Author Topic: See MY EMAILS & JUDGE FOR YOURSELF; IMPORTANT!  (Read 3238 times)

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« on: July 28, 2008, 02:59:55 AM »
In a message dated 7/27/2008 10:59:07 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

some people on this thread definately are NOT america first. <<<Pat Buchanan & R. Paulite a DIFFERENT person with the SAME MENTALITY

didn't  america arm israel i dont think israel would be alive if not for america arming this day israel could not survive without the goi   <<<some IDIOT.  re: the USS Liberty. WHICH was posted HERE by horse and now is GONE.

-------------- Original message from>
amen to this  <names WITHHELD>

The USS Liberty.  Was that the American war ship that was attacked by Israel murdering many of our sailors??  If sweet me were President when that happened I would have said, enough is enough and cut off sending those people one more dollar of American money.   <<<The "innocent one on our/my thread" I DONT THINK SO. (SAME mentality!)


Clinton inherited Reagan's economy.  Clinton didn't do anything great.  Reagan pulled us back to "protectionism" and our economy started straightening out.  Read Pat Buchanan's
The GREAT BETRAYAL...and you will learn what happened to our economy.  <<<The confirmed Self Appointed Chair of the FEDS.

Mark Rich, George Soros, Elliot Spitzer, Chuck Schumer, Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Russ Feingold, Henry Waxman, and many more of their blood brothers should be exposed as slime and done away with by the Justice System.  <<<The FREAK AGAIN, who thinks NO ONE else BUT the Jews responsible for American Woes- there ARE over 500+ members of the house, ALL Christians, minus the Jews.

What should NEVER be FORGOTTEN, is this:
Mess WITH Israel, and you ARE messing with G-d. PERIOD.  BTW: WHO WON THE SIX DAY WAR, and even sent the USA PACKING?
We had better not EVER forget this.


some people on this thread definately are NOT america first  <<<PATTERN PATTERN- Brainwashing, HELLO? this is EXACTLY what Chaim is TALKING ABOUT. HELLO?? this person has the SAME MENTALITY as Horse.


one of the SMART people:

It is because you are even willing to support David Duke that you are getting Obama you stooge!

The first time I met D. Duke years ago, he told me that one reason he was forced to carry a firearm is because the JDL wanted him dead.  <<<ya THINK? This is a nice person, however- it does NOT make Duke ANY LESS evil.

Can YOU BELIEVE how HARD these people ARE? Paulette

the SMART one:

Yup, conscience's seared - neo-Nazi's no way to convince them <<<Agree 100%.

When a nation has lost their moral fiber to the extent that they would seriously state that they'd be willing to support a neo-Nazi to avert a greater evil, then the ethics of that generation are so bad, that this is the reason a: Muslim even would stand a chance in such a society! Can't you see that the Spiritual condition of the supposed (self held) 'righteous' in the country is the root of the problem?! - It would appear many on here think they are in that 'righteous' category!
Maybe much of the problems we are having now, is because Christians 'would' support Duke; and that is why we're getting Obama instead!
Ok, enought said - either they get it or they don't - on the side ONLY reading :-) Just get a life and get away from me - Gaytavek min-here, for those of you who know Yiddish - Ganook Shoein - Gay-tavekl!


Either repent, and SEE what G-d is saying, YOU HARD HEARTED people, or continue on your path of abominations AGAINST G-d, and your hatred for mankind. YOUR Choice now, DO NOT include me in on YOUR hate filled emails ANYMORE.
  NO more Jews this and that- NO more pictures of KKK and hangings of black people, NO more "Iran is innocent" NO MORE "the nazis had it right" IF you chose to send ME these fruitless emails, then I WILL BE asking G-d to FLAT OUT Curse YOU.
I ALSO do NOT DESERVE the racism, and MURDERING CRIME TALK that has come at me, for MONTHS.

The Smart guy:

Yes, amen, and you have done what you could to warn them Paulette
Yes, i have done this every day for over 20 years, and i'm tired, - i don't care if they see anymore: Let the wicked by wicked still... (as it is written) - Will i still warn them - yes, once or twice, - then may the scoffers perish! color me "Jeremiah Johnson" - for the time is up!

To David ben Moshe:

Dave..nobody can explain it better than these folks.        >:( >:( >:( PATTERN PATTERN- dont you people SEE 'horselady' connection here AT ALL, with THIS person HERE on MY email? She has the SAME EXACT mentality as the person on MY thread. (NO, I am NOT saying it is HORSELADY!!!!)  It is a person LIKE horselady!!! DANG! I am showing you a PATTERN that HORSELADY IS UNDER, and that it is the SAME as people on My PERSONAL THREAD!!!

David ben Moshes Response:

I have been to this site.  Satmar Jews think like you do, but they are 1 small sect that wear the dress of their Prussian and Polish oppressors, to this day.  They layed a wreath at Arafats grave, so tell me there isnt something mentally wrong with them.
You never answered
Do you want Iran to split the atom?
Why does Iran, need to split the atom when they sit over a sea of oil?
Do you believe they will make a bomb and use it or do you trust their word?

 <she thinks that Iran is a FRIEND, so does Buchanan, Duke, BLA BLA BLA>

re: the USS Liberty-  (The REASON that the USS Liberty is brought up, is b/c it was brought up YESTERDAY, HERE on THIS forum, and NOW it is GONE)

I am one of the very few that knew the Liberty story.  Not even the crew knew, with the exception of the captain and radioman.   Arab armies were massing on every border with Israel, volunteers coming from as far away as Morocco and Algeria.  Israel was already blockaded by sea and the Canal was closed to them.  LBJ ordered Israel to take the 1st hit, but they couldn't survive that, so they were going to strike first while the Arab armies were still forming.  Israel knew every Arab move since the number 2 guy in Syria was a Mossad agent.  When LBJ heard of the planned Israeli attack, he ordered the Liberty to send signals into Jordan to let the Arabs know of Israels plans.  He was trying to speed the Arabs up, but Arabs are assassins, not soldiers.and couldn't get moving.  Israel hit the Liberty to stop those signals.   The Israeli govt knew that the Liberty was American, but the attack pilots were told it was an Egyptian ship, and it did look like one since we sold similar ones to Egypt.
Any other story is fiction.


Do YOU people see a PATTERN here of  SAME MENTALITY of people that THINK like HORSELADY? OR DO U NEED MORE INFO?

The END, unless you NEED to see MORE of this BS. If you CANT see the PATTERN that I have against the Horse, & people that THINK like HER, than you are all blind. I AM SORRY, but it IS the TRUTH.

« Last Edit: July 28, 2008, 04:27:41 AM by Paulette »
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Offline Muck DeFuslims

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« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2008, 03:19:46 AM »
didn't  america arm israel i dont think israel would be alive if not for america arming this day israel could not survive without the goi   <<<some IDIOT.  re: the USS Liberty.

The USS Liberty.  Was that the American war ship that was attacked by Israel murdering many of our sailors??  If sweet me were President when that happened I would have said, enough is enough and cut off sending those people one more dollar of American money.   <<<The "innocent one on our thread" I DONT THINK SO.

Mark Rich, George Soros, Elliot Spitzer, Chuck Schumer, Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Russ Feingold, Henry Waxman, and many more of their blood brothers should be exposed as slime and done away with by the Justice System.  <<<The FREAK AGAIN, who thinks NO ONE else BUT the Jews responsible for American Woes- there ARE over 500+ members of the house, ALL Christians, minus the Jews.

Are you saying these posts were made by horselady ?

If they are her posts then your accusations against her would certainly have validity. If they are just posts from other people at sites she posts at, then that's not valid evidence against her.

You need to clarify what these posts represent.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2008, 03:21:54 AM »
Please show us which posts are specifically hers.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2008, 03:29:44 AM by C.F. »

Offline AsheDina

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« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2008, 03:31:11 AM »
didn't  america arm israel i dont think israel would be alive if not for america arming this day israel could not survive without the goi   <<<some IDIOT.  re: the USS Liberty.

The USS Liberty.  Was that the American war ship that was attacked by Israel murdering many of our sailors??  If sweet me were President when that happened I would have said, enough is enough and cut off sending those people one more dollar of American money.   <<<The "innocent one on our thread" I DONT THINK SO.

Mark Rich, George Soros, Elliot Spitzer, Chuck Schumer, Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Russ Feingold, Henry Waxman, and many more of their blood brothers should be exposed as slime and done away with by the Justice System.  <<<The FREAK AGAIN, who thinks NO ONE else BUT the Jews responsible for American Woes- there ARE over 500+ members of the house, ALL Christians, minus the Jews.

Are you saying these posts were made by horselady ?

If they are her posts then your accusations against her would certainly have validity. If they are just posts from other people at sites she posts at, then that's not valid evidence against her.

You need to clarify what these posts represent.

  Muck -please- I AM NOT disrespecting you, OK? I Promise I am NOT disrespecting you,
  but what she has brought is the SAME JUNK that is on MY email from other people reading the SAME CRAP. Horse is poisoned and BRAINWASHED, TOTALLY. And FOR THAT- I DO feel for her. but there is ALMOST no escape from this mentality. It is SAD, BUT TRUE.
 What I AM showing is a MENTALITY that is the SAME EXACT mentality as the Horse.  These people are from MY personal email thread that ARE reading the SAME JUNK that the HORSE is reading, AND POSTING HERE.
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« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2008, 03:43:36 AM »

You can't just post Nazi comments from people who you think type like Horselady and tell us that it carries the same weight as her actual statements.

I have looked and looked for posts she has made about the Liberty Ship, etc., but haven't been able to find any. If she has, please find it and I will be the first to say she needs to go.


Offline Muck DeFuslims

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« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2008, 03:45:26 AM »
Paulette, I know you're not disrespecting me. That thought never even entered my mind. I hope you know I'm not being disrespectful to you, as well.

I was just trying to clarify which, if any, of these posts were from horselady.

With all due respect, posts that were made on sites that horselady visits are not evidence that she holds the same views or that her mind has been poisoned by them. That's just not a reasonable assumption.

Now if you tell me she made those posts---that's another matter entirely.

That's why I thought a clarification was necessary.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2008, 03:47:49 AM »
I don't think she actually made them--Paulette just thinks they sound like her style of writing.

Offline AsheDina

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« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2008, 04:14:59 AM »
Paulette, I know you're not disrespecting me. That thought never even entered my mind. I hope you know I'm not being disrespectful to you, as well.

I was just trying to clarify which, if any, of these posts were from horselady.

With all due respect, posts that were made on sites that horselady visits are not evidence that she holds the same views or that her mind has been poisoned by them. That's just not a reasonable assumption.

Now if you tell me she made those posts---that's another matter entirely.

That's why I thought a clarification was necessary.

  What I am showing is a PATTERN that the Horse is UNDER, it is the SAME as the Jew-Hating people on my PERSONAL email thread are emailing to ME.

 The Horse is Poisoned, and NEEDS to OPEN her EYES, IF she is a Jew.  She NEEDS to SEE that the things that she is posting HERE are the SAME EXACT things that these Pat B., St0ormfront, C.I., Vanguard, R. Paul, Bob Barr ETC are FEEDING HER, and are feeding MANY MANY MANY "White Christian" people. See this, this is what another BRAINWASHED IDIOT sent to MY email:  <<These people are GONE, this IS the KKK.

 If ANYTHING- (and I KNOW that people cannot see this) I am 'trying' to HELP this woman!! She posted a day or 2 on the USS Liberty, and that was removed. She posted on the Satmar Jews. She posts: "Why arent Jews in the Military" <<Which I got just 4 days in MY email from someone ELSE, which is where the Horse is reading from ALSO.

  I get this EVERY SINGLE DAY in my personal email from OTHER people that ARE reading the SAME thing as SHE is reading.

  She is reading and buying the SAME BS. She has been HAD. It is AS Chaim says: Either she is a nazi troll or a self-hating Jew, and Massuh said it, and I see it as well.  They are DISREGARDED and a NEW member, who we DO NOT EVEN KNOW- gets the "benefit of the doubt?" THAT is INSANE. AS IF Chaim, Massuh, & Myself would turn on our own? Are you kidding me PEOPLE! ARE U JOKING!
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Offline AsheDina

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« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2008, 04:38:54 AM »
I don't think she actually made them--Paulette just thinks they sound like her style of writing.

  YOU people did NOT believe Massuh when he WARNED you about those other people, the Groco character and that k.maureen. AS IF Massuh has NOTHING better to do than make an idiot of himself for YOU ALL? ARE YOU KIDDING ME! AS IF Chaim is confronting her for NO Good G-dly REASON AT ALL?
 My G-d! You have been HAD! TOTALLY!\

 IF the Horse IS a Jew- then HELP her, DONT CONDONE HER! SILLINESS! Telling people the TRUTH, is what IS needed! She IGNORED Chaim, and that is "OK"! WHAT! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!
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« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2008, 04:40:16 AM »
I don't think she actually made them--Paulette just thinks they sound like her style of writing.
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« Reply #10 on: July 28, 2008, 04:43:20 AM »

You can't just post Nazi comments from people who you think type like Horselady and tell us that it carries the same weight as her actual statements.

I have looked and looked for posts she has made about the Liberty Ship, etc., but haven't been able to find any. If she has, please find it and I will be the first to say she needs to go.


 The Posts on the Liberty are GONE WITH THE WIND. Sorry- I didnt remove them.
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Offline Muck DeFuslims

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« Reply #11 on: July 28, 2008, 04:57:14 AM »
I'm sorry to disagree with you Paulette. I just don't see the evidence.

Horselady says she is arguing with the people you think she has been brainwashed by. I just haven't seen anything she's posted that leads me to believe she's a nazi.

I'm glad you mentioned 'turning on our own'. In this matter we should be very sure we're accurate before we call another Jew a nazi. That's not something we should do based on questionable assumptions and innuendo. Horselady says she's Jewish and I have no reason to disbelieve her. I'm sorry, but I can't and won't call her a nazi based on what I've seen.

I've had massuh screaming at me in another thread, accusing me of calling Cheney a chickenhawk, hating religious people and the Bible, and other stuff that couldn't be farther from the truth. So massuh jumping to conclusions about horselady doesn't surprise me and has no credence with me. I don't know if he intentionally did this or if it was an honest mistake, but the point is calling another Jew a nazi is a very serious accusation/insult and shouldn't be done without absolute certainty.

Based on what I've personally seen calling horselady a nazi is unwarranted.

Of course, this is just my individual opinion and I realize it probably won't change yours.

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« Reply #12 on: July 28, 2008, 05:08:08 AM »
I'm sorry to disagree with you Paulette. I just don't see the evidence.

Horselady says she is arguing with the people you think she has been brainwashed by. I just haven't seen anything she's posted that leads me to believe she's a nazi.

I'm glad you mentioned 'turning on our own'. In this matter we should be very sure we're accurate before we call another Jew a nazi. That's not something we should do based on questionable assumptions and innuendo. Horselady says she's Jewish and I have no reason to disbelieve her. I'm sorry, but I can't and won't call her a nazi based on what I've seen.

I've had massuh screaming at me in another thread, accusing me of calling Cheney a chickenhawk, hating religious people and the Bible, and other stuff that couldn't be farther from the truth. So massuh jumping to conclusions about horselady doesn't surprise me and has no credence with me. I don't know if he intentionally did this or if it was an honest mistake, but the point is calling another Jew a nazi is a very serious accusation/insult and shouldn't be done without absolute certainty.

Based on what I've personally seen calling horselady a nazi is unwarranted.

Of course, this is just my individual opinion and I realize it probably won't change yours.

  Then You Disagree with Chaim, you Disagree with Massuh, You disagree with ME, and you DISGREE with David ben Moshe. the 3 men HERE since the BEGINNING. ~NOT MY PROBLEM~
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« Reply #13 on: July 28, 2008, 05:32:19 AM »
I'm sorry to disagree with you Paulette. I just don't see the evidence.

Horselady says she is arguing with the people you think she has been brainwashed by. I just haven't seen anything she's posted that leads me to believe she's a nazi.

I'm glad you mentioned 'turning on our own'. In this matter we should be very sure we're accurate before we call another Jew a nazi. That's not something we should do based on questionable assumptions and innuendo. Horselady says she's Jewish and I have no reason to disbelieve her. I'm sorry, but I can't and won't call her a nazi based on what I've seen.

