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Hail Columbia:
Welcome to our community.

Vikram nice to see another hindu here brother. IRAN AND PAKISTAN are the final face of brutal islam. They just want to destroy mankind and civilization in the guidance of mad mullahs. Pakistan needs to be disintegrated and in CIA reports, they clearly mentioned pakistan can't survive the next decade bcoz there are seperatists movements for Pasthoonisthan, Baloochisthan,Sindh which were neglected by the pakistani central govt dominated by pakistani punjabi muslims. So pakistan will break up. But IRAN? It's rich country and sponsoring more than 47 terrorist organizations across globe. Money,weapons were supplied to pakistani,afghan jehadis were coming from iran. IRAN is the lifeline for jehadis.If it was cut off, they will start loosing the grip on radical young muslims. This will atleast stop the expansion of the mad jehadi ideology. Then it can be cut off in each country :)


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