Author Topic: Srebrenica was a Muslim Nazi HOAX - JTF'ers please take note!!  (Read 2698 times)

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The Massive Hitler style "Big Lie" spread by the US and NATO Imperialist Globalists -and their paid media prostitutes - about what happened in Srebrenica from 1992 to 1995.

Shalom & Greetings to all the wonderful people at JTF.

There have been some comments here by certain well meaning people on JTF trying to defend the Bosnian Serbs by saying that the Serbs only "massacred" such and such number of Bosnian Muslims.This is a very dangerous - and ultimately self-defeating - way of attempting to defend true history -and with it, the heroic Serbs.

For example, one very well meaning and intelligent person here by the name of George wrote the following:

"...even UN Investigation cannot prove that no more than 2,200 muslims were massacred."

This is not correct. Those 2,200 bodies are not even identified by DNA analysis as conclusively proven to be Bosnian Muslims. 

Not only that but there  was NO DNA investigation performed to prove conclusively that those bodies were not the bodies of the 2,000+ Serbs slaughtered by Naser Oric's thugs during 1992 and 1993:

the total number of Serbs in Srebrenica TORTURED and SLAUGHTERED by Bosnian Muslim Nazis Alija Izetbegovic and Naser Oric from March 1992 to July 1995 total 3,870 people - most of them elderly women, men and very young children - some as young as 4 years of age and under!

There was never a shred of forensic evidence ever presented to prove that even ONE Muslim was executed by the VRS (Republic of Srpska - Bosnian Serb army).

Yes, you read that correctly: NATO's ICTY kangaroo court in the Hague failed to produce even a shred of evidence to support the charge that even ONE Bosnian Muslim was executed!!

Not one eye-witness was EVER presented during July 1995 who said that they saw with their own eyes a SINGLE atrocity by VRS forces take place.

This was even reported in the British press at the time!! (July, 1995)

Hubert Wieland, personal representative of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, told the [UK] Daily Telegraph (July 24, 1995, electronic edition):

"we have not found anyone who saw with their own eyes an atrocity taking place."

Do a Google search on "Hubert Wieland" "Srebrenica"

Also Google this: "Schouten" "Bratunac"

and this: "Carlos Martins Branco" "Srebrenica" "Hoax"

In reality there is no such thing as a "UN" investigation regarding the events in Srebrenica in July, 1995.

The Hague ICTY [International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia] is NOT - I repeat NOT- a legal United Nations body at all but a Kangaroo Court set up by NATO: the dominant permananent NATO members being the US, UK, France sitting on the Security Council.

Under the United Nations Charter, the Security Council is NOT legally allowed to set up any kind of ad hoc "tribunal" - only the members of the UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY can do so.

The US and NATO knew that the overwhelming majority of UN General Assembly would never agree to such a phony kangaroo "court" so they - the US, France and UK - ILLEGALLY pushed it through the Security Council.

Who was behind the push to have the ICTY created? Why it was none other than that satanic witch named Madeleine Albright (aptly referred to by her critics as Meddlin Halfbright) who had her sorry butt - and that of her parents - saved by the Serbs in Serbia during the Holocaust.

To see - as in PHOTOGRAPHS - of what the Bosnian Muslim Nazis - led by Izetbegovic and Oric - did to 3,870 Serbs in Srebrenica and Gorazde from 1992 to 1995 , visit this link:

If 7 to 8 thousand “men and boys” were executed at close range by AK-47 military assault rifles and dumped in mass graves, there would have been by now - after over 13 years of time elapsed - 7 to 8 thousand Bosnian Muslim male corpses all with bullets in their backs or heads which would have been dug up and forensically examined.

This of course has never happened as 7 to 8 thousand bodies showing signs of execution were NEVER FOUND.

The place was crawling with UN troops, media people from many different countries, NATO+EU+ CIA/MI6 operatives, was being filmed & photographed by unmanned aerial reconnaisance vehicles, photographed by CIA spy satellites,etc.

