There are a lot of anti-semitic people there, but not all of them are such.
Remember, we here at JTF are no supporters of the Mossad either, that doesn't make us anti-semites.
People like Nik and Chamish also think the Mossad helped out with 9-11, and those are not anti-semitic people.
Whether it's antisemitic or not, IT'S INSANE!
Where is a single document, evidence or any element of proof that Mossad had anything to do with 9/11?
THere is none!
Why don't you ask them why they believe that? I'm sure they'd happily respond to you.
Lubab, please don't patronize me. I have read into this. I have read various propaganda sites and 9/11 myths. There is no case so flimsy as the mossad angle. IT HAS NO EVIDENCE. It's as if taken from a science fiction novel.
But Lubab, why are you a shill for it? You think it's so credible and believable and they 'have their reasons' why is that? Have YOU ever seen any indication or evidence that Mossad is implicated? If not, why so reactionary to defend nik and chamish about a belief in mossad doing 9/11? You seem to want to say well, if they believe it there has to be a good reason, you're just not looking at the reason or the evidence KWR. If that's so, you can make that argument about EVERY insane and incorrect theory in the world and then nothing can ever possibly be wrong as long as one person out there believes it - he has his reasons.
It's unfortunate to have to make this comparison but it's a valid one: The way that the 9/11 truthers dream up their conclusions in complete contradiction to overwhelming evidence and fact, in the face of countless sources proving them wrong, is very much like the holocaust deniers who ALSO contradict all known reality and magnify some bizarre point here and a complaint there to weave some huge story only to suit their PRECONCEIVED notion that it didn't occur. The same is done by the 9/11 truthers to fit the preconceived notion that the govt did it.
Lubab, bring every argument in the book about how evil and Jew-hating the administration is, from condi to bush to all the rest trying to carve up Israel. I don't deny that. They are sick. But you cannot then just jump to the conclusion that Well, you see, since they are so bad, they did 9/11. No, this contradicts the evidence.
I would love to discuss evidence with you but it's not allowed here. You are allowed to bash and mock my views and I can't respond with evidence.
That's the new rule.
But without getting into the details of the debate I will just say that it's a complete joke to compare this to holocoust denial.
You may not be aware but I can point you to some internet debates that have been raging for 9 months and countless pages(and counting) between some very knowledgeable engineers, physicists, scientists about issues like what could've caused Building #7 to collapse like that, whether a below average pilot could've made a turn like that, whether those kinds of planes used could've even reached those speeds etc.
It's not like there is one video and then there's an article debunking it and that's the end of it...there are many many issues here with videos about each one and then videos debunking the debunking and then videos that debunk the debunking of the debunking and this has been going back and forth for years now and I've been watching the debates. They're not arguing about Jews or Mossad, they're just arguing about the science of it and whether it makes sense.
That's why I'm still on the fence on the issue. Because there are people who know a heck of a lot more about science physics, building construction, demolition and piloting on BOTH sides of the issues. It's very natural to look for a resolution to this kind of historic issue.
Google: Pilots for 9-11 Truth
Google: Architects and Engineers for 9-11 truth
Google: Scholars for 9-11 truth
Read what they say. These are real pilots, engineers, scholars and architects who have doubts about the official story.
You will see this debate is not as you think it is. It's got a lot of very intelligent people on both sides, though you may have chosen not to give the other side a fair chance...these facts remain.