Author Topic: The implicit revolution  (Read 1610 times)

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Offline zachor_ve_kavod

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The implicit revolution
« on: August 26, 2008, 07:08:33 PM »
Rav Kahane (of blessed memory) used to say, "There are two kinds of muslims; smart ones and stupid ones.  The stupid ones say what they mean."  While this is true, the world wide islamic revolution has not been unterstated, subtle, or cloaked in a false veneer generally.  Most islamicists say what they mean.  The battle lines for the most part are clearly drawn, and those of us in the west can make distinct choices about which side we are on.

A far more insidious revolution is currently taking place in America.  Who is it?  Promise not to laugh?  It's the communists disguised as the democratic party.  They are here and they are winning.  They control the media and the universities.  They are the "elites" and they are the liberals, and some of them (maybe most of those who support them) do not even know that they are communists.

I listened to the speeches last night at the democratic convention.  On the face of it, the speeches seemed compassionate and that is the key.  They are compassionate.  They care so much about the poor, the racial minorities, the women, the gays.  It seems very noble and good.  But a careful listening reveals a hidden agenda.  I heard phrases such as (I'm paraphrasing) "none of us succeed unless all of us succeed."  Well what is that if not communism?  Listen to what they say about Obama specifically.  To them, he is America's saviour.  The rhetoric I've been hearing makes me think that we might become a Stalinist type of regime.

Please watch the democratic national convention.  Hold your nose if you have to.  My mother of blessed memory used to tell me that if I could only hear one opinion, I should hear my enemies'.  Several times last night I heard things that I found alarming.

Offline Shamgar

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Re: The implicit revolution
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2008, 08:12:31 PM »
This movie line is very appropriate for what is going on at the DNC this week.

Infidels fighting Obamazombies and Islamazombies in the wastelands of the former United States.

"I will stand with the Blue Line should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: The implicit revolution
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2008, 08:16:54 PM »
Who wrote this?   Did you ?   Or was that taken from an article?   If so, you should cite the source and tell us the author at least...

Offline zachor_ve_kavod

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Re: The implicit revolution
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2008, 08:33:47 PM »
I wrote this.  I cite every source I use.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2008, 08:48:51 PM by zachor_ve_kavod »

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: The implicit revolution
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2008, 10:19:10 PM »
I wrote this.  I cite every source I use.

Oh, very good.   It sounds very professional!   You should submit to a newspaper, A7 or something like that....

Offline zachor_ve_kavod

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Re: The implicit revolution
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2008, 08:11:58 AM »
I wrote this.  I cite every source I use.

Oh, very good.   It sounds very professional!   You should submit to a newspaper, A7 or something like that....

Thank you.  But which newspaper would have the courage to print this?

Offline Rubystars

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Re: The implicit revolution
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2008, 09:31:55 AM »
You could always submit it to Associated Content. You might even get paid a little if it gets a lot of views.

Offline GoIsraelGo!

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Re: The implicit revolution
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2008, 02:56:01 PM »
Rav Kahane (of blessed memory) used to say, "There are two kinds of muslims; smart ones and stupid ones.  The stupid ones say what they mean."  While this is true, the world wide islamic revolution has not been unterstated, subtle, or cloaked in a false veneer generally.  Most islamicists say what they mean.  The battle lines for the most part are clearly drawn, and those of us in the west can make distinct choices about which side we are on.

A far more insidious revolution is currently taking place in America.  Who is it?  Promise not to laugh?  It's the communists disguised as the democratic party.  They are here and they are winning.  They control the media and the universities.  They are the "elites" and they are the liberals, and some of them (maybe most of those who support them) do not even know that they are communists.

I listened to the speeches last night at the democratic convention.  On the face of it, the speeches seemed compassionate and that is the key.  They are compassionate.  They care so much about the poor, the racial minorities, the women, the gays.  It seems very noble and good.  But a careful listening reveals a hidden agenda.  I heard phrases such as (I'm paraphrasing) "none of us succeed unless all of us succeed."  Well what is that if not communism?  Listen to what they say about Obama specifically.  To them, he is America's saviour.  The rhetoric I've been hearing makes me think that we might become a Stalinist type of regime.

Please watch the democratic national convention.  Hold your nose if you have to.  My mother of blessed memory used to tell me that if I could only hear one opinion, I should hear my enemies'.  Several times last night I heard things that I found alarming.

