Moslems must leave all western countrys they should return to their homelands
Shalom Mord, the Muslims should leave but they refuse to. The Muslims need to be thrown's the only way to get rid of them.
I have read before a few minutes an issue in the leftwing magazine "Stern"
It says, 29 percent of all Muslims in Germany live totally on welfare and additional 43,9 percent of them get welfare in addition to their small income.

Here is the source for the data: would not wonder, if this quranimals will buy the poison to kill us from welfare money, that we pay them.
I know for shure, that the quranimals in Gaza use the fertilizer, which the Israeli gouvernment is stupid enough to give them to manufact rocket fuel
Cut all welfare and establish law & order and they are gone - I promise

This is what our good Chaim and Rabbi Kahane have seen long before. Free Market Economy is poison for Muzzies.