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--- Quote from: Irish Zionist on February 08, 2010, 03:51:28 PM ---Shalom Muman, very interesting reading but still trying to understand.

1) What's the difference between Sages, Priest's & Rabbis?
2) Is there any other holy men names I missed and can you explain the difference?
3) When King David ruled The Land of Israel (correct me if I'm wrong) was he the supreme ruler and was Israel a Kingdom or a Holy Nation or both?
4) Did The Jewish People ever have A Holy One to rule over all of Israel like (bad example The Catholic Pope) and if so what was he referred to?
5) Did Judas Judas Maccabeus ever become King of Israel? If not, why and what was he referred to?
6) Was The Land Gd gave to The Israelites Judah, Samaria and Israel all three separate regions, who united them as one and how was this done?

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It is early in the morning here and Im still up... Thought I might as well answer #4 while I am up...

4) Did The Jewish People ever have A Holy One to rule over all of Israel like (bad example The Catholic Pope) and if so what was he referred to?

Well, the closest thing I can think of would be what we call the Kohain Gadol or the High Priest {Large/Great Priest}. This 'Big Kahuna' was responsible for the most sacred of rituals in the Torah. There is only one person who can enter the Holy of Holies in the Holy Temple, the place where the Aaron HaKodesh {The Holy Ark of the Covenant}. On Yom Kippur this ritual would occur where the priest would go in and if he was not pure or had impure thoughts, this priest can die on the spot.

The Kohain Gadol must be totally devoid of any defects, meaning that their skin, their hair, their eyes, their mouths, everything must be perfectly formed. A Kohain who has a Mumm is not permitted to perform the service.

--- Quote ---Leviticus Chapter 21

17. Speak to Aaron, saying: Any man among your offspring throughout their generations who has a defect, shall not come near to offer up his G-d's food.
18. For any man who has a defect should not approach: A blind man or a lame one, or one with a sunken nose or with mismatching limbs;
19. or a man who has a broken leg or a broken arm;
20. or one with long eyebrows, or a cataract, or a commingling in his eye; dry lesions or weeping sores, or one with crushed testicles
21. Any man among Aaron the kohen's offspring who has a defect shall not draw near to offer up the Lord's fire offerings. There is a defect in him; he shall not draw near to offer up his G-d's food.
22. His G-d's food from the most holy and from the holy ones, he may eat.

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As you can see any Kohen who has a defect is forbidden to make offerings to Hashem.

Lets see what AskMoses says that the Kohen Gadols job was:,41053/What-were-the-duties-of-the-Kohen-Gadol.html

--- Quote ---What were the duties of the Kohen Gadol?

The Kohen Gadol was required to bring a special bread sacrifice every day, and only the Kohen Gadol was allowed to perform the sacred Yom Kippur service. Additionally, the Kohen Gadol had first rights to the daily lighting of the menorah, and the daily burning of the incense; if he wished to do these services, or any other service, his wish was respected.

He would wear four “royal” garments in addition to the standard four which were worn by all Kohanim. The Kohen Gadol would also hand a Torah scroll to the king to read at the octennial rally known as Hakhel (pronounced HAK-hel).

The Kohen Gadol was also commanded to wed a virgin, unlike his priestly brothers who are allowed to marry widows.

Because of his heightened status, the Kohen Gadol dedicated his life to the service of G-d. He was to spend his days on the Temple grounds, where he was provided with private chambers, serving as a living symbol of total dedication to the most spiritual things in life. He lived in Jerusalem and would go home every night.

Due to the special holiness which the Kohanim possess, they are forbidden from coming in contact with a corpse or grave. One who comes in contact with a corpse or grave contracts a spiritual impurity which lasts for at least seven days, and can only be removed through the ashes of the Red Heifer. The exception to this rule is if a member of the Kohen's immediate family passes away. In this case, out of respect for the family-member, the Kohen is obligated to attend the funeral and pay his final respects - despite the impurity which this entails.

The Kohen Gadol, who is even holier than the average Kohen, can't attend a funeral, even if it is his own next of kin.

The only time a Kohen Gadol may be involved with a corpse, is if he encounters a Mes Mitzvah (a corpse that is strewn on the road, and no one else is in the vicinity to give it a proper burial). This is because the dignity of the Jewish body supercedes all other considerations.

