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American Hindu friend
Glad to hear! Also, what do you think of Joe Lieberman? I'm pro-Israel and all, but I don't like Lieberman because he is a Socialist Democrat. Socialism is the most pathetic idea ever conceived. It tries to subvert the laws of nature, but it can never succeed. For example, the law of supply and demand is at the very core of economics, yet the socialists refuse to accept it, and the Dems believe they can outperform the free market through government (mis)management. These days even Republicans support most of the various government interventions into the economy that the Democrats support. No Jew should be a socialist given how the socialist regimes have treated the Jews, whether it be National Socialism or Communism. They should all be capitalist.
I am a Hindu capitalist. Why is India so backward today? Because of socialism. The Israelis were smart to ditch socialism and adopt capitalism (actually I guess all countries have some socialism but relatively speaking, Israel has more free-market policies than India). Arabs love socialism. So do many Europeans. In the end, G-d will punish the socialist nations and reward the capitalist nations because the capitalist nations don't try to subvert his authority. You don't even have to be religious to realize that. I am not particularly religious but any scientist should recognize that there is a natural order not just in physical things but in the social sciences like economics and politics. G-d will punish socialist Europe by bringing economic catastrophe to them, as well as to the Arab nations. He will also punish America for not having a sound money system, unless we do something about it immediately: Stop deficit spending, stop wasteful spending, restore the gold standard, end the federal reserve system etc. This whole financial system is built on endless debt, but I think America will absorb the shocks better because of the free market.
The Arab countries will sink once oil runs out. Hopefully by then we will have other energy sources that can make up for the oil that we currently use. India is struggling to meet its energy needs, but at the same time most Indians don't want to make any deals with the oil-producing Muslim countries like Iran because we know the Muslims are trying to kill Indians, Jews and Americans and we don't want anything to do with that. I was wondering what you think about the nuclear talks between the US and India. Do you think a nuclear deal with the US could help India meet its energy needs? I am not an expert in this area, so anyone in this field could help me.
The one thing I do know for sure is that bin Laden mentioned his three main enemies are (in order): United States, Israel, and India. Therefore, our three countries should stand united against terrorism. We should crush terrorism wherever it appears, and wherever the Muslims are, that's where it appears. Agreed?
We don't care much for Lieberman either.
It sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders, Vikram.
Vikram you seem to have a very similar standing as JTF.
We must find alternative to petroleum and natural gas, and when we would, the Arabs are really screwed. The most urgent task though is to stop Iran nuclear program, and this can only be done by force.
Hi Vikram and welcome!
--- Quote from: Zelhar on July 22, 2008, 04:52:37 PM ---Vikram you seem to have a very similar standing as JTF.
We must find alternative to petroleum and natural gas, and when we would, the Arabs are really screwed. The most urgent task though is to stop Iran nuclear program, and this can only be done by force.
--- End quote ---
I agree that we should stop Iran's nuclear program by force. But what about the Pakistanis who helped them get that nuclear technology (I have no doubt in my mind that the biggest contribution to Iranian nuclear ambitions was made by the Pakis), what do you think we should do about them? See, I agree with the neoconservatives that we need to prevent Islamic nations from getting nukes, but yet I never hear a word about stopping Pakistan from proliferating...why is that? As a supporter of the US/Israel/India alliance, I want to see ALL terrorist Islamic nations give up their nuclear ambitions, and the one Islamic nation that does have nukes is the greatest threat to allowing these nations to get nukes. Don't you agree?
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