You people are racists and closed minded. You cannot be so unaccepting and intolerant of other peoples cultures and religious teachings.... Just because one bad egg happens to do something wrong, by our moral guidelines, doesn't mean that embracing diversity and having a truly progressive multicultural society is wrong.
Taking the head of a person is proper in many religions and is practiced by many cultures. Heck Tamerlane, following the Islamic teachings of his Prophet Mohammad, used to build towers from the skulls of those closed minded Hindu and Buddhist infidels in his attempt to warning the intolerant Indians in 1398 towards Mohammadanism. Further, Cannibalism is still practiced in places in South America, Africa and East Asia.
Why are you people so intolerant towards progress and social evolution? We must be understanding and accepting of others cultures that we can truly learn and develop to become better people.
Look at our enlightened society to the north. We aren't red necks and don't have the need for guns, no one is armed and we can boast that we supply, per capita, amongst the most foreign aid and humanitarian relief in the World......
Did any of you ignorant racists even once consider that Li was in fact born this way! It is not his fault! The fact that he is living in a White Racist Society full of closed minded bigots like you which never gives the visible minority a chance to succeed, we can only blame ourselves. As a matter of fact, the fellow that was murdered was Xenophobic and therefore responsible. If he wasn't a racist, he wouldn't have been killed. Just by looking at the guy one could tell he was a racist. Look at his skin for godsake. It's White!
So before you speak you bunch of closed minded, intolerant racist xenophobes, perhaps you'd think differently if you were Li living in such a racist, sexist, xenophobic, feminist country....