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How's the weather where ever you're at?
What are you wearing?
--- Quote from: angryChineseKahanist on July 07, 2010, 01:38:49 PM ---
How's the weather where ever you're at?
What are you wearing?
--- End quote ---
Hey angrychinesekahanist,
The weather here is nice... Here in Silicon Valley it is about 80 degrees and sunny... Not too hot... Im here in the airconditioned office.
What am I wearing? Well, I wear nice navy work pants and a short-sleeve button-down shirt... I also wear an undershirt & tzittzits so it can get hot in here sometimes...
This brings up an interesting Halacha which I learned from an email I received from Let me reproduce it here...
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Question: Is it appropriate to remove one’s tallis katan while playing sports or engaging in strenuous activities that make one hot and sweaty?
Discussion: Some poskim write that it is not appropriate to do so.[1] While it is true that neither Biblical nor Rabbinic law obligates one to wear a tallis katan at all times[2], it has become the accepted custom that every male wears a tallis katan all day long. [3] Rav M. Feinstein rules that since it has become customary to wear a tallis katan all day long, one may no longer deviate from this practice, and one who does so transgresses the dictum of al titosh Toras imecha[4].
What are the origins of this custom? Why did men choose to be meticulous about donning a tallis katan even when they were not required to do so? The poskim mention two basic reasons: 1) Wearing tzitzis gives us the opportunity to be constantly reminded of our obligations as a Jew, as it is written in Bamidbar (15:39), “That you may see it and remember all the commandments of Hashem and perform them.” [5] 2) The Talmud[6] tells us that wearing a tallis katan serves as protection from “Hashem’s wrath”; when He observes His children performing mitzvos — such as tzitzis — that they are not even obligated to perform, His anger is contained and He views us more favorably. [7]
It follows, therefore, that no matter the heat or discomfort, one should still be particular not to remove his tallis katan: One constantly needs a reminder of his status as a servant of Hashem, and one should always take advantage of the protection that the tallis katan offers to those who wear it[8].
There are, however, contemporary poskim who question this ruling. They argue that the mitzvah of tzitzis is only properly fulfilled when one is wearing a garment which benefits him in some way, e.g., it protects or warms him[9]. If, however, the garment does not benefit its wearer in any way, and on the contrary — it makes him uncomfortable or bothers him, then it is possible that the tallis katan no longer falls under the category of a “beged” (a useful garment), and one who wears a useless beged does not fulfill the mitzvah of tzitzis by wearing it[10].
1. Mahri Elgazi, quoted in Tzitz Eliezer 14:49-2; Rav B. Zilber, Yagel Yaakov, pg. 165.
2. The Torah requirement is to place tzitzis on a four-cornered garment when one is wearing such a garment. The Torah, however, does not require that one specifically put on a four-cornered garment so as to be obligated to wear tzitzis; O.C. 24:1.
3. Aruch ha-Shulchan 8:2; Tzitz Eliezer 8:4; Yechaveh Da’as 4:2.
4. Igros Moshe O.C. 4:4; O.C. 5:20-25.
5. O.C. 24:1. See Rambam, Hilchos Tzitzis 3:11.
6. Menachos 41a.
7. See Tosafos, Pesachim 113b, s.v. v’ein, and Gilyon ha-Shas; Rokeiach 331: Kesef Mishneh, Hilchos Tzitzis 3:11.
8. See Halichos Shelomo 1:3, Devar Halachah 25; Tzitz Eliezer 14:49-2.
9. See Koveitz Shiurim, vol. 2, 23:8.
10. Rav Y.S. Elyashiv and Rav C. Kanievsky, quoted in Rivevos Efrayim 7:265 and Yagel Yaakov, pg. 166. See also Ashrei ha-Ish, Tzitzis 2:23, Nezer ha-Chayim, pg. 164, and Doleh U’mashkeh, pg. 27.
--- End quote ---
And thank you for asking...
I hope that you are doing well this summer and all the blessings of sustenance come your way...
Wonderful. Its 103F and humid.
What's the purpose of life?
✡ Hindu Zionist ॐ:
didnt knew that u were in silicon valley. There are many indian working there.
and thanks for answering my question. Now i know what dr. dan has in his profile.
my next question, can you tell me something about the applying of ash ritual of red heifer. and Are there any red heifers in israel?
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