I've had massuh screaming at me in another thread, accusing me of calling Cheney a chickenhawk, hating religious people and the Bible, and other stuff that couldn't be farther from the truth. So massuh jumping to conclusions about horselady doesn't surprise me and has no credence with me. I don't know if he intentionally did this or if it was an honest mistake, but the point is calling another Jew a nazi is a very serious accusation/insult and shouldn't be done without absolute certainty.

Based on what I've personally seen calling horselady a nazi is unwarranted.

Of course, this is just my individual opinion and I realize it probably won't change yours.

 You know, Muck- you need to go BACK and look at who posted to HER. I am NOT the one who first accused this person for being a 'nazi' OR a self-hating Jew.  I am bringing up the FACT that she opens threads that are EXACTLY the SAME as people on MY thread that ARE NAZIS.   And she CONTINUES to open them.
  Is she the ONLY ONE that has blogs? Lisa has a blog, I have a blog, I have a room in Paltalk, and speak in rooms on Paltalk AGAINST Islam, IU do audios here as well, she is NOT the ONLY one fighting this. I DO FIGHT THIS, and NOT just on the internet. 
  I dont know WHAT she is. BUT WHY come to this forum, and one of the FIRST threads that a person would open, says "I am a Jew, Why I am anti-semitic"  THAT was TOTALLY UNCALLED FOR. And she should NOT have opened a thread like that, in THAT fashion- it is called MANNERS. One does NOT come to  a thread that they know NOTHING of, and act in THIS fashion. Personally, IF this had been ME, I would make myself RIGHT, and apologize to people that I have OFFENDED, and she HAS offended people here- FOR WHAT REASON? I DO NOT know- BUT, it is UNCALLED FOR. AND WHAT is that business that Jews are "better" junk? WHO SAID THAT THEY WERE BETTER? WHO SAID THAT?
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Offline Muck DeFuslims

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« Reply #14 on: July 28, 2008, 05:43:30 AM »
"Then You Disagree with Chaim, you Disagree with Massuh, You disagree with ME, and you DISGREE with David ben Moshe. the 3 men HERE since the BEGINNING. ~NOT MY PROBLEM~"

Yes, I disagree with you, Chaim, David and Massuh.

I've been here since the beginning too.

If and when I see horselady say something that convinces me she's a nazi, rest assured I'll be all over her like white on rice.

From what I've seen she despises liberal Jews and absolutely detests Islam and Muslims. I've yet to see anything that leads me to believe she's a nazi or harbors ill will to Jews in general or orthodox Jews in particular.

I disagree with her saying she's an American first and a Jew second, but unfortunately that sentiment is probably shared by a lot of secular Jews.

Anyway, I don't think she's logged on right now. I hope she hasn't been banned and returns to defend herself. She seems quite capable of doing that, and I'm starting to feel uncomfortable playing 'Judd for the Defense'. (old TV show about a lawyer, probably before your time  :) ) In the meantime, I think we can agree to disagree.

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« Reply #15 on: July 28, 2008, 05:47:09 AM »
"Then You Disagree with Chaim, you Disagree with Massuh, You disagree with ME, and you DISGREE with David ben Moshe. the 3 men HERE since the BEGINNING. ~NOT MY PROBLEM~"

Yes, I disagree with you, Chaim, David and Massuh.

I've been here since the beginning too.

If and when I see horselady say something that convinces me she's a nazi, rest assured I'll be all over her like white on rice.

From what I've seen she despises liberal Jews and absolutely detests Islam and Muslims. I've yet to see anything that leads me to believe she's a nazi or harbors ill will to Jews in general or orthodox Jews in particular.

I disagree with her saying she's an American first and a Jew second, but unfortunately that sentiment is probably shared by a lot of secular Jews.

Anyway, I don't think she's logged on right now. I hope she hasn't been banned and returns to defend herself. She seems quite capable of doing that, and I'm starting to feel uncomfortable playing 'Judd for the Defense'. (old TV show about a lawyer, probably before your time  :) ) In the meantime, I think we can agree to disagree.

 You can read my above post. I have said 5 times this last night- I HOPE I AM WRONG.
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« Reply #16 on: July 28, 2008, 05:49:40 AM »
I'm sorry to disagree with you Paulette. I just don't see the evidence.

Horselady says she is arguing with the people you think she has been brainwashed by. I just haven't seen anything she's posted that leads me to believe she's a nazi.

