn't say it outright in the tape but there is no other explanation if that was indeed the crew and passengers and plane claimed to have fallen from the sky over penn. these poor souls were all murdered so that they could not contradict the gov't.'s story... and a plane crash was very shabbily and very poorly simulated on that field and no one was buying it even at the time as stated by many of the local tv crews and anchors covering the site... even from the distance they were kept back to... they could plainly see that no plane had gone down there... nik. more to follow... out...

« Last Edit: July 18, 2008, 04:22:56 PM by nikmatdam »
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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #279 on: July 18, 2008, 04:06:07 PM »
it's the truth... why shouldn't he be serious about accepting it...?

    no, you are all trying to talk US into this screwey version of what is going on in your heads from eating too many crackers.
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Offline AsheDina

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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #280 on: July 18, 2008, 04:08:30 PM »

Who hijaked the planes?  The CIA?

American agents don't have the guts to kill themselves in that fashion.  You know that.

That wouldn't be necessary. The US military has the ability to hijack planes and fly them by remote control. The government has talked about staging terrorist attacks in just that manner to dispose of other dictators around the world in unclassified documents that have surfaced recently. That is one possibility.

Or it may be it was real Arabs from Al Queda who flew the ones into WTC (the easy target), and the plane that hit the pentagon wasn't really a planes at all (there was no plane wreckage found there...hole size created was too small for a plane of that size...and there was no hole where the engines there were tons of cameras rolling tape on that area that day but we've yet to see an actual plane go in there..and the gov. refused to release more tapes other than 5 still frames which don't show any plan at all) while Cheney and co. helped them out by intentionally sleeping at the wheel. 

 Lubab- GET A GRIP.
 So does Israel have little mechanisms to plant on palestinians bomber people at random, to blow them UP and blame the palestinians ANYWAY?
 Do you have ANY CLUE how SILLY this looks and sounds?

Good point.

Until this thread was started, I never considered the possibility that PLO suicide bombers could actually be controlled remotely by the Israeli Government.

  Well Scriabin- its a STRONG possibilty after looking at this.  ::)

  Good LRD!
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Offline syyuge

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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #281 on: July 18, 2008, 04:26:48 PM »

Loose change appears to be a Loose Talk.

It has changed its own versions so many times that by this time, it would have turned in to a laughingstock not only to the general audience but also to its own creators.
QUOTE>>  The original film was edited and re-released as Loose Change: 2nd Edition, and then subsequently re-edited again for the 2nd Edition Recut, each time to tighten the focus on certain key areas and to remove what the filmmakers have learned to be inaccuracies and copyrighted material. Loose Change: Final Cut, deemed "the third and final release of this documentary series"[7] was released on DVD and Web-streaming format on November 11, 2007.[8] This installment is a completely new film; using almost none of the same content appearing in the previous Loose Change versions. <<UNQUOTE

QUOTE>>  Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone has written that the "9/11 truth movement": "gives supporters of Bush an excuse to dismiss critics of this administration. I have no doubt that every time one of those Loose Change dickwads opens his mouth, a Republican somewhere picks up five votes.  <<UNQUOTE

QUOTE>> According to George Monbiot, "The film's greatest flaw is this: the men who made it are still alive. If the US government is running an all-knowing, all-encompassing conspiracy, why did it not snuff them out long ago? There is only one possible explanation. They are in fact agents of the Bush regime, employed to distract people from its real abuses of power. This, if you are inclined to believe such stories, is surely a more plausible theory than the one proposed in Loose Change. <<UNQUOTE

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Offline nikmatdam

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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #282 on: July 18, 2008, 04:35:19 PM »
don't give me other people's takes on those films... go to you tube to see the first edition... and then to the loosechange9/11 site to see both #2 and the final cut #3... then come back on here and tell us how it is all just a bunch of hooey... until then don't bring us any hearsay... ok...? nik. out...
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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #283 on: July 18, 2008, 04:35:44 PM »
If US admnstrtn would have been so smart as suggested by loose change, they would have done everything with Iran by now.

