Author Topic: Russia can recognize Kosovo independence!  (Read 8805 times)

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Offline Jasmina

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Russia can recognize Kosovo independence!
« on: August 31, 2008, 12:48:11 AM »
   President of Russian Duma’s foreign policy board Konstantin Kosachov said yesterday that after recognition of South Ossetia and Abkhazia Russia might take the same stance in regard to Kosovo independence.

‘I cannot exclude that, however there is clear difference between Kosovo on one side and South Ossetia and Abhkazia on the other. Kosovo belonged to Serbia and former Yugoslavia not only formally but factually as well. South Ossetia and Abkhazia have been rejecting to recognize Georgia ever since disintegration of the Soviet Union’, Kosachov told the BBC.
The spokesman of the State Department Robert Wood yesterday repeated the USA stance that Kosovo and South Ossetia are two different cases.

Consequences of Russian recognition of South Ossetia and Abkhazia
Kosovo to be discussed with EU exclusively
Author: Marija Maleš | 28.08.2008 - 08:47

Serbia shall have to focus on negotiations with the EU. The Union on its part shall have to speed up European integration processes by Serbia and the whole Balkans if it wants to prevent further partitions especially after decision by Russia to recognize independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Experts that ‘Blic’ talked to claim that Russia used Kosovo issue for its state interests.

When Serbia initiative for the International Court of Justice to give its opinion over legality of unilaterally proclaimed Kosovo independence, domestic analysts believe that the events in Georgia are not going to have any influence on the outcome of that initiative. Unlike them, foreign analysts are of the opinion that there is room for optimism.

Radical moves
Goran Svilanovic, member of the Foreign-policy council shares that opinion. He says that Russia has made a move similar to that made by the USA and the most influential EU countries in the case of Kosovo.
‘What the authorities in Serbia have to understand is that our partner for negotiations is the EU exclusively. I also hope that the latest events shall make the EU understand the necessity for the change of its policy towards the West Balkans and for speeding up the European integration processes’, Svilanovic says.
Dusan Janjic, director of the Forum for ethnic relations is of the opinion that Moscow’s decision to recognize independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia has come at quite unfavorable time for Serbia’s initiative concerning the International Court of Justice since ‘it shall be shadowed by the global conflict over Georgia and Iraq’.

‘Russia gets Georgia, EU gets Balkans’
Janjic is very skeptical that our initiative shall even find itself on agenda of the UN General Assembly.
‘Even if that happens, I do not believe we are going to get the majority since most of the countries are not willing to interfere in conflict between the world powers’, Janjic says.
Since statements given by European officials over events in Georgia were not too harsh, Janjic believes that the representatives of Russia and the EU have reached an agreement end of July reading ‘Georgia to us, the Balkans to you’. Contrary to Janjic, Ted Carpenter of the Cato Institute in Washington is of the opinion that in the new circumstances the chances of Serbia over disputing the legality of Kosovo independence have increased.

Good for Serbia on short-term basis
Tim Judah, British analyst agrees that Moscow’s decisions shall help Serbia in getting larger support at the UN SC for bringing the Kosovo case before the International Court of Justice, but on a short-term only.
Military analyst Zoran Dragisic, however, thinks that Serbia is now in more unfavorable situation after Russian recognition of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Another military analyst Aleksandar Radic also thinks that Russia is using Kosovo precedent for its goals.

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Re: Russia can recognize Kosovo independence!
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2008, 03:56:09 AM »
I see anti-Russian propaganda is supported here.

Blic? Haha it says enough!

It is also stupied to compare Kosovo with Ossetia.

« Last Edit: August 31, 2008, 05:59:26 AM by DALMACIJA »


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Re: Russia can recognize Kosovo independence!
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2008, 04:27:05 AM »
   President of Russian Duma’s foreign policy board Konstantin Kosachov said yesterday that after recognition of South Ossetia and Abkhazia Russia might take the same stance in regard to Kosovo independence.


Who believes in this?

The problem is that if an certian article contents anti-Russian statements people consider it as the truth without doing some research! You love to hear something like that to justife your anti-Russian behavoir!
« Last Edit: August 31, 2008, 05:38:01 AM by DALMACIJA »


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Re: Russia can recognize Kosovo independence!
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2008, 05:33:08 AM »
What Kosačov  really had said: 

- In Serbian (English below)

Kosačov: 1) Priznanje J.Osetije ne menja ruski stav o Kosovu
Priznanje nezavisnosti Kosova i Metohije smatramo nelegitimnim i ništa u toj poziciji se ne menja ni posle priznanja Južne Osetije i Abhazije, izjavio je danas Tanjugu predsednik spoljnopolitičkog odbora ruske Dume Konstantin Kosačov

