Author Topic: Chamish on Halamish  (Read 621 times)

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Chamish on Halamish
« on: August 25, 2008, 12:43:29 PM »
Although Chaim holds that Barry Chamish is "insane", "scum of the earth", and 'an establishment plant', he writes quite well & his heart seems to be in the right place.

STOP! OR I'M UNDER ARREST by Barry Chamish

      Here is the sad story of the Halamish brothers, rotting in Israeli prison. The crime: they were security officers defending themselves.

The Halamish brothers, as part of their reserve military service, were
members of a security response team organized, equipped and trained by the
Israeli Army to help protect their community and surrounding region from
Arab attack. On Feb. 21, 2004, the brothers were summoned by another
security officer, Feldbaum, to help expel Bedouins who trespassed into the
Jewish community of Sdei Bar and were encamped near a student dormitory.
Bedouin tribes in the area had been deemed responsible for the killing of
several Jews in the area in previous years.
Under the direction of Feldbaum, the Halamish brothers ordered the
bedouin squatters to leave. The Bedouins refused, and about 20 of them
approached the Jewish security officers with sticks and rocks. Feldbaum shot
toward the ground when the Bedouins continued to move closer.
The response team later said that it shot in self-defense. An army medic
who arrived at the scene determined that nobody was struck by the gunfire,
an assertion disputed by the Bedouins.
At that point, the military abandoned its own security team and allowed
a police investigation. Although police refused to conduct ballistic tests
or even a lineup of suspects, the brothers were convicted of shooting toward
the Bedouins. Dan was sentenced to seven months in prison; Yitzhak, to eight
An Israeli appeals court said ballistic tests or a lineup weren't
necessary. The word of the Bedouins -- who refused to show up to police
headquarters to identify their purported assailants -- was enough.
The court also rejected a recommendation by the probation officer for
community service. The three-judge panel said it wanted the Halamish
brothers to go to jail to serve as a lesson to others.

         Now why would the police and courts bend over backwards to side with the Beduin trespassers? And where is the last place the Halamish brothers could expect justice?
You got it. From the office of "President" Shimon, Mad Dog, Peres.
Sunday, Aug. 17 '08, 16 Av 5768
by Hillel Fendel

President Shimon Peres has refused a request to pardon Itzik and
Danny Halamish, two brothers who were convicted earlier this year of
attacking Arab marauders who attacked them. 

          And who better to submit the worthless petition to Peres than attorney Dov Even attorney.                                                       
Over two months ago, the Justice Ministry approved the pardon
request for Dan and Yitzhak Halamish, two brothers sentenced to seven and eight
months respectively and sent the request to the office of President
Shimon Peres.  On June 1, the president's office sent a letter to attorney
Dov Even-Or confirming that the pardon request had reached an advanced stage.
    "Your clients' request is being dealt with in the advanced
stages," presidential aide on pardons, Ms. Talia Sukari-Lina, said.
    Even-Or said his petition includes a request that the
president be forced to answer all pardon requests within 30 days.
    "50 days have passed since this letter [from the president],"
Even-Or said, "and still the president hasn't announced his decision."

         Attorney Even Or was my legal advocate in two cases against government provocateurs of the infiltrated Kach movement, Avigdor Eskin and Itamar Ben Gvir. In the Eskin case,
the plaintiff, him, was caught admitting to an Israeli court that he had worked for the secret services. Even Or prepared an appeal that was rejected before I even submitted it. See details in my book Bye Bye Gaza:  As for Ben Gvir, one suspicious stroke, 2 law suits and one nearly deadly car "accident" later, I took a break from Israel and Even Or managed to lose an unloseable case without me. In short, the fix was in and Even Or was no Fixer.
         Better than anyone, Even Or knew that Peres ran the secret services from its early days:
                               How Israel Lost Its Soul, Maxim Ghilan, Penguin Books, 1974, pp 120
                                The times were seething with conspiracy, intrigue, power-seeking. It was the era when the Shin Bet's use of political plotting
                                and provocation was at its apogee, under the inspiration of a power-elite known to its enemies as "The Black Hand Group" and to its
                                admirers as "Ben Gurion's Young Men." Among others they were Moshe Dayan, then Commander in Chief of the army, Teddy Kollek,
                                mayor of a united Jerusalem, Issar Harel, head of the Shin Bet, and Shimon Peres, Deputy Minister of Defence.

