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Ask Rubystars
--- Quote from: Zelhar on December 21, 2009, 12:47:10 PM ---Hi Rubystars,
Can you quantify your belief, using probability percentage, in :
1. G-d
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--- Quote ---2. Eternal soul
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--- Quote ---3. Heaven/Hell
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--- Quote ---4. The Bible was written by G-d or by divine inspiration
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5. The next Einstein is going to be a black man from the Congo
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Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
Rubystars, please go off on Negro Woods.
✡ Hindu Zionist ॐ:
Rubystars i have read that you keep keen interest in scientific ideas like evolution, creation threories..etc Considering you have strong belief in your faith... How do you deal with the contradictions??
Rubystars, according to a Rasmussen Reports poll, there's a 3rd candidate in the Republican Texas Governor's race who has become a significant factor in the race: Debra Medina. The poll mentioned that Debra Medina's poll number went up from 12% to 16% since last month. From what I have noticed on the Internet, Debra Medina seems to be popular amongst many Ron Paul supporters. This is a concern.
What is your opinion of Debra Medina? Do you believe she has a realistic chance at winning the nomination?
I don't really know as much about her as I do Kay Hutchison and Perry. I don't like either of those two so I'm willing to look a little closer at Medina. Texas has a small government compared to many other states and the governor isn't as powerful, even though it's a large state with a lot of people in it. The thing that irritates me is that every single governor we've had promised they would do something about illegal immigration and lied through their teeth about it. I think the federal government either ties their hands or they just don't care.
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