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Ask Rubystars
Spiraling Leopard:
Thank you.
--- Quote from: Bio-Electric Apprentice on May 06, 2010, 07:46:57 AM ---Thank you.
--- End quote ---
You're welcome. I like cats :)
Christian Zionist:
Hi Ruby,
What is your take on a Houston school teacher beating up a student?
It happened to be a black teacher beating a black student. Imagine, had the teacher been white in this case???
CZ I was physically abused by a black teacher when I was in 2nd grade. She found excuses to whap a yardstick against my face, or hit me almost every day. My hand was hit so often it started hurting on its own and I went up to the front one day and told her I thought I needed to go to the nurse's office because my hand was hurting and she took me up in front of the class and asked me if she should cut it off. Some of the kids acted like they wanted her to, and I thought she really would. Suffice it to say I never asked her if I could go to the nurse again. I think she hated the fact that I was a little white girl with blue eyes.
The first grade teacher was a white woman who was also abusive but not physically. She'd call students stupid, liars, etc. For example one time I had lost something (I think it was a pencil) and I didn't know where it was so she told me to clean out my desk so I did. I found it in there and showed her, smiling happily. She said "See you didn't lose it, liar!"
There was a kid I was friends with who was a little slower than the rest of the class, but there was no special ed program. The first grade teacher I guess was frustrated with having to try to teach her, so she told her if she didn't get better grades then she'd be kicked out of school and her parents would go to prison because she wasn't in school. That girl believed her of course and was very scared. It was a very bad school.
I can only imagine what that district is like now. I think physical punishment should be the parent's job because teachers don't have the same love for the children as their own parents do and will not know the child's needs as well as the parents do. Some kids respond better to different types of disclipline while some need physical punishment on occasion to keep them in line. To a teacher, she's got a class with 15 kids or so and she doesn't have time to make those kinds of judgments for each child. So I think only non-physical punishments should be used in school such as being suspsended, going to a corner and having to sit still, etc.
It's true that a lot of parents these days don't control their kids either, or teach them to behave, but that still doesn't give a teacher who does not love that child a right to physically hurt them.
wow i only just found out ruby stars was a women(why i said wow i do not know), i wish more women were as rightous as ruby.
Anyway my question. Do your family know your views and if so what do they think.
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