According to a british rabbi - and I think he's right. Most Americans cannot pronounce an Oh. The vowel doesn't exist in the american accent. He said americans can't pronounce hebrew.
If you ever hear - *in a british accent* words like Boris, Orange, On, Off, Dock. In a british accent, I think it's the cholam you describe(mouth in that position).
Which, I think is the Sfardi cholam.
According to this british rabbi, there is absolutely no difference between the Sfardi cholam and the ashkenazi kamatz. That's my experience as a british jew too.
I know you disagreed on that.
(forget the ashkenazi cholam, I know that has issues. But my interest is the ashkenazi kamatz and the Sfardi cholam)
Could you give some examples of how in ashkenazi and Sfardi, the following words are pronunced, in your opinion, -
The following In Sfardi (i'm interested in the cholam)
אֹרֶךּ אָחוֹת קָרוֹב
And the following in ashkenazi(i'm interested in the kamatz)
שַׁבָּת בָּמָה יְשׁוּעָה קָרוֹב