With Regards... :)
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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #284 on: July 18, 2008, 04:40:42 PM »
don't give me other people's takes on those films... go to you tube to see the first edition... and then to the loosechange9/11 site to see both #2 and the final cut #3... then come back on here and tell us how it is all just a bunch of hooey... until then don't bring us any hearsay... ok...? nik. out...

But then why they needed to change it over the long years for so many times? Obviously a plethora of seemingly fruitful afterthoughts.

With Regards... :)
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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #285 on: July 18, 2008, 04:43:52 PM »
don't give me other people's takes on those films... go to you tube to see the first edition... and then to the loosechange9/11 site to see both #2 and the final cut #3... then come back on here and tell us how it is all just a bunch of hooey... until then don't bring us any hearsay... ok...? nik. out...

    :P :P :P :P :P
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Offline nikmatdam

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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #286 on: July 18, 2008, 04:53:34 PM »
look... it's the way it is... the one they put in charge somewhere stops playing ball... or a better dictator thug for them comes along... or a better system to put in place... like communism in eastern europe was perfect for the capitalist nazis of the west so they helped arrange it to happen... and then it was good to have islamic terror spread from iran so they made that move when they needed to... and what should they have done with iran by now already...? they are on the verge... the very brink of nuking israel right now as we speak!!! i don't know why they have delayed this long in just going for all-out war and martial law in amer. they could have done this years ago already since 2000 without any of us being able to do a damn thing to stop them... maybe Hashem keeps foiling their plans and making it appear as not yet the right time... or maybe it isn't quite yet good to go for it bec. there is still something or someone out there that they haven't neutralized yet and so they are still caught up working on these loose ends... i'm not the slime... so i have no freakin' idea why they haven't flipped the switch yet and gone haywire on all of us globally... but they will... given enough time they will... just like they did by ww1 and even worse by ww2... ww3 is coming... any day now... G-d forbid... nik. out...
« Last Edit: July 18, 2008, 04:56:08 PM by nikmatdam »
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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #287 on: July 18, 2008, 05:00:16 PM »
look... it's the way it is... the one they put in charge somewhere stops playing ball... or a better dictator thug for them comes along... or a better system to put in place... like communism in eastern europe was perfect for the capitalist nazis of the west so they helped arrange it to happen... and then it was good to have islamic terror spread from iran so they made that move when they needed to... and what should they have done with iran by now already...? they are on the verge... the very brink of nuking israel right now as we speak!!! i don't know why they have delayed this long in just going for all-out war and martial law in amer. they could have done this years ago already since 2000 without any of us being able to do a damn thing to stop them... maybe Hashem keeps foiling their plans and making it appear as not yet the right time... or maybe it isn't quite yet good to go for it bec. there is still something or someone out there that they haven't neutralized yet and so they are still caught up working on these loose ends... i'm not the slime... so i have no freakin' idea why they haven't flipped the switch yet and gone haywire on all of us globally... but they will... given enough time they will... just like they did by ww1 and even worse by ww2... ww3 is coming... any day now... G-d forbid... nik. out...

Thanx, here I mostly agree with you Respected Nik.

With Regards... :)
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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #288 on: July 18, 2008, 05:01:33 PM »
ok... and i salute and applaud your intellectual honesty... nik.
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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #289 on: July 18, 2008, 05:10:57 PM »
look... it's the way it is... the one they put in charge somewhere stops playing ball... or a better dictator thug for them comes along... or a better system to put in place... like communism in eastern europe was perfect for the capitalist nazis of the west so they helped arrange it to happen... and then it was good to have islamic terror spread from iran so they made that move when they needed to... and what should they have done with iran by now already...? they are on the verge... the very brink of nuking israel right now as we speak!!! i don't know why they have delayed this long in just going for all-out war and martial law in amer. they could have done this years ago already since 2000 without any of us being able to do a damn thing to stop them... maybe Hashem keeps foiling their plans and making it appear as not yet the right time... or maybe it isn't quite yet good to go for it bec. there is still something or someone out there that they haven't neutralized yet and so they are still caught up working on these loose ends... i'm not the slime... so i have no freakin' idea why they haven't flipped the switch yet and gone haywire on all of us globally... but they will... given enough time they will... just like they did by ww1 and even worse by ww2... ww3 is coming... any day now... G-d forbid... nik. out...

