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Ask JTF For Purim, March 4.

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True Kahanist:
Dear Chaim,

I remember you said you liked Yemenite and Yiddish music. Listen to Zion Golan (Yemenite). Also, go on

I know most MK members are Bolsheviks, but which ones do you think are the best if you had to choose?

What job do you recommend for an individual moving to Isarel, but who want to get into politics?

Toda Achi

Dear Chaim,
  How do you deal with stress? I'm a teacher in a horrible area where many of the "students" do aggravating things like destroy the classroom and walk around with impunity. I'm looking for a new job in the field of finance/accounting but do you have any suggestions on how to cope with the stress until I find one, G-d willing?

Shalom Chaim thanking you for taking my questions as usual – CHAG PURIM SAMEACH! :) :) :) :D 8) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Comment 1: Regarding the Charedi fellow I mentioned to you last week – he is fairly ‘leberl’ in the sense that he is tolerant and accepts people not Chareidi, but will quiz him on that ‘evidence’, he does have women working in his schools & also talks to women.   

OVER SOME TIME - EVER SINCE Yisrael Beiteinu MK Avigdor Lieberman entered the Smolmert Government coalition - he has been making so many statements about Jews and Arabs in Israel/PA, the whole media is up in arms against him and all the Left and Radical far-Left parties in the Knesset. He is being condemned so much – as a ‘fascist’, as a ‘Kahanist’, as an ‘ultra-nationalist’ and as a ‘racist’; it is [not] remarkable. Have you changed your position on him, since you wrote that article on him – now in the JTF archives section?

hello chayim (sorry im sure i spelled it wrong).

look, on one hand i feel bad about disagreeing with you so much, but on the other i feel your stanse on homosexuality limit's JTF. you say its an obamination, ive seen that word before many time's but dont know what it mean's other than its bad. well maybe it is but, last semester my religious ethics class saw thsi film claimeing that jesus never once spoke of homosexuality and that the old tesstament mention's of it had to do with prostetucion and idalatry, not sex by itself. couldn't it be the case that it used to be sin but now is not as bad if you are manogamous? maybe it is wrong, and yeah it grosse's me out but no ones forceing me to look at it. ive had gay friend's and they are fine with me. i think that if the task force didnt talk against gay's it could maybe get more member's. you really think you cant be gay and support israel? that dosent make sense to me. what did rabbi kahan think of sexual orientation?

this is off the subject but oh, you have great taste in women chayim, ann coulter's a hottie and i wish i lived near her, but no one like that lives in LA.

thank's again for listening to me,


i omited one fact to consider is that gay's and jew's have been pursacuted (spell?) through most of the world & most of world history, think about that next time you say they are an obamination. thanks.

one last time i dont support the life but i dont hate them either.


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