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Ask JTF For Purim, March 4.

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Dear Chaim,

1. Have you ever read Chaim Potok's novels? What is your opinion of him as a person/author? I enjoyed reading his books, particularly his classic, 'The Chosen'. I know he wrote a multi-volumed essay entitled 'Jewish Ethics' but I don't know what sort of view it espouses.

2. To what extent would a Kahanist government monitor public decency. For example, will Israelis be free to access Western television shows/movies exhibiting violence and distasteful sex? Also, would the internet have filters to prevent access to pornography and to the views of our political enemies? What about those who violate Tzniut on the streets of Tel-Aviv? What does Judaism say about co-ed beaches?


--- Quote from: tonycali99 on February 27, 2007, 07:24:01 PM ---i omited one fact to consider is that gay's and jew's have been pursacuted (spell?) through most of the world & most of world history, think about that next time you say they are an obamination. thanks.

one last time i dont support the life but i dont hate them either.

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HAHAHA an 'Obamination". That's what it will be if Hussain is elected. Chaim, you are free to use it.

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:

--- Quote from: tonycali99 on February 27, 2007, 07:24:01 PM ---i omited one fact to consider is that gay's and jew's have been pursacuted (spell?) through most of the world & most of world history, think about that next time you say they are an obamination. thanks.

one last time i dont support the life but i dont hate them either.

--- End quote ---
I thought you were a homo, but now I have to agree with the other posters here. You must be a flamer and a troll. Nobody is this stupid.

Chaim, why don't we have an island set aside and call it homoland.
We can then allow faggot marriage and allow them to have their evil ways there.
Encourage all the queers to go there, but normal people will not be allowed there.
They can butt each other to death there. They can share their AIDS and other plagues.
Now, this will not be a prison, but a paradise for all the fairies.
There will be one condition, and that will be that they stay there.

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:

--- Quote from: angryChineseManiac on February 28, 2007, 09:49:52 AM ---Chaim, why don't we have an island set aside and call it homoland.
We can then allow faggot marriage and allow them to have their evil ways there.
Encourage all the queers to go there, but normal people will not be allowed there.
They can butt each other to death there. They can share their AIDS and other plagues.
Now, this will not be a prison, but a paradise for all the fairies.
There will be one condition, and that will be that they stay there.

--- End quote ---
Actually this makes a lot of sense, and we should consider making it a reality. How bout putting Gayland in Antarctica?


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