i was listening to his show the other night. It's not that he hates her..he thinks that she's a fine person...However, he feels that she was the wrong pick for McCain because she's basically a nobody...
Here's my point of view where i disagree and agree with him: For those of us who are part of the big cities and surrounded by flashy lights, we would agree that paline was a terrible pick. However, for the middle class, working class, blue collar class, non lazy lower middle class, Paline is a symbol of small-town america. Someone who is an outsider. Someone who is real. Someone who is positive. Some one who has a good heart. If the majority of people in this country who vote are the middle class, workign class, non lazy lower middle class, blue collar class, who cannot stand the snobby attitudes of the democrats especially Obama and his wife, they will hands down go for palin.
Also, she looks good on camera. People feel good when they see her smile and hear her talk. She will become a somebody and everyone is fascinated with her. I think things will work out in McCain's favor because she is very likable and very hard to hate, unlike female democrats such as Hillary.