  Nik... HaShem will NOT allow man to destroy what HE created.
  thats all. the rest eidted.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2008, 07:33:40 AM by Paulette »
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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #290 on: July 18, 2008, 05:13:02 PM »
so then why are you ragging on me so much...? i don't get you...? nik.
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Offline AsheDina

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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #291 on: July 18, 2008, 05:23:52 PM »
so then why are you ragging on me so much...? i don't get you...? nik.

 Yes, you are like a pimple that refuses to POP. Im NOT nagging on you- you just needed to SMILE a little BIT FERCRYINGOUTLOUD.
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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #292 on: July 18, 2008, 07:25:12 PM »

Who hijaked the planes?  The CIA?

American agents don't have the guts to kill themselves in that fashion.  You know that.

That wouldn't be necessary. The US military has the ability to hijack planes and fly them by remote control. The government has talked about staging terrorist attacks in just that manner to dispose of other dictators around the world in unclassified documents that have surfaced recently. That is one possibility.

Or it may be it was real Arabs from Al Queda who flew the ones into WTC (the easy target), and the plane that hit the pentagon wasn't really a planes at all (there was no plane wreckage found there...hole size created was too small for a plane of that size...and there was no hole where the engines there were tons of cameras rolling tape on that area that day but we've yet to see an actual plane go in there..and the gov. refused to release more tapes other than 5 still frames which don't show any plan at all) while Cheney and co. helped them out by intentionally sleeping at the wheel. 

 Lubab- GET A GRIP.
 So does Israel have little mechanisms to plant on palestinians bomber people at random, to blow them UP and blame the palestinians ANYWAY?
 Do you have ANY CLUE how SILLY this looks and sounds?

Nope! Those are real Arab Nazi terrorists.

The fact that you guys keep trying to put words into my mouth shows I"m not dealing with the most intellectuall honest people in the world. It's a strawman argument, and I see right through your mockery. It's not a form of argument.

« Last Edit: July 18, 2008, 07:28:34 PM by Lubab »
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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #293 on: July 18, 2008, 07:30:02 PM »
so then why are you ragging on me so much...? i don't get you...? nik.

 Yes, you are like a pimple that refuses to POP. Im NOT nagging on you- you just needed to SMILE a little BIT FERCRYINGOUTLOUD.

You agree there's a holocoust being planned and Marhall Law pending and you want him to "Smile A Little Bit". Forgive me if I don't find that a bit strange.
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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #294 on: July 18, 2008, 07:42:04 PM »
so then why are you ragging on me so much...? i don't get you...? nik.

 Yes, you are like a pimple that refuses to POP. Im NOT nagging on you- you just needed to SMILE a little BIT FERCRYINGOUTLOUD.

You agree there's a holocoust being planned and Marhall Law pending and you want him to "Smile A Little Bit". Forgive me if I don't find that a bit strange.

  PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM ALSO A PERSON THAT HaShem uses as a TOOL for WARNING, but there is a time and place- NOT EVERY DAY, DAY IN AND DAY OUT. You know it too, and TODAY is Shabbat- a day for CELEBRATING. Look how many insane pages this has taken, there is BALANCE LUBAB, Balance! And I ALWAYS take up for Nik, so dont go there!  I do audios here and I WEEP FOR THIS NATION, so DONT TELL ME!
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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #295 on: July 18, 2008, 07:43:52 PM »

Who hijaked the planes?  The CIA?

American agents don't have the guts to kill themselves in that fashion.  You know that.

That wouldn't be necessary. The US military has the ability to hijack planes and fly them by remote control. The government has talked about staging terrorist attacks in just that manner to dispose of other dictators around the world in unclassified documents that have surfaced recently. That is one possibility.

