Author Topic: Answering the Whorefront troll BabylonianJew (aka "Ralph2").  (Read 920 times)

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Answering the Whorefront troll BabylonianJew (aka "Ralph2").
« on: August 26, 2008, 02:58:35 PM »

I'm more than aware that this has become an absurd [censored] match. Yet I thought it would be worthwhile for me to humiliate the Nazi Ralph a little further by illustrating just how absurdly mistaken he is about our forum's history. (Ralph, if you are going to stalk me, do get your facts straight. It's obvious that you are infatuated with me and pine for me to become a homosexual Nazi like you, but it's time to get over it and move on.)

Hey genius, I wasn't "banned". Shlomo had me take a couple of days to cool off (so that Chaim could address me himself) not because of my comments, but because I was arguing about them. As for the actual nature of comments--you couldn't be more mistaken about them if you tried. Nowhere did I mention "rabbis", dingbat. What I said, almost verbatim, was that if Gazan Arab women got the Darfur treatment, suicide bombings would stop really fast. If you really had been stalking this forum for that amount of time, you'd know that. What I really think happened is that your friends Din Rodent and LieTyper, or perhaps your mommy Tina Greco, gave you a really bad paraphrase of what happened.

The only person who made the posts you are referring to was BabylonianJew, who I am more and more convinced is, in fact, you. He claimed to be an Iraqi Jew, and you are claiming to be an Iranian Jew. Looks like you're not gonna win any awards for thinking up an original cover story.  ::) Nobody else used the term "concubines". It was you who said those things, Adolf. And what's with your fixation with rabbis having relations with Arab women? Is that one of your fantasies, you sick freak? I guess it probably is. You probably want to see Christian ministers have sex with Arab terrorists too, homo. All of you Nazis are sick perverts and child-molesting deviants--every last one.

Go ahead, Babylonian Jew--go ahead and try to refute what I am saying, BJ, so that we can ban you.  ;) (Warning to mods: I predict that it's a matter of hours before this beast tries to post kiddie porn on our forum. Be alert.)