I'm glad you mentioned 'turning on our own'. In this matter we should be very sure we're accurate before we call another Jew a nazi. That's not something we should do based on questionable assumptions and innuendo. Horselady says she's Jewish and I have no reason to disbelieve her. I'm sorry, but I can't and won't call her a nazi based on what I've seen.

I've had massuh screaming at me in another thread, accusing me of calling Cheney a chickenhawk, hating religious people and the Bible, and other stuff that couldn't be farther from the truth. So massuh jumping to conclusions about horselady doesn't surprise me and has no credence with me. I don't know if he intentionally did this or if it was an honest mistake, but the point is calling another Jew a nazi is a very serious accusation/insult and shouldn't be done without absolute certainty.

Based on what I've personally seen calling horselady a nazi is unwarranted.

Of course, this is just my individual opinion and I realize it probably won't change yours.

  Then You Disagree with Chaim, you Disagree with Massuh, You disagree with ME, and you DISGREE with David ben Moshe. the 3 men HERE since the BEGINNING. ~NOT MY PROBLEM~
Unless I missed something Chaim said that horselady's statements were similar to the ones made by nazis  but stopped short of calling her that personally. Some of what she said could be looked at as troubling but I think she should be given a chance to clarify her position. I think some of the post she made might have opened some decent debates. At this point its turned into a flame session and its almost pointless to pile on. I have been here on the forum from its inception  and even on the earlier one we had but would not expect my words to have the weight that Chaim or Davids would. Massuh has been known to carry some outlandish positions as times so you will have to understand that his judgement on this issue may be in question for me.
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« Reply #17 on: July 28, 2008, 07:10:29 AM »
I'm sorry to disagree with you Paulette. I just don't see the evidence.

Horselady says she is arguing with the people you think she has been brainwashed by. I just haven't seen anything she's posted that leads me to believe she's a nazi.

I'm glad you mentioned 'turning on our own'. In this matter we should be very sure we're accurate before we call another Jew a nazi. That's not something we should do based on questionable assumptions and innuendo. Horselady says she's Jewish and I have no reason to disbelieve her. I'm sorry, but I can't and won't call her a nazi based on what I've seen.

I've had massuh screaming at me in another thread, accusing me of calling Cheney a chickenhawk, hating religious people and the Bible, and other stuff that couldn't be farther from the truth. So massuh jumping to conclusions about horselady doesn't surprise me and has no credence with me. I don't know if he intentionally did this or if it was an honest mistake, but the point is calling another Jew a nazi is a very serious accusation/insult and shouldn't be done without absolute certainty.

Based on what I've personally seen calling horselady a nazi is unwarranted.

Of course, this is just my individual opinion and I realize it probably won't change yours.

  Then You Disagree with Chaim, you Disagree with Massuh, You disagree with ME, and you DISGREE with David ben Moshe. the 3 men HERE since the BEGINNING. ~NOT MY PROBLEM~
Unless I missed something Chaim said that horselady's statements were similar to the ones made by nazis  but stopped short of calling her that personally. Some of what she said could be looked at as troubling but I think she should be given a chance to clarify her position. I think some of the post she made might have opened some decent debates. At this point its turned into a flame session and its almost pointless to pile on. I have been here on the forum from its inception  and even on the earlier one we had but would not expect my words to have the weight that Chaim or Davids would. Massuh has been known to carry some outlandish positions as times so you will have to understand that his judgement on this issue may be in question for me.

  She clarified it, it is finished. She is against Obama, and shares out sentiments. My BIGGEST question, is why did she come on THIS forum and open with "I am a Jew, Why I am anti-semitic" THAT was my biggest beef, I also WISH that she would UNDERSTAND how Orthodox Jewish people ARE, I didnt a long time ago, but I certainly didnt dis them, nor tell them to get out of America, b/c they are loyal to Israel..and this is hard to understand, BUT, if you look at 1900 yrs of slaughter, WHY would people wonder at this stage of the game, to fight to fight for USA, when USA is spreading SO MUCH hatred AGAINST Jews. I understand totally, and I am not even Orthodox.  I am sure that Horse is a very bold spirit, however, I really DONT like all of the Israel bashing, I WISH that people would KEEP IN MIND that The people in Israel are a LARGE percentge on this forum.  the peopke that ARE in Israel are goingthrough Hell, do we REALLY thing tht they WANT to see all of these threads tht REALLY show a not nice t all version of what is happening here- they SEE the ORROR EVERYDAY, and know FIRST HAND what ISrael is going through.   I AM SORRY Horse, but MUCH of YOUR info DO come off of sites that are VERY anti-semitic, and we CANT be blamed for ALL JEWS. We definitely DISAGREE with the leftys, BUT in the END of this upcoming storm, bottom Line- JEW ARE JEWS, no matter HOW ya slic it- Look for WHAT EVER it is WORTH Horse- I apologize for the BETTERMENT of this forum.
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Offline mord

