Author Topic: DAVID HA'IVRI- AN OPEN LETTER TO BARACK OBAMA  (Read 1071 times)

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Offline Cyberella

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« on: July 27, 2008, 12:06:34 AM »
 24 Tammuz 5768, July 27, '08   

  David Ha'ivri

An Open Letter to Barack Obama
by David Ha'ivri

We know who you are and who your friends are.

Barack Obama, why don't you just go home?

Barack, your visit here is just a waste of time; you're not wanted or needed here. We'll do just fine without you and you'll probably do better with out us, too. Don't come around here making as if you're looking out for the good of Israel. We know who you are and who your friends are. Zigzagging back and forth about dividing or un-dividing
Zigzagging back and forth about dividing or un-dividing Jerusalem won't clear your history.
Jerusalem won't clear your history.

I'm not talking about your middle name. Any good Christian might have the middle name Hussein (although I can't think of any others). We won't hold that against you. There are worse things than having an Arab name; like for instance being supported by a known Jew-hater, bigot Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam, who among other statements has accused the Jews of bringing on the Holocaust through cooperation with Hitler - "They helped him get the Third Reich on the road." But, of course, it would be wrong to hold that against you, because you haven't been rallying for his support (recently).

We can't really blame you for the beliefs of Father Michael Pfleger, who embraces Black Liberation Theology, which claims that Jesus was Black - so the Jews have no claim to Israel and, therefore, the Muslims are the rightful heirs of the Holy Land. Those beliefs have nothing to do with you, aside from the fact that you have coined the man your "moral compass." But one must admit that Pfleger is not your only mentor and also is not alone in looking up to Farrakhan.

Your spiritual mentor is Reverend Jeremiah Wright, who has praised Jimmy Carter for denouncing Zionism. Last year, the Trumpet Newsmagazine of Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ gave the Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. Trumpeter Award to Louis Farrakhan and said that he is a man who "truly epitomized greatness." You are a member of that Church and Jeremiah Wright is its leader and your spiritual adviser.

Now you won't go so far as to criticize Jimmy Carter, not even for meeting with the heads of Hamas, because, to paraphrase your words, "It's not your place to criticize him." That is, not until the next day, when you were seeking the support of Jewish leaders. Then you must have found a new place for criticism. Aren't the Jews great for giving a guy a new vision and a sense of self-confidence? Is that what you meant by, "It's time for change"?

Barack Hussein, we won't hold it against you. But can you tell us what you mean by supporting a Palestinian State along side Israel? Do you mean a replay of the ethnic cleansing of Jews from Gaza three years ago? Do you foresee soldiers carrying men, women and children away from their homes, which are to be demolished by bulldozers? Palestinian rule brought on the endless rocket fire on Sderot and the thousands of Jewish refugees who have yet to find permanent homes or means of a steady income. Is that your vision of a new hope that Farakkhan's Final Call website praises you for?

Barack Hussein, why don't you just go home? Your visit to Israel this week is not because you're looking out for the wellbeing of Israel and the Jewish people. You're coming to Israel looking for the Jewish vote; your goal is to
Don't use us or our land as a photo-op.
speak with the Jewish American voters through the press coverage of this tour to the holy land. You want them to think that you took the time off from your busy campaign to further peace in the Middle East. Your hope is that enough stupid Jews will misread the message and take it as an act of support for Israel.

Don't use us or our land as a photo-op to transmit a twisted call for support to Jewish-American voters. You don't fool us. We know who you and your friends are.

Barack Hussein, why don't you just go home? But on the way out, remember the words you heard here from the proud Jewish settlers in Judea and Samaria: "This is our land!" We are back after two thousand years of forced exile and we are not about to leave it again.
19 Tammuz 5768 / 22 July 08

David Ha'ivri is the author of "Reclaiming the Temple Mount" and publisher of the "Ideas in Action" newsletter and books teaching Jewish pride and faith in HaShem. He lives with his wife Molly and their seven children in Kfar Tapuach in the Shomron, where he serves as the town youth counselor.


Offline GoIsraelGo!

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« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2008, 04:17:30 PM »
24 Tammuz 5768, July 27, '08   

  David Ha'ivri

An Open Letter to Barack Obama
by David Ha'ivri

We know who you are and who your friends are.

