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Please help my confusion.
I think in a sane world, I would not be here. The obamanation would have been crushed a long time ago. It makes me so sad. What is wrong with my country for so many to idolize him and his madness? What I consider to be a natural foundation for a person's soul is foreign to others. God, family, honesty, honor, integrity, mercy, kindness, and more mercy plus the desire to be helpful to others.
I love God so much and want to please Him, with all my heart and all my soul. I don't fully understand why but I love Israel deeply and want it to be strong and live forever. This is a strong force inside me wanting Israel alive and be forever well. I am too ignorant to understand it all. I feel like a moth to a flame but I am riveted. I am also obsessed with seeing the Temple rebuilt. To see it would make me sob with utmost joy. I am Not Jewish. What's my deal?
Please forgive my frustration but since I'm anonymous I can be completely honest. Yeah, I know I must be a freak but my feelings cannot change. I have felt this way for many years.
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