Shalom Zachor, I see exactly what you mean. I have had the same complaint regarding them taking over, however the Radical Left has yet to get their man into the White House. They tried this with Kerry and Gore and lost. The radicals have spent 40 years attempting to put a radical into Office, I hope they do not win this election.
Obama in a matter of Months will create a National Disaster that will affect everyone. Let us believe that most Americans are not radical and that the conservative here will vote for McCain to gain another win and possibly 8 years of Republican leadership. G-d help us if Obama wins...we will need it badly.
Zachor, I really hope this evil will backfire on the radical libs once more with a Loss in November!!!

                                                                                          Shalom from Dox   

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Re: The implicit revolution
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2008, 03:10:37 PM »
Most Americans are not that radical yet, but the younger generation does not hold out much promise for us. Droves of young whites are in love with the fact that Obama is a black racist. They are just eating it up. Obama would win with 80-90% of the vote, at least, if only the under-30 demographic voted. Thank G-d that the young do not vote as much as the old.

Offline zachor_ve_kavod

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Re: The implicit revolution
« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2008, 08:19:35 PM »
Rav Kahane (of blessed memory) used to say, "There are two kinds of muslims; smart ones and stupid ones.  The stupid ones say what they mean."  While this is true, the world wide islamic revolution has not been unterstated, subtle, or cloaked in a false veneer generally.  Most islamicists say what they mean.  The battle lines for the most part are clearly drawn, and those of us in the west can make distinct choices about which side we are on.

A far more insidious revolution is currently taking place in America.  Who is it?  Promise not to laugh?  It's the communists disguised as the democratic party.  They are here and they are winning.  They control the media and the universities.  They are the "elites" and they are the liberals, and some of them (maybe most of those who support them) do not even know that they are communists.

I listened to the speeches last night at the democratic convention.  On the face of it, the speeches seemed compassionate and that is the key.  They are compassionate.  They care so much about the poor, the racial minorities, the women, the gays.  It seems very noble and good.  But a careful listening reveals a hidden agenda.  I heard phrases such as (I'm paraphrasing) "none of us succeed unless all of us succeed."  Well what is that if not communism?  Listen to what they say about Obama specifically.  To them, he is America's saviour.  The rhetoric I've been hearing makes me think that we might become a Stalinist type of regime.

Please watch the democratic national convention.  Hold your nose if you have to.  My mother of blessed memory used to tell me that if I could only hear one opinion, I should hear my enemies'.  Several times last night I heard things that I found alarming.

Shalom Zachor, I see exactly what you mean. I have had the same complaint regarding them taking over, however the Radical Left has yet to get their man into the White House. They tried this with Kerry and Gore and lost. The radicals have spent 40 years attempting to put a radical into Office, I hope they do not win this election.
Obama in a matter of Months will create a National Disaster that will affect everyone. Let us believe that most Americans are not radical and that the conservative here will vote for McCain to gain another win and possibly 8 years of Republican leadership. G-d help us if Obama wins...we will need it badly.
Zachor, I really hope this evil will backfire on the radical libs once more with a Loss in November!!!

                                                                                          Shalom from Dox   

I hope so too.  Sadly, this situation is different than Kerry, Gore, or even Jimmy Carter (ym"sh).  Obama is different.  As bad as those previous candidates were, there is something truly frightening about Obama.  If you listen to his speeches, see how he is worshiped (not just by his party but by the so-called "objective" media), look into his associations, and scrutinize his policies, Obama reminds me so much of Stalin.  I fear his victory could mean not just catastrophic policies, but the very end of the American system of government and jurisprudence.  It is as though a shadow is being cast upon this once great country. 

America is the culmination of a constitution and 232 years of practice, refinement, re-creation, and introspection.  America is the home for peoples of many faiths and for people of no faith.  It is the home for people on all sides of many debates.  This is perhaps why America is referred to as the "great experiment".  I know of revolutions from within.  My parents witnessed the young people in the 1960s, duped by communist sympathizers, reject their own government in the guise of an anti-war movement.  Even that situation is different from the situation today.  I see blatant falsehoods everywhere.  The liberals call even their overtly liberal media conservative, and the conservative media they call fascist.  I have never seen so many people so eager to submit to one man's authority.  It certainly has never happened before in America. 

If G-d forbid, Obama gets elected, I think we can expect purges and forced famines, and five-year plans, and re-education protocols.  Society will be driven to suit the lowest common denominator.  And that is in the short term.  What could happen here in the long term is far more frightening.  There may be civil wars and genocides.  In sum, there may not be much of an America left to save if he wins.

C.F. mentioned the young people.  They haven't lived, how could they know any different?  They are the most impressionable, the most vulnerable.  They are the ones who could carry out the worst of Obama's policies.  It is up to us to show them different.