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Truth About "Lost Books" Of Tanak a.k.a Apocrypha

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Christian Zionist:
Shalom Lisa!

* The Book Of Jubilees talks a lot about demons and angels. 

*Hebrew was the language originally spoken by all creatures, animals and man, and is the language of Heaven. After the destruction of the tower of Babel, it was forgotten, until Abraham was taught it by the angels.

*Yes, it is included in the Ethiopian Bible and in the Ethiopian version it says angels were the disobedient descendents of Seth and mortal females were daughters of Cain.

*Book of Jubilee 3:10 states that the law of purification of woman after childbirth are written in the tablets in heaven.  Jubilee 5:13 states that the divine judgement on all that exists on earth is written on tablets in heaven.

*It is also known as "little Genesis" and "Apocalypse of Moses"

Popular quote from the book of Jubilees:

"He that sees but does not bear witness, be accursed"

According to the Book of Jubilee, nine-tenths of the Nephilim were destroyed during Noah's time, but God left one-tenth on earth to worship Satan as a challenge to mankind.

Jubilees recounts Enoch, his book, works, the fall of the angels, their teachings, marriage to woman, several types of Nephillim (the hybrid offspring of mortal woman and angels), even the finding of the artifacts left by the teachings of the angels when Noah’s descendants reached Egypt. In other words, the book of Enoch predated Jubilees.

Jubilee 4:9
...after giving birth to Cain and Abel, Eve bore a daughter named Awan, who eventually became Cain's wife.' After the birth of his son Seth, Adam fathered another daughter and named her Azura, who later became Seth's wife.

Book of Jubilees is based on a lunar calendar. It asserts that the year is exactly 364 days. Jubilees 6:23-38.

It is unclear whether the first year of the next jubilee cycle starts after the 50th year, or whether it overlaps the 50th year. The Book of Jubilees demonstrates that a jubilee period is 49 years, and not 50 years and thus the Book of Jubilee remove the ambiguity present in the Bible. Jubilees 4:29

Esau's sons confront him about the peace arrangement between him and Jacob.


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