Author Topic: Anybody familiar with the Dead Kennedys?  (Read 745 times)

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Offline Confederate Kahanist

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Anybody familiar with the Dead Kennedys?
« on: July 25, 2008, 07:29:54 PM »
Anybody familiar with the Dead Kennedys which is a punk band and or Jello Biafra and the fact that they wrote a song exposing California Jerry Brown called California Uber Alles.  I had decied to write a song exposing Obama called United States Uber Alles.  Here are the following lyrics sung to the tune of California Uber Alles:

I am senator Barack Obama

I am more muslim than Osama

Soon I will be president.

religious freedom will soon go away.

Reverend Wright will be your pastor today

I will come and all of you will pray to mecca in school

will pray to mecca in school

United States Uber Alles

United States Uber Alles
Uber Alles
United States
Uber Alles
United States

Kemetists will control you

100% natural

You will enslave for the black race

and always wear a happy face.

You closed your eyes, can't happen here

Louise Farakhan is near

The Balck Panthers will come back you say

Give your reparations or you will pay
Give us welfare or you will pay

United States Uber alles
Uber alles United States

Now is 2024

Are you ready for the final race war
You two will meet the secret police
they'll stab you and sodomize your niece

You'll go quitely to  death camp
where they will beat you until flatter than a pan
Don't worry it's for the past
It's time for you to inhale the poisonous gas

Paying your dues to president Obama
And all the family of president Obama

United States Uber alles
Uber alles United States

Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt