You know- its NOT the Jews that the fight is with- it is 'jihad' the name of their site, she was lying in WAIT, to turn it on the Jews- WHAT A FOOL! Who the hell does she think has been fighting them off? JEWS HAVE. In Israel- decade after decade- what an IDIOTTTTTTTTTTT.
And she won't let it go. Now she is saying the Jews don't recognize all the other groups of people who suffered under the Nazis.
Even when Briann called her out about her Talmud lies, she said she would have to study about Talmud on her own.
That would be good except for the sources she gravitates to. 
well.. this argument can be addressed/refuted very nicely.
jews tend to focus on jewish deaths for a very simple reason. Not mere only caring about the family.
Around 50% or 60% of european jews were murdered by the nazis.
The impact on the jews was huge. Jews have big holes in their family tree.
People have grandparents or great grandparents with 10 brothers and sisters 8 of whome were murdered.
Other peoples murdered by the nazis do not stress the fact that they were murdered. Because they really were not hit at a % like that. The % made it so traumatic..
You can't expect jews to mention all the groups that died in the holocaust more than other groups do.
homosexuals, gypsies. They don't talk about being killed in the holocaust. for the simple reason of the % I mentioned.
so don't expect jews to
and btw.. and this story is not really for the anti-semite. But one of my friends at a jewish school, sat there in amusement as a girl discussed all the groups murdered by the nazis and forgot to mention jews. It was obviously particularly this kind of anti-semitism that gave her a sort of self hating description of the holocaust. She didn't even notice. But it really takes the mickey.
The % arguemnt I mentioned, I think answers her very nicely.
jews are one group that DO defend other groups..
for example. we have the ADL - anti defamation league, which aims to fight anti-semitism and ALL FORMS OF DISCRIMINATION. Now, we don't agree with the way they operate. But that's not the point.
and interestingly, one erason why these pluralistic organisations are set up, is because jews, unlike blacks or any other group, are always accused of only caring about their own.
the reality is that liberal jews in particular, care about everybody else other than their own..
while other groups like blacks and so on, only care about their own.
some orthodox jews also only care about their own, and that's fair. We live in a society where every other grou only care about their own, so don't just blame them!