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« Reply #25 on: August 06, 2008, 03:11:31 PM »
I hope some of you will do something about this.
It's good stuff to add on to 'Jews against obama'
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline Cyberella

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« Reply #26 on: August 06, 2008, 03:22:50 PM »
Here's Israpundit on it:

Obama Campaign Site’s Blood Libel of Israel
Obama’s official campaign site sanctions accusation that Israel is committing genocide
by Bill Levinson

We recall that Barack Obama’s chuch published a guest opinion piece that accused Israel of working with South Africa to develop an “ethnic bomb” to kill Negroes and Arabs., over which Obama’s campaign staff exercises editorial control welcomed the following material. This is no surprise given a moderator’s advice to use the phrase “Israel Lobby” in place of “Jewish Lobby.” Note that this has been online since February 2008, although it may well go under the bus now that it has become a public issue at IsraPundit, Free Republic, and elsewhere. In addition, this entry was apparently revised, possibly by Obama’s moderators, to remove even worse material than is currently present.

At the very core of our involvement in Iraq and Iran is our support for the slow genocide of Palestine that the Israelis have been carrying out for the last 60 years in blatant violation of UN Sec Co Resolutions 242, 194, 338, the Geneva Conventions, and International Law. I’ve been checking out interviews and debates by Samantha all weekend - she’s great. I’m ordering ‘A Problem from Hell”: America and the Age of Genocide’ off Amazon

I love that Samantha is at the Kennedy School of Government along with Stephen Walt - Walt being the coauthor of the seminal work on ‘The Israel Lobby’ along with Mearsheimer. Samantha is a perfect choice for stopping our neocon-led phoney war on terror EVERYBODY KNOWS is really a ‘war of terror for Israel’ but just about everybody in academia or politics simply don’t have the cojones to say. Edwards and Samantha are visionary enough to have the guts to overcome the ‘Israel Lobby’s’ kibosh on discussing these truths.

Check out this link to Charlie Rose as he interviews Samantha Power … what brains and class!
25 min on Charlie Rose

I got a crush on Samantha! Seriously - she has rekindled my hope that Obama will have the guts to do what needs to be done for Middle East peace - finally - and once and for all. This completely seperates him from Clinton - who is the Bush/Neocon-designated Bush follow-on

Speaking of this Obama dream ticket - Obama must dump Dennis Ross from any foreign policy post considerations in his adminsitration - Dennis is a NEOCON. Dennis is a Scooter Libby defender, is CURRENTLY director of the neocon warcriminals at WINEP, is a well loved AIPAC lackey, and ATTACKED Jimmy Carter’s ‘Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid’, amongst a trove of other Israel Lobby- approved activities. This is the last guy on earth who should be warping American foreign policy in the middle east - especially since the FIRST thing America needs to do exert tremendous and overwhelming political pressure on Israel - America needs to LEAD the international effort to put this UN-violating country back in it’s pre-67 box as demanded by the UN time and again rather than time and again VETOING that very pressure from the international community. Sure - conforming to these UN Sec Council Resolution 242, 194, 338, the Geneva Conventions, and International Law will be a pinch for Israel and just exactly what the DENNIS ROSS, the Israel Lobby, AIPAC, and the neocons don’t want to happen

Check out the neocon policy volcano Dennis Ross runs at this link:

There is evidence that suggests that this entry was revised during the past month or so in response to a previous scandal. reports that the original content included

What Israel, her Israel Lobby, and her neocons desire is to successfully manipulate America to permit and support Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine (which takes care of her internal enemies, the Palestinians) while manipulating America to illegally attack any nation Israel and her Israel Lobby sends us to attack (which takes care of her external enemies)…

…What workable plans do Israel and her Israel Lobby have for the Palestinians and peace in Palestine? The Likud/Netanyahu extremist Israelis running Israel have put the dead Palestinians in a jar of formaldehyde on the shelf - preserved dead forever…

…I say the neocons have suggested their own perfect solution - we put the neocons and the Israel Lobby in formaldehyde and we put it up on a shelf and teach generations of Americans what crimes, disasters, and holocaust they have wrought upon the world, America, and the Palestinians…

and there is a screen shot that supports this. This material no longer appears in the post, which suggests “cosmetic surgery” by Obama’s campaign staff, as it is doubtful that “blu” would have made this revision himself. Meanwhile, here is another entry from the same individual:

Israel to strike Iran when charades end - BO
By blu - Jul 30th, 2008 at 9:50 pm EDT
Also listed in: Foreign Policy Wonks for Peace, Justice and Human Rights | Peace in the Middle East
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Barack Obama quoted by ABC News is sounding the alarm that events will soon be sweeping him up into the greatest foreign policy debacle this nation has ever experienced. (Full article and link below) Oil futures will shortly reflect his comments today

Once Israel pulls the trigger and commits the US (by means of her extraordinary influence over US Mid East policy, as described in ‘The Israel Lobby’ by Walt and Mearsheimer’), the Neocons in American and the Likudists in Israel who brought us Iraq will have forced us over a Rubicon with our fresh acts of war against Iran. Obama, like Bush, will not only be a war president but a war president STILL carrying out the Neocon and Israeli agenda.

Screen shot:

Screen shot:


Offline Cyberella

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« Reply #27 on: August 06, 2008, 03:40:40 PM »

 Headline News
Wednesday, August 06, 2008 Israel Today Staff 

Obama campaign blog is hotbed of anti-Semitism

An official blog website set up by US Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's campaign team has become a clearinghouse for some of the most virulent anti-Semitic rhetoric found anywhere on the Internet.

WorldNetDaily reported that the website, titled MyObama, allows registered users to set up conversation groups and community blogs where they can post their own content. That has opened the flood gates for the anti-Semitic and anti-Israel conspiracy theories and incitement that characterize so many of Obama's supporters.

Many of the posts are of typical fare, including accusations that Israel was behind the 9-11 terrorist attacks, that Israel and American Jews control the US government and that Israel is perpetrating atrocities against the Palestinians.

A handful of posts, however, rival even the most hate-filled Muslim rhetoric, and in Nazi fashion call on Americans to solve their nation's problems by throwing the Jews "in the oven."

Reads one such post:

"Shed ourselves from the racist Zionists in America. They control everything. But they won't keep us down any longer. Throw the Jews in the oven this November. Its the only way we can free America and make sure Barack Obama is elected!"

The MyObama website explicitly states that "content on blogs in My.BarackObama represents the opinions of community members and in no way should be interpreted as endorsed or approved by the campaign."

The Obama staff has removed a handful of anti-Semitic postings in recent weeks, but it appears the majority of hate speech targeting Jews, Israel and anyone who supports them is allowed to remain.

Former Israeli cabinet minister and respected international figure Natan Sharansky warned American Jews this week that voting for Democratic candidate Barack Obama in the upcoming presidential election would risk Israel’s future.

Speaking on Shalom TV, a Jewish cable network that reaches 18 million American households, Sharansky avoided the rampant conspiracy theories regarding Obama, but did note that his lack of a positive record vis-a-vis Israel should raise concerns.

With Obama, said Sharansky, “nobody can know for sure what will be. It can happen to be good. It can happen to be very bad. It’s a risk.”

Also of concern is Obama’s tendency to surround himself with advisors who are either hostile toward the Jewish state or advocate sacrificing Israeli interests for American interests.

By contrast, Sharansky said that Republican candidate John McCain, whom he has known personally for 20 years, has a long, strong record of support for Israel.

« Last Edit: August 06, 2008, 03:48:26 PM by Cyberella »

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« Reply #28 on: August 07, 2008, 06:24:08 PM »
Send it to Shan hannity!