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Ask JTF August 10, 2008

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Dr. Dan:
Shalom Chaim

In Jerusalem a lot of people ask for Tzedaka, a lot of which are students in small Yeshivot.  Many of these Jews either live adequately off of this tzedaka or off of the state.  I personally, have no issue giving tzedaka towards fellow Jews who do righteous things, such as study our wonderful texts thoughtfully everyday; I love them irregardless. However, I cannot help but feel that some of them are able bodied to work at jobs part time, where Arabs currently work, that some seem to take advantage of the system and seem to contribute very little to Israeli society, except only to study all day and take care of their own needs rather to be a light unto other Jews much like the way Chabad does.  I also know that we are not supposed to judge the poor favorably nor unfavorably.  What do you think the proper solution should be and what would you recommend some of these Haredi to do instead of being like beggars?

Thank you

Dr. Dan

Shalom Chaim,

Do you think McCain will catch up with Obama? I think if people wake up and realize some more that this guy is a Black racist dictator more than anything else, than there's still hope for McCain winning the nomination. Obama is getting phonier day by day.

G-d Bless you,


Hail Columbia:
Dear Chaim,

Do you think that Russia is plotting to become a major world power again, even to the point of re-creating the USSR in the future?

Greetings Chaim. What does it mean when the Bible says that humans were made in God's image?

Shalom Chaim,

Israel is an exporting nation of hi-tech, value-added goods, technologies and services. Many leading companies  outsource R&D to Israel. Enforcement of technology patents requires international good will. Any boycott will immediately affect the lives of hundreds o thousands most productive members of the Israeli society and will bring economic collapse and subsequent removal of your government from power. And I am not even talking about tourism, agriculture and other industries that will suffer as well.
Your thoughts?


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