I mean, I don't get it..Am I misunderstood here? The ideas of JTF coming from Chaim is not about Chaim..it's not about a single individual here...It's not even about JTF. It's about the ideas we hold dear. So who cares who it comes from if it is hopefully guiding righteous people in the proper direction? Am I right about this? I don't understand Chaim's diatribe. If this were completely about JTF or even a little bit about him, then perhaps we need to get a radio show ourselves on a popular station and compromise a few beliefs here and there.
I mean, Savage is not authentic. JTF is authentic..but if it is supposed to be us on the air and if we want to be on the air for millions of listeners NOW, then we have to compromise how we express ourselves. Don't think JTF or Chaim want to do this. And I'm not saying we ought to do this. I'm saying, why be angry at him? He has his views which are sufficiently acceptable to the mainstream. We have our views which are too politically incorrect and coarse for the mainstream to accept. That's not Savage's fault. I say to be angry about him "stealing" our lines should only come with the fact that he gave no credit to us and nothing more.
Perhaps the proper thing is to target Savage fans and let them know where those lines actually come from. We might be successful in getting a few more people, but knowing how the mainstream is, the majority of savage listeners will find this movement to be too much. Some of the things that are spoken on this forum turn away a alot of decent people who want to know the real conspiracies of our time. I'm not suggesting a way to change our tone. JTF is JTF and how we choose to speak is how we choose to speak. However, it's something to think about in order to become a mass movement faster.