General Category > Introduce Yourself
Hi from the USA
Hi Everyone!
I'm a born and raised American female living in eastern USA. I'm a strong supporter of Israel w/ many Jewish friends. I'm anti-Obama, anti-Islam and anything that is against America or jeopordizes freedom and democracy.
I work as a telecommunications officer and was on duty the day of the 9/11 attacks on the United States. My husband is a police lieutenant. We are both born and raised Roman Catholic.
I found your website after viewing a YouTube video entitled a "Warning Message to North America and Europe" - (
Even though I've been watching hundreds of videos on this topic, the