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--- Quote from: Mishmaat on July 26, 2008, 11:27:23 PM ---Are you Ashkenazi?
--- End quote ---
Technically I am, but I just see myself as just Jewish. I'm not a fan of divisions between the Ashkenazi and Sephardi. I will go to either type of services. Sephardi services are harder to find but they are a nice change every once in a while when I want something different from the usual. Their food is always interesting.
I beleive in Jewish unity, but not at the expense of destroying the religion. At one point in time I had view of unity when it came to orthodox, conservative and reform. There were a few things I liked about the non-orthodox but the problem is I can't just pick the good things and leave the bad out. It wasn't until I went to a few of their services that I saw what they were really doing. I remember once being invited to a place for succot. It was in relation to a JCC which had advertised Glatt Kosher food. The synagogue was really a church. I shouldn't have gone in, but did not want to be disrespectful. When I did go in, I found out the food was not Kosher, but was potluck. I think the JCC provided one dish from a kosher caterer which was mixed in with everything else. Everyone was ultra left wing there. They prayed in a room full of crosses. Instead of prayers they had hippie songs from the 60s which were done with a microphone. The so-called woman rabbi was in her 50s/60s but acted like she was still in her 20s. This was probably the most unkosher place I ever went to. I went to a few other places which were not as extreme. Someone invited me to BJ once. I initially enjoyed the dancing and the music, but later realized this was not Judaism but a pagan perversion of it. Finally when I went to a place that did a Yartziet for MLK, that was the last straw.
Sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders.
Do you intend to make Alliyah?
Some day. I need to learn Hebrew first and need to convince my family to make Alliya with me. I know I have my excusses, but I also regonize that it is the right thing to do. The problem is that it is not easy to just pack up and leave. I know that if I do pack up and leave my expenses will be higher and my income lower. I sure wish the current goverment was not as socialistic as it is. Why hard working Israelis have to pay taxes to fund Muslim Nazis who want to kill them is beyond what as I can see as logical reasoning. I guess my only valid excuse is that I don't want to pay taxes there to fund Muslim Nazi terrorists.
Where is a nice non-touristy part of Florida to visit? (Preferably with a beach)
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