Hiding and disposing of 8,000 bodies under all this surveillance without being detected would be about as likely as launching an elephant to the moon with a sling shot.

Even the Dutch troops headed by Captain Schouten who came on the scene shortly afterwards in the adjoining village of Bratunac said they never saw any evidence of a large scale massacre.

Here is a statement made by Dutch UN Captain Schouten:

"Everybody is parroting everybody, but nobody shows hard evidence. I notice that in the Netherlands people want to prove at all costs that genocide has been committed. (...) If executions have taken place, the Serbs have been hiding it damn well. Thus, I don’t believe any of it. The day after the collapse of Srebrenica, July 13, I arrived in Bratunac and stayed there for eight days. I was able to go wherever I wanted to. I was granted all possible assistance; nowhere was I stopped."

Captain Schouten was the only UN military officer in Bratunac - a town adjoining Srebrenica - at the time a massacre is alleged.

A commander of the Izetbegovic Muslim-dominated Army of BiH (Bosnia-Herzegovina) later confirmed to parliament in Sarajevo that 5,000 BiH troops ESCAPED LARGELY INTACT to Tuzla while the UN itself registered some 35,632 civilian survivors.

The population of Srebrenica was - according to the media + NATO/EU governments - was 40,632 people.

Add the figure of 35,632 registered AFTER the capture of the town to a minimum of 5,000 Izetbegovic Bosnian Islamist troops who had managed to escape - according to what the Izetbegovic government army spokespeople themselves admitted to the Sarajevo parliament - and you end up with 40,632 people: the very same population of Srebrenica before its capture by the Bosnian Serb VRS.

But if we believe what the ICTY + NATO/EU governments + media are trying to make us believe: 35,632 Bosnian Muslim “survivors” + 5,000 admitted by Izetbegovic’s people to have escaped = 40,632 to which we have to add 8,000 Bosnian Muslim males supposedly massacred = 48,632 people, which is 8,000 MORE people than even existed as the population of Srebrenica (40,632) according to the UN's own figures, prior to its capture.

Please note that it was NOT the Serbs who claimed that 5,000 Muslim men escaped to Tuzla. It was Izetbegovic's BiH government army spokesmen & the International Committe of the Red Cross [ICRC] & the Western media who made that claim.

ICRC (International Committe of the Red Cross)& media press reports back in August-September 1995, categorically stated that roughly 3,000 of Izetbegovic’s troops made it safely to Tuzla (a Muslim controlled town) and were re-incorporated into the Bosnian (Muslim) Army and I quote the ICRC here:

“without their families being informed”.

Izetbegovic’s own Bosnian government army spokespeople said at the time that a further 5,000 Srebrenica men made it safely through to Bosnian Muslim lines!! (now you can understand how they came up with the figure of 8,000 supposedly executed:

5,000 who “went missing” but instead made it safely to Muslim lines + 3,000 who also “went missing” according to the ICRC but who were later re-incorporated into the Bosnian Muslim army of Izetbegovic “without their families being informed” as the ICRC itself later stated to the media)

Within a week of the takeover of Srebrenica (July 18, 1995) one learns from the New York Times report that:

“Some 3,000 to 4,000 Bosnian Muslims who were considered by UN officials to be missing after the fall of Srebrenica HAVE MADE THEIR WAY THROUGH ENEMY LINES TO BOSNIAN GOVERNMENT TERRITORY. The group, which included wounded refugees, sneaked past Serb lines under fire and crossed some 30 miles through forests to safety.”

(Chris Hedges; Conflict in the Balkans: In Bosnia; Muslim Refugees Slip Across Serb Lines; New York Times; July 18, 1995, p. 7.)

May the G-d's honest TRUTH set us all free.

Shalom,Shalom from your dear friends:

Joshua,Peter,Nathan and Felix from