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Here it discusses the Yom Kippur avodah...

--- Quote ---Yom Kippur Torah Readings
Leviticus 16:1-34; 18:1-30

The Torah reading for Yom Kippur morning describes the service performed on this day by the Kohen Gadol (high priest) in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.

A special feature of the Yom Kippur service was the casting of lots over two he-goats -- equal in age, size and appearance -- to determine which shall be offered to G-d in the Holy Temple, and which shall be dispatched to carry off the sins of Israel to the wilderness.

The climax of the service was when the Kohen Gadol entered the innermost chamber in the Temple, the "Holy of Holies." Wearing special garments of pure white linen, the Kohen Gadol would enter the sacred place with a pan of burning coals in his right hand, and a ladle containing an exact handful of ketoret in his left. Inside the Holy of Holies, he would place the ketoret over the coals, wait for the room to fill with its aromatic smoke, and hastily retreat from the holy place.

"This shall be an everlasting statute for you," the Torah reading concludes. "...For on this day He will forgive you, to purify you, that you be cleansed from all your sins before G-d... once a year."

During the afternoon Minchah service, we read chapter 18 of Leviticus, which details the prohibitions against incest and other deviant sexual behaviors. The Torah reading is followed by a haftorah (reading from the Prophets) which tells the story of Jonah -- the prophet who was sent to prophesy the destruction of the sinful city of Ninveh, ran away from G-d, was swallowed by a fish, and learned the power of prayer and repentance to evoke G-d's mercy and annul the harshest decrees.

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--- Quote from: muman613 on February 08, 2010, 11:30:56 PM ---From what I remember the Druze are considered a Christian Arab people.

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Muman, the Druze are indeed Arabs but they are not Christian. They follow some offshoot of Islam. I guess they are considered heretics by "conventional" Muslims.

Both Druzes and Arab Christians live in upper Galilee and sometimes there are conflicts between them.

Do you know who is Avigdor Liberman? And if you do, please tell me what you think of him.

Thanks in advance.

Dear Muman, why do Arab Christians call God Allah?


--- Quote from: YimachShemotoIslam on February 10, 2010, 03:16:21 PM ---Dear Muman, why do Arab Christians call G-d Allah?

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Shalom YimachShemotoIslam,

Well this is an interesting question. I just learned the answer a couple of weeks ago here at JTF. I did not accept the answer initially because for the longest time I could not understand what they meant, and my rage at Islam will never cease. I have always believed that Allah was not a name of Hashem because it seems so clear that Islam is a perverted religion and so many ideas they have stand against what Torah teaches. But after I have thought about it in light of how languages developed in the middle east over the centuries it seems that Allah may actually be an arabicized {sp?} version of one of the Hebrew names of G-d.

In Hebrew our name for G-d, the eternal judge and master of nature, is Elokim. This name is often just shortened to El and it is used in the names of Angels, such as Micha-el, Gabri-el, and Raphi-el, and the word Elokim is used for Judges and leaders.

I was told that Allah is an arabized version of El {as in Ehl-Ah}.

I do not know if this is the truth but according to my recent investigation this may be the case.

--- Quote ---Question

I understand that the Tetragrammaton is the G‑d's true name. So why is G‑d also referred to in the Torah as "Elokim"? Isn't one name enough?


When Abraham started off, people understood that there is one original G‑d who is the essence of being. This is what we refer to with the four-letter name, the Tetragrammaton, whose code name in Kabbalah is "Havaya." That name can only be written in singular form. In fact, it is basically a conjugation of the verb "to be."

They knew of this concept of Havaya, but they considered it far too lofty an idea, seemingly inaccessible and irrelevant to their lives. Instead, they connected to the many forces of nature. They called these "Elokim"—meaning, "mighty forces."

Abraham came along and said, "You guys got it all wrong. Havaya is Elokim! It's all one! He is the essence of being and He is all the forces of nature in one big package!"

That's why, as the Biblical commentator Baal HaTurim points out, the Hebrew letters in the name Elokim have the same gematria (numerical value) as "haTeva"—which means the natural order.

For more on the relation of these two names of G‑d, see Shaar HaYichud V'ha-Emunah by Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi. You can find that here.

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