Save Western Civilization > Save Europe
The British National Party?
If there are any British Jews on the forum, I would advise them to join the BNP and help with the campaign work.
I would agree that Duke is a professional anti-Semite, which is a rather low position to operate from. His criticisms of the Jewish establishment might be remarkably similar to what might say on this forum, but he remains resolutely opposed to Zionism, and it just seems so spiteful of him. He is so much the perfect ideological counterpart to groups like the ADL that you could even imagine them working together.
Regarding Haw Haw, I think that he must have seen matters in very broad geo-political terms. Britain has been run by scumbags for quite a long time now, possibly since Queen Elizabeth. It depends upon your point of view, but there are few political figures who I can admire in recent British history. I could never accept that National Socialism was right, but I do feel that Britain compounded Germany's problems. Britain squandered the wealth of her empire and stole from emerging economies.
If you want to know more about the British National Party read their website. The BNP is Britain's fastest growing political party and now is the time for anyone who wants to be involved to join the party and become part of the movement.
I think that the groups sounds very informed. I do agree with Fotl as well as Massuh. I feel that if any Jews do take an active role in that, or any organization, it must be done with a clear, logical and loud voice against the Socialistic/Communistic un-Jewish portion of our "Jewish" people and to stand up for the Judeo-Christian moral ethics. It is our duty as Jews to confront those who spit in G-d's eye or distort the Torah, which most certainly the British Communist/Socialist Judenrot do. Any Nationalistic nation that puts their culture first (provided it is based on the concepts of moral conservatism) has my vote. The tragic part of many of Conservative movements is that they end up being influenced by splinter religious groups. As you know most Catholics are not very friendly to Jews or Israel. In fact their pontiff is pandering to the Moslem hord while trying to take Jerusalem.... from my readings anyway.
sat_chit_anand what kind of role do you play in being a member?
I just find their mission and aim rather objectiveless and they wander around in circles. However they have obviously been successful and have patriotic as well as minor supporters, which proves that they are heading somewhere.
Sarah, I help to distribute leaflets, things like that. If you join a political party that is the sort of thing which you will be asked to do. Since I joined the party every change they have made to their programme has been to my satisfaction.
If you think that the BNP are without a mission, you should look at the other political parties' websites. It is a question of values for me; the other political parties don't have any.
I would say that Zionists must watch Roman Catholicism. Germany is producing scores of Jesuit trained 'Europhiles' who aim to take their places in the EU administation, there were many at my college (UK) studying economics, law, political science. Roman Catholicism is somewhat antithetical to nationalism. I fear that the Roman Church is too concerned with its bank. Didn't they bankroll the holocaust?
This evening me and some friends will be meeting with the Rabbi who is the Jewish chaplain for the students in my part of the world. We will be asking him about the possibility of inviting a Kahanist speaker to speak to the JSOC at the university.
I have no idea what the response will be. He is a Chassidic-Chabad-Lubavitcher.
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