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« Reply #18 on: July 28, 2008, 07:23:51 AM »
I have said the same things to myself many times.When you love Jews many times you use the phrase i use it in my thoughts  i hate the Jews with all these Jewish organazations adl, b'nai brith, American Jewish Congress ,American Jewish Committee ,brit tzedak v'shalom,yesh Gevul,Peace now,Americans for Peace now AND THE NEW ISRAEL FUND,Haddasah,Rabbis for Human Rights,I just can'nt go on there are so many of these of these leftists groups.You say to yourself whats goiung on with the Jewish people.If there were not so many of these terrible group[s and morelike JTF maybe many Jewswould'nt say if i'm a Jew why am i  anti semitic.In any event at times i think it it's a sign of just being hopeless.How does the average Israeli not take up arms and revolt against the evil govt of Israel where every member only cares about his car and money.
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

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« Reply #19 on: July 28, 2008, 10:55:03 AM »
I have said the same things to myself many times.When you love Jews many times you use the phrase i use it in my thoughts  i hate the Jews with all these Jewish organazations adl, b'nai brith, American Jewish Congress ,American Jewish Committee ,brit tzedak v'shalom,yesh Gevul,Peace now,Americans for Peace now AND THE NEW ISRAEL FUND,Haddasah,Rabbis for Human Rights,I just can't go on there are so many of these of these leftists groups.You say to yourself whats goiung on with the Jewish people.If there were not so many of these terrible group[s and morelike JTF maybe many Jewswould'nt say if i'm a Jew why am i  anti semitic.In any event at times i think it it's a sign of just being hopeless.How does the average Israeli not take up arms and revolt against the evil govt of Israel where every member only cares about his car and money.

  I stand in the GAP for ALL Jews, I KNOW many of them are out in left field, flat out because of FEAR, and I dont blame them one bit. 1900+ years of SLAUGHTER can WEIGH on a people. The American Congress is comprised of over 500 members that are of the CHRISTIAN FAITH. It is ALWAYS Blame the Jews- People NEED to look at the BIG picture, it is NOT the Jews that have screwed things up here in USA, it IS the Christians. Sad, b/c this is a Christian nation, BUT TRUE. Christians have FORSAKEN G-d and THAT is a FACT.
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Offline Jericho Missile

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« Reply #20 on: July 28, 2008, 12:00:16 PM »
I agree with Paulette.  "The Horse" has a different agenda.   Posting that kind of stuff is counter-productive- what's the point?  No good is gonna come from that.  Well anyway, we need to stay united, and focus on getting bigger and stronger. 

We need to be as focussed about our enemies as they are about us.  We can learn that from our enemies.  Just watch how the Arabs unite against us.

We gotta lot of smart people here, so we should be able to get the movement growing faster and faster.   

Offline Scriabin

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« Reply #21 on: July 28, 2008, 12:07:53 PM »
How many Jewish Women are interested in horses anyhow?

Isn't that a gentile woman's thing?

Offline Jericho Missile

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« Reply #22 on: July 28, 2008, 12:10:30 PM »
How many Jewish Women are interested in horses anyhow?

Isn't that a gentile woman's thing?

Posting stuff like that is a bunch of horse-shittt.

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« Reply #23 on: July 28, 2008, 12:14:44 PM »
What do you mean?

Offline Jericho Missile

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« Reply #24 on: July 28, 2008, 12:24:18 PM »
"Horse" opened the thread- saying "I am a Jew, why am I anti-semitic?"  And then posts that article on Jews not serving.  Messed up.