        Attorney Even Or sends out a steady stream of "Right Wing" missives which occasionally show that he knows another of The Black Hand Group a bit too well:                               
‘Haaretz’ of January 10, 2008 published an article of  Israel Harel in which he says that Bush should not be called bitter enemy of Israel like the evil Haman. This analogy only indicates the mental state of those who say so, and if they are leaders of public opinion, they should be removed! And why, according to Harel, are those people ‘insane’ (my own terminology)? Since not Bush but the Israeli government had conceived of the idea of ‘two states for two peoples’; and in the eyes of a suppressed statesman, the idea seems logical and worthy of support. I find it hard to believe that an illustrious journalist like Harel does not remember the political history of the United States; maybe Israel has no foreign policy, only home policy (to paraphrase the famous speech made by Henry Kissinger), but in the US it is even worse: only economical interests exist camouflaged by slogans and rhetoric called ‘bringing Democracy to the nations of the world’.
       But during the fight to save Gush Katif, attorney Even Or showed me his other hand. In loud and long monologues, he defended the government's inhumane and injustice policy of using the army to expel 10,000 honest Jews from their homes. The country will be safer, he insisted. There will be no more reserve duty in Gaza, he argued. And while the entire Right fought the "evacuation," Even Or favored it, vigorously.
       Now, there is a way to save the Halamish brothers but the "Right Wing" of Israel and their lawyers are too stupefied to actually pursue an opportunity when it comes along. Why, by doing so, their bucolic vision of Israel may finally be shattered. It looks very likely that the Beduin who camped outside a school, did so deliberately and with Israeli police protection to back them up. Because, the police are working with the enemies of the state against the Jews of Yesha. The Halamish brothers just fell into a trap:

JERUSALEM -- Israeli police, in what appears to be a new tactic to quell
Jewish nationalists, have begun to use Arab provocateurs in the West Bank.
Police have acknowledged that they used Arab stone throwers to stop
young Jews from hiking through the West Bank on July 29.
Police detective Aharon Yair told a Jerusalem magistrate that Israeli
security forces colluded with Arab provocateurs as part of an ambush to
arrest the hikers.
Yair, when questioned by defense attorney Naftali Wurtzburger, admitted
that special police forces, disguised in civilian clothes but wearing police
hats, hid in an ambush together with Palestinian Bedouin waiting for the
Jewish hikers to arrive.
W."I am telling you that most of these hikes end quietly."
Y. "The fact is that were police forces there. We understood that like last
week, when there was a violent incident when they [the hikers] came to them
[the Bedouin] with weapons, we were ready because we knew that this was a
place of confrontation. They [Bedouin] set up cameras and therefore the
police were there."
W. "If the police were there and watched the confrontation, what was the
problem of the police to stand openly and prevent them [the hikers] from
passing and if it was not permitted, to stop them. The situation, as I see
it, looks like an ambush. Somebody hides out like thieves in the night."
Y. "I'm not the one who decides. There are officers above me who decide what
is overt and what is concealed."
W. "You agree that special police forces were in the area at that time?
Y. "That's what I said."

        Now why would the Israeli police form an alliance with the Beduin? It's an American trick used against two border guards who shot a threatening illegal trespasser from Mexico. You send the guards to prison. That is enough of a message to stop all border police from ever actually using their weapons in any situation with illegal aliens, no matter how threatening.
        The Halamish brothers were framed in a fix aimed at teaching all Jewish security forces that it's better to surrender than sit in prison for defending themselves, and most importantly, their land.

« Last Edit: August 25, 2008, 12:53:37 PM by Mifletzet »