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Is there any recommended books in here?

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I was wondering since most political/racial sites have their own shares of printed books, I was wondering if JTF actually has a printed recommended book for us to read created by Federman or this site's owner?

I read some number of good books I won't mention but what books do you guys recommend for people to read so that they can get an update of the "truth"?

MassuhDGoodName's recommended reading list:

9 1/2 Mystics: The Kabalah Today by Herbert Weiner

Mein Kampf (both sections)

Inside the Third Reich by Albert Speer

Rise And Fall Of The Third Reich by William Shirer

Berlin Diary : The Journal of a Foreign Correspondent 1934-1941 by William L. Shirer

Hitler:  The Path To Power by Charles Bracelen Flood

Time To Go Home by Rabbi Meir Kahane

All great books from my own library:
Or Hara'ayon - The Jewish Idea by Meir Kahane
ISBN: 9657044014

The Nazi Connection to Islamic Terrorism (Adolf Hitler and Haj Amin al-Husseini) by Chuck Morse
ISBN: 0595289444

Islam and the Jews (The Unfinished Battle) by Mark A. Gabriel Ph.D.
ISBN: 0884199568

The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (And the Crusades) by Robert Spencer
ISBN: 0895260131

Myths and Facts (A Guide to the Arab-Israel Conflict) by Mitchell G. Bard
ISBN: 0971294518

The Return of Anti-Semitism by Gabriel Schoenfeld
ISBN: 1893554899

Preachers of Hate: Islam and the War on America (Hardcover) by Kenneth R. Timmerman
ISBN: 1400049016

The UN Gang (A Memoir of Incompetence, Corruption, Espionage, Anti-Semitism and Islamic Extremism at the UN Secretariat) by Pedro Sanjuan
ISBN: 0385513194

Denying History (Who Says Holocaust Never Happened and Why Do They Say It) by Michael Shermer
ISBN: 0520234693

Dismantling the Big Lie (The Protocols of the Elders of Zion) by Steven L. Jacobs & Mark Weitzman
ISBN: 0881257850

Fabricating Israeli History (The `New Historians') by Efraim Karsh
ISBN: 071468063X

A History of Zionism (From the French Revolution to the Establishment of the State of Israel) by Walter Laqueur
ISBN: 1567311008

I think Chaim should write books of his own.  He has amazing and unique talent.


--- Quote from: Get thee hence Satan on September 10, 2006, 12:46:23 AM ---I think Chaim should write books of his own.  He has amazing and unique talent.

--- End quote ---

I totally agree... he should write his biography. He is an amazing guy!


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