Muman, why do you attribute to Bush your material blessings? It could have been your own hard work or even pure luck, or even a direct reward from G-d. A lot of people became prosperous in the late '90s and at that time, Clinton got a lot of unfair credit for stimulating the economy (actually, it was due to the lingering influence of Reagan/Bush supply-side policies). So, why should Bush be given similar unfair credit? Everything he has done while in office, for most of the people, has been an unmitigated disaster for the economy.
Back to Valerie Plame Wilson: It doesn't matter whether the Wilsons were personally biased or whether it was Novak's idea to out her. She was a secret agent performing her job for the federal government, and her own government betrayed her, and Novak was the tool that it used (and in his case, he is
literally a tool!

). Scooter Libby and the kapo Bobby Novak should both rot in jail for what they did.
As for the justifications of the war, I do not think Bush's motives were noble at all. I believe he went to war to avenge the humiliation his father had caused by not finishing the job in Iraq in 1991, and also to raise the price of oil for his family business and his petrodollar campaign financiers. I am extremely skeptical of the claims of WMDs, and I think the truth lies somewhere between them being outright, total lies and extremely wishful thinking based on very ambiguous evidence. Yes, Hussein (ys"vz) was a savage tyrant and mass-murderer, but how was he any worse than Robert Mugabe, Hosni Mubarak, Kim Jong Il, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, or countless other Nazi tyrants that Bush didn't attack?