Barack Obama, why don't you just go home?

Barack, your visit here is just a waste of time; you're not wanted or needed here. We'll do just fine without you and you'll probably do better with out us, too. Don't come around here making as if you're looking out for the good of Israel. We know who you are and who your friends are. Zigzagging back and forth about dividing or un-dividing
Zigzagging back and forth about dividing or un-dividing Jerusalem won't clear your history.
Jerusalem won't clear your history.

I'm not talking about your middle name. Any good Christian might have the middle name Hussein (although I can't think of any others). We won't hold that against you. There are worse things than having an Arab name; like for instance being supported by a known Jew-hater, bigot Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam, who among other statements has accused the Jews of bringing on the Holocaust through cooperation with Hitler - "They helped him get the Third Reich on the road." But, of course, it would be wrong to hold that against you, because you haven't been rallying for his support (recently).

We can't really blame you for the beliefs of Father Michael Pfleger, who embraces Black Liberation Theology, which claims that Jesus was Black - so the Jews have no claim to Israel and, therefore, the Muslims are the rightful heirs of the Holy Land. Those beliefs have nothing to do with you, aside from the fact that you have coined the man your "moral compass." But one must admit that Pfleger is not your only mentor and also is not alone in looking up to Farrakhan.

Your spiritual mentor is Reverend Jeremiah Wright, who has praised Jimmy Carter for denouncing Zionism. Last year, the Trumpet Newsmagazine of Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ gave the Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. Trumpeter Award to Louis Farrakhan and said that he is a man who "truly epitomized greatness." You are a member of that Church and Jeremiah Wright is its leader and your spiritual adviser.

Now you won't go so far as to criticize Jimmy Carter, not even for meeting with the heads of Hamas, because, to paraphrase your words, "It's not your place to criticize him." That is, not until the next day, when you were seeking the support of Jewish leaders. Then you must have found a new place for criticism. Aren't the Jews great for giving a guy a new vision and a sense of self-confidence? Is that what you meant by, "It's time for change"?

Barack Hussein, we won't hold it against you. But can you tell us what you mean by supporting a Palestinian State along side Israel? Do you mean a replay of the ethnic cleansing of Jews from Gaza three years ago? Do you foresee soldiers carrying men, women and children away from their homes, which are to be demolished by bulldozers? Palestinian rule brought on the endless rocket fire on Sderot and the thousands of Jewish refugees who have yet to find permanent homes or means of a steady income. Is that your vision of a new hope that Farakkhan's Final Call website praises you for?

Barack Hussein, why don't you just go home? Your visit to Israel this week is not because you're looking out for the wellbeing of Israel and the Jewish people. You're coming to Israel looking for the Jewish vote; your goal is to
Don't use us or our land as a photo-op.
speak with the Jewish American voters through the press coverage of this tour to the holy land. You want them to think that you took the time off from your busy campaign to further peace in the Middle East. Your hope is that enough stupid Jews will misread the message and take it as an act of support for Israel.

Don't use us or our land as a photo-op to transmit a twisted call for support to Jewish-American voters. You don't fool us. We know who you and your friends are.

Barack Hussein, why don't you just go home? But on the way out, remember the words you heard here from the proud Jewish settlers in Judea and Samaria: "This is our land!" We are back after two thousand years of forced exile and we are not about to leave it again.
19 Tammuz 5768 / 22 July 08

David Ha'ivri is the author of "Reclaiming the Temple Mount" and publisher of the "Ideas in Action" newsletter and books teaching Jewish pride and faith in HaShem. He lives with his wife Molly and their seven children in Kfar Tapuach in the Shomron, where he serves as the town youth counselor.


Cyberella...^5 ..I am glad you posted this letter. Obama will not leave the USA, that would ruin his plans for an Islamic America and it would further ruin his plans for the destruction of Israel. Any Jew that supports Obama has got to get some serious psychological counseling. It is beyond me how any Jew could fall for his lies and tricks.
Some German Jews were confident that Hitler would not touch them because they were German Citizens, we know what happened to them. I hope American Jews will wake up and smell the coffee and realize that Obama is a marxist/muslim who will empower our enemies to destroy The USA and Israel.