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Ask JTF For Purim, March 4.

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Dr. Dan:
I'm a first time poster..I not sure if I'm doing this correctly or not and maybe you can help me if i'm doing a post wrong...

I wanted to ask a couple of questions for the broadcast.

1. In today's world where it is sometimes hard for a righteous Jew to marry a righteous Jew, can you comment on a matrimony between a righteous Jew and non-converted rigtheous gentile and reference to Moses and his Midianite wife.

2. G-d forbid this would ever happen to anyone, but what would you do if a child of yours or a child of a friend or loved one yours came out of the closet to you and he/she was overall a decent human being otherwise? (btw, I'm not gay nor do I advocate homosexuality).


--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on March 01, 2007, 08:26:30 AM ---Why Antarctica? That would be pollution to the environment. They don't need a cold place. They need a warm place. Since I'm moderate, I won't say where that warm place is. ;D

--- End quote ---

I agree. Besides, we would not want the homos to sodomize the polar bears.

Hello Dear Chaim,

Hope all is well.  Thanks very much for your thoughtful comments from last week.  I will take them to heart and do my best to overcome the OCD problem.  This week, I just have a couple of brief questions.  With the Purim holiday upon us, I was wondering what your favorite Jewish holiday is in general and why?  Also a quick Kosher related question.  I remember you mentioned that you buy kosher foods in regular supermarkets and that you eat a lot of fish.  I was wondering if you buy canned fish with a kosher seal exclusively, since the fish you have to prepare yourself is not designated kosher and usually laid out with clearly non-kosher items like lobster and crabs, etc.  I was tempted to buy some flounder or white fish in this section, but I held back on this because I could not verify that they were kosher.  Thanks very much as always and have a very happy and healthy Purim.  Until next week G-d willing.


Hello Chaim, thanks for answering my questions last week. I'll make it short.

1.Do you think the South Africa should re-enforcing the Apartheid law. I think so. Speaking racially as a Negro even I think the White rule has to come back to the country. By the way. Any American Negro visiting South Africa had all the same rights as white citizens because they were considered civilized.

2.When aKahanist government takes over and the Holy Land is expanded to greater israel, Do you think that Israel should hold colonies like the British or French?

Thank you Chaim and Happy Purim.

Shalom Chaim! :D

Thank you for answering my questions last week, i look forward to your shows and they have certainly replaced the time i spend watching "reality" trash on t.v.

1.  What do you think of Hasidic Judaism and its overwhelming amount of Hasidic worship; their untraditional ascriptions of infallibility and their idea that their leaders worked miracles. This in comparasion to the jewish reform or so called enlightment that took place in the late 18th century. Why are there so many sects and do you believe they cause disunity among the jews in israel, amounting to its many problems?
______________All One question ;D

2. Your "Chaim ben pesach" diet amuses me a great deal. Surely a balanced and limited diet is perfectly healthy and eating a bit of everything-including meat and even a bit of chocolate now and again- is healthy, as you get a balanced and right amount of vitamins and fats needed.How did your strong views on healthy eating come about?

Wishing you the best of health and a happy Purim to all the members on JTF!


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