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Ask TakeBackOurTemple
--- Quote from: takebackourtemple on April 12, 2009, 08:55:39 PM ---You pretty much have poisonous snakes everywhere. The only real difference is that they don't hibernate half the year.
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In Texas we have venomous snakes like rattlesnakes, cottonmouth, coral snakes, and copperheads. However I heard in Florida you can find all kinds of snakes from huge Burmese pythons on the loose, to exotic cobras and mambas.
I haven't seen a single snake since I moved down here. The closest I've come was going to a rest stop along the highway that had warning signs about them. Up north I would see snakes all over the place. I'm not sure which ones were venomous.
--- Quote from: takebackourtemple on April 30, 2009, 08:23:59 PM ---I haven't seen a single snake since I moved down here. The closest I've come was going to a rest stop along the highway that had warning signs about them. Up north I would see snakes all over the place. I'm not sure which ones were venomous.
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Most of the dangerous snakes we have up here in New York walk on two feet. The few that slither on the ground are Garden Snakes and are completely harmless. ;D
I remember camping in West Virginia one night. There were huge snakes up in the trees. They must have been around 5 feet long. With their size, they probably wouldn't even need venom to be dangerous. From what I hear, the water snakes are the most dangerous. I've been in quarries with pretty large snakes swimming around. They are more scared of humans, but I wouldn't want to be attacked by one anyway.
I like snakes but I wouldn't want to be too close to a venomous one unless someone else was controlling the head end.
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