Or it may be it was real Arabs from Al Queda who flew the ones into WTC (the easy target), and the plane that hit the pentagon wasn't really a planes at all (there was no plane wreckage found there...hole size created was too small for a plane of that size...and there was no hole where the engines there were tons of cameras rolling tape on that area that day but we've yet to see an actual plane go in there..and the gov. refused to release more tapes other than 5 still frames which don't show any plan at all) while Cheney and co. helped them out by intentionally sleeping at the wheel. 

 Lubab- GET A GRIP.
 So does Israel have little mechanisms to plant on palestinians bomber people at random, to blow them UP and blame the palestinians ANYWAY?
 Do you have ANY CLUE how SILLY this looks and sounds?

Nope! Those are real Arab Nazi terrorists.

The fact that you guys keep trying to put words into my mouth shows I"m not dealing with the most intellectuall honest people in the world. It's a strawman argument, and I see right through your mockery. It's not a form of argument.

And.............................MY points are NOT A "form of mockery"  au contraire.... YOURS ARE.
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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #296 on: July 20, 2008, 01:09:22 AM »
you guys got nothin'... not a one o' yuz can stay with me on this... come on bry... you said you were gonna bring me some... let's see it... the u.s. elite scum slime nazi bastards that run this country killed 3000 of their fellow citizens in cold-blood on one day... but hey this all chump change compared what they are preparing to do withal of us good folks... jews and gentiles alike here in the good ol' usofa... and what they have in store for israel... and 9/11 was certainly child's play compared with what their fathers and grandfathers generations did in ww1&2... which was manufactured by them and designed by them to produce the net genocide which they both yielded and is still the script for the fast-coming on ww3... lo alenu... G-d forfend... so being shocked at my scenario for 9/11 is completely ludicrous... considering how many millions were slaughtered during the course of the 20th century and how many more are in their current slime-generation's sights for the decades to come here in the 21st century... if we refuse to open our eye and to stand up against them... nik.out...
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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #297 on: July 20, 2008, 03:28:56 AM »
There's another compelling theory other than controlled demolition about how those towers came down.

And that is that a chemical was used on the steel beams to sever them...I think it's called anthrax and some of the sparks coming off the building apparently have the same characteristics.

If those steel beams were compromised in advance with that chemical that would support a pancaking theory and would get us around the unlikely scenario that the little jet fuel remaining after the initial explosion melted enough steel to bring the entire building down that fast.

I still find that very hard to believe. You'd need to show me another building made out of steel that collapsed that way just from a regular fire before I can begin to wrap my mind around that one.

This is insane.  This sounds like a fantasy novel you're working on.  You are just jumping from one thing to the next Lubab, because you are desperately trying to find a formula that adds up to "cheney et al are guilty."  Truth is, the Muslims are guilty as we will see....

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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #298 on: July 20, 2008, 03:34:55 AM »
You'd need to show me another building made out of steel that collapsed that way just from a regular fire before I can begin to wrap my mind around that one.

But it wasn't 'just a regular fire.'   A plane crashed into a building going 500 mph.   And furthermore, the building didn't collapse just from a regular fire.  No one is claiming that.   This is the inherent problem with 9/11 "truthers"    Built-in straw men.   They fight straw men so hard that people come to believe the straw man is the actual us govt claim.   

I will repeat.   No one is claiming that fire melted steel.  And you cannot compare what happened to the twin towers to a normal fire in a steel building.  That would be quite odd for people of sane minds.   But not so odd for people who are already convinced the us govt did it and are looking for a way to pin it on them. 

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Re: 8 Nagging Questions About 9-11
« Reply #299 on: July 20, 2008, 03:50:29 AM »
Now I do not go in to the words and meanings of what Respected Lubab and Respected Nik are saying, rather I try to see the essence or spirit behind it.

I feel the pains of the world and history in them, which are beyond contradictions and discussions. Such matters can be thoroughly discussed, but then I think that only the almighty_ has answers to such things.

With Regards... :)

There are thunders and sparks in the skies, because Faraday invented the electricity.