On je naglasio da je za Moskvu u slučaju Kosova orijentir pozicija Beograda i da bilo koje buduće rešenje za južnu srpsku pokrajinu treba da bude usaglašeno političkim putem između Beograda i Prištine.
 "Naša pozicija o Kosovu posle priznanja Južne Osetije i Abhazije ostaje neizmenjena:
2)smatramo da je priznanje Kosova od strane nekoliko zapadnih država u suprotnosti sa međunarodnim pravom. Ubeđeni smo da je bilo kakva promena granica u odnosu na Srbiju moguća samo po uzajamnoj saglasnosti strana, a Rusija će u toj situaciji biti spremna da prihvati svako rešenje koje bude usaglašeno između Beograda i Prištine", rekao je Kosačov srpskoj nacionalnoj agenciji.
Prema njegovim rečima, Rusija je uvek dosledno isticala da je najvažnije "šta će reći Beograd i šta kaže Priština, a ne šta kažu o tome neke druge zemlje".
"Rusija je uvek iznosila: bićemo spremni da priznajemo ili ne priznajemo neku teritoriju u toj situaciji nakon što svoju poziciju odredi Beograd. Pozicija Beograda za nas je orijentir, i drugog orijentira mi nemamo i nećemo ga imati", rekao je Kosačov.
Ruski parlamentarac i visoki funkcioner vladajuće Jedinstvene Rusije istakao je da navodi kako on ne isključuje da Rusija posle priznanja Južne Osetije i Abhazije isto učini sa Kosovom, predstavljaju lažnu interpretaciju njegove pozicije, 3) "kako bi se posvađali naši narodi, što niukom slučaju ne želim da dopustim"."Ako se takva pozicija pripisuje meni, to je potpuni falsifikat moje pozicije. Ja tako nikada nisam govorio nigde i to kažem izuzetno jasno. To je pitanje (Kosova) odvojeno, nikako nije povezano sa Južnom Osetijom i Abhazijom", rekao je Kosačov.
On je istakao da između "sadašnje tragedije u Južnoj Osetiji" i priznanja nezavisnosti Kosova postoji direktna veza.
4) Priznanjem južne srpske pokrajine poslat je signal gruzijskom predsedniku Mihailu Sakašviliju da "teritorijalna celovitost u Evropi više nije nesalomiv princip", nakon čega je on pokušao oružanim putem da uspostavi celovitost zemlje i u aprilu, kada je taj pokušaj zaustavljen, i pokretanjem obimne operacije u avgustu, objasnio je Kosačov.
5) "Priznavanje nezavisnosti Kosova razvezalo je ruke agresiji Sakašvilija na Južnu Osetiju, a odgovornost za tu agresiju, osim njega, nose i države koje su ishitreno i nelegitimno priznale nezavisnost Kosova. Rusija tim putem potpuno sigurno neće ići", rekao je Kosačov.Izražavajući žaljenje što zemlje Zapada ne koriste poziciju Rusije da prednost treba dati rešenju koje postignu strane u konfliktu i u slučaju sa Gruzijom, on je rekao da izjavama da ne nameravaju da razmatraju pitanje teritorijalne celovitosti Gruzije, zapadne zemlje "politički dijalog stavljaju u ćorsokak i čine 'medveđu uslugu' političkom procesu u zonama konflikta".
Na pitanje da li zna koje bi zemlje mogle da prate Rusiju u priznavanju otcepljenih gruzijskih autonomija, Kosačov je rekao da Rusija "za razliku od SAD u slučaju Kosova", neće "zavrtati ruke" svojim partnerima.
"Mi znamo kako su Amerikanci 'obrađivali' druge zemlje da ne ostanu usamljeni u slučaju Kosova. Mi se tom lošom aktivnošću apsolutno nećemo baviti, jer uvažamo suverenitet država, koje u toj situaciji rade svaka u skladu sa svojim nacionalnim interesima", rekao je predsednik spoljnopolitičkog odbora donjeg doma ruskog parlamenta.
"Uvereni smo da će broj država koje podržavaju Rusiju rasti", zaključio je Kosačov u izjavi Tanjugu.

In English

What Kosačov  really had said: 
1. Russia's recognition of South Ossetia, will not change our position on Kososvo.
2. The Western recognition of Kosovo is illegitimate and in contradiction to the international rights.
3. The wrong interpretations of Kosačov's statements in regard to Kosovo will not divide the brother nations Russia and Serbia!
4. By recognizing the independence of the Serbian province of Kosovo, the West sent the message to Georgia that the principle of territorial integrity (international right) does not count anylonger. 
5. One of the consequences of the Western recognition of Kosovo was Sakašvil's aggression against South Ossetia.

Stop spreading lies about Russia, please!
« Last Edit: August 31, 2008, 05:59:39 AM by DALMACIJA »

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Re: Russia can recognize Kosovo independence!
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2008, 09:40:50 AM »
  I'm not spreading anything! there were two very interesting articles and I wanted to have a discussion...what's wrong with that? I didn't know that Blic too is pro western! I thought B92 was the one who offended you Dalmacija!
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Re: Russia can recognize Kosovo independence!
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2008, 09:56:15 AM »
  Why is everything for black or white??? Please try to understand that the big forces in the world doesn't have "friends"!!! they have interests!!!!

Istoričar Čedomir Antić smatra čak da bi Srbija veštom diplomatijom mogla da izvuče korist iz globalnog konflikta.
- Rusko priznanje Južne Osetije i Abhazije dugoročno odgovara Srbiji jer joj snaženje nacionalnog principa za stvaranje države otvara vrata da na isti način pristupi rešenju statusa Republike Srpske, s jedne strane, a sa druge, da se sa Albancima na Kosovu konačno dogovori o podeli Kosova - kaže za „Blic“ Antić iz Naprednog kluba i ističe da bi srpska diplomatija to mogla da iskoristi kada bi se odrekla dosadašnje politike prema Kosovu i prema RS.
On kaže da velike sile po pravilu nemaju prijatelje, nego samo interese i da bi Rusija u jednom trenutku mogla da odustane od veta u UN i prizna nezavisnost Kosova. Tokom istorije, Rusija je u nekoliko navrata izneverila, ali isto tako i pomagala Srbiju kada to nije bilo u njenom direktnom interesu. Na primer, 1812. su nas prepustili na milost i nemilost Turskoj vojsci, 1878. je svoje i Bugarske interese pretpostavila interesima Srbije, koja joj je bila saveznik, 1948. su nas ostavili između dva velika vojna bloka. U prvoj polovini 19. veka smo zahvaljujući njima dobili samostalnost, podržala nas je u Balkanskim ratovima, 1914. su ušli u rat iz lojalnosti prema slovenstvu.

  My English is NOT that good to be able to accurate translate what this man is saying, but he is Historian and maybe he knows more then us...
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Re: Russia can recognize Kosovo independence!
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2008, 10:10:00 AM »
You should apologize.
You can read that your first post was totally wrong.
Or do you believe the content of the first story?

Look we can not expect from Russia to be more pro Serbian than the state of Serbia. Today Serbia is also indirectly recognizing Kosovo and other things! At least Russia is prepared to protect its people, Serbia had betrayed its own people! Must we now stop with being Serbs only because we have currently a wrong government?

Why are you only quoting people who have nothing good to say about Russia?

Jasmina, does Russia has the right to protect its people outside the territory of the Russian federation?

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Re: Russia can recognize Kosovo independence!
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2008, 10:14:55 AM »
   I am NOT ANTI-SERBIAN!!!! But I can post articles which I find interesting!
« Last Edit: August 31, 2008, 10:16:31 AM by Jasmina »
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Re: Russia can recognize Kosovo independence!
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2008, 10:18:54 AM »
   I am NOT ANTI-SERBIAN!!!! But I can post articles which I find interesting!


""I am not anti-Serbian but I can post propaganda of Ante Pavelic, Bill Clinton and Stalin.? Thats incontradiction! """

Well Yasima, your first post was wrong.

Look I do not expect from you to know everything, but please let me correct you if you are wrong.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2008, 10:22:09 AM by DALMACIJA »

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Re: Russia can recognize Kosovo independence!
« Reply #9 on: August 31, 2008, 10:21:47 AM »
   You can't accuse me of anything just because I posted an article!
  Why do you trust Russia that MUCH????
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Re: Russia can recognize Kosovo independence!
« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2008, 10:23:23 AM »
   You can't accuse me of anything just because I posted an article!
  Why do you trust Russia that MUCH????

When did Russians kill Serbs ?
Tell me, everybody had killed us historically, when did Russia kill Serb civilains?


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Re: Russia can recognize Kosovo independence!
« Reply #11 on: August 31, 2008, 10:24:35 AM »
Why I trust Russia, look Yasmina!

Offline Jasmina

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Re: Russia can recognize Kosovo independence!
« Reply #12 on: August 31, 2008, 10:27:13 AM »
   You can't accuse me of anything just because I posted an article!
  Why do you trust Russia that MUCH????

When did Russians kill Serbs ?
Tell me, everybody had killed us historically, when did Russia kill Serb civilains?

  they didn't, that is true!!! But they didn't do as much as I wanted when Kosovo declared its independence! I was disappointed!
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Re: Russia can recognize Kosovo independence!
« Reply #13 on: August 31, 2008, 10:31:16 AM »
   You can't accuse me of anything just because I posted an article!
  Why do you trust Russia that MUCH????

When did Russians kill Serbs ?
Tell me, everybody had killed us historically, when did Russia kill Serb civilains?

  they didn't, that is true!!! But they didn't do as much as I wanted when Kosovo declared its independence! I was disappointed!

Thats no argument to justify anti-Russian behavior!
I am quoting you: worlds powers have no friends but only interests.
Thats mostly true!

You think that Russia should enter in WW2 only for Kosovo?   Or did you expect to see Russian warplanes rising up against NATO countries after Kosovo's independence?     
« Last Edit: August 31, 2008, 10:33:15 AM by DALMACIJA »

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Re: Russia can recognize Kosovo independence!
« Reply #14 on: August 31, 2008, 10:42:01 AM »
Why I trust Russia, look Yasmina!

Putan can walk with all the clerics in the world and I would not trust him for a second. The man has an evil look about him and he has put cards on the table early on about his positions on America. This picture is a demonstration to lull the suspicious and convince the gullible. Russia is a secular state they tollorate religion they don't embrace it.
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Re: Russia can recognize Kosovo independence!
« Reply #15 on: August 31, 2008, 10:53:58 AM »
WW2 ?
  Probably WW3... No! but  WW3 will not start that easy! First there would be some agreements between the world powers!
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Re: Russia can recognize Kosovo independence!
« Reply #16 on: August 31, 2008, 11:13:28 AM »
Putan can walk with all the clerics in the world and I would not trust him for a second. The man has an evil look about him and he has put cards on the table early on about his positions on America. This picture is a demonstration to lull the suspicious and convince the gullible. Russia is a secular state they tollorate religion they don't embrace it.

Ok. But that is your opinion!

I am of the opinion that we peolple need God fearing men who will lead our countries.
Putin is a good example. He is a Christian

He does not look evil  :::D ? He is just serious!
Well, he is a male, you can not expect from him to look and to smile like a woman!  :::D
You are propably use to clown leaders?

Look, try to understand our position. We need strong leaders like him to rule our countries.

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Re: Russia can recognize Kosovo independence!
« Reply #17 on: August 31, 2008, 11:41:21 AM »
Russia will not recognize kosovo.Russia said "If Americans can do it, so can i" and that's why it recognized South Ossetia and Abkhazia, but did not recognize kosovo.
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Re: Russia can recognize Kosovo independence!
« Reply #18 on: August 31, 2008, 11:53:42 AM »
Russia will not recognize kosovo.Russia said "If Americans can do it, so can i" and that's why it recognized South Ossetia and Abkhazia, but did not recognize kosovo.

Correct! Putin was clear about Russia’s position on Kosovo!
The first post which contents the interview of the Russian diplomatist is wrong interpreted.


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Re: Russia can recognize Kosovo independence!
« Reply #19 on: August 31, 2008, 11:58:18 AM »
I did not say that Yasmina is anti-Serbian!
I only said that she had posted a wrong interpreted artikle.

But it is good that she had posted such an article, now we all know how much some media houses are liying !  :)


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Re: Russia can recognize Kosovo independence!
« Reply #20 on: August 31, 2008, 12:00:25 PM »
Russia will not recognize kosovo.Russia said "If Americans can do it, so can i" and that's why it recognized South Ossetia and Abkhazia, but did not recognize kosovo.

Welcom to our forum! NedaminodSRB !
Are you maybe a Krajina Serb?

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Re: Russia can recognize Kosovo independence!
« Reply #21 on: August 31, 2008, 12:05:22 PM »
Welcom to our forum! NedaminodSRB !
Are you maybe a Krajina Serb?
Thanks for the worm welcome!No, i am not a Krajina Serb but i see you are.  ;)
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Offline Jasmina

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Re: Russia can recognize Kosovo independence!
« Reply #22 on: August 31, 2008, 12:10:39 PM »
  Welcome NedaminodSRB!! Great to see you here! :)
The whole system works because everyone is not mentally ill on the same day!!!!

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Re: Russia can recognize Kosovo independence!
« Reply #23 on: August 31, 2008, 12:18:45 PM »
  Welcome NedaminodSRB!! Great to see you here! :)

Thank you, wow what a forum!  ;D
Long live independent Republic of Srpska!

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Re: Russia can recognize Kosovo independence!
« Reply #24 on: August 31, 2008, 12:34:32 PM »
Welcom to our forum! NedaminodSRB !
Are you maybe a Krajina Serb?
Thanks for the worm welcome!No, i am not a Krajina Serb but i see you are.  ;)

Maybe your forefathers were came from Krajina, because I see your email is: Martinovic@... and the name Martinovic originates from Lika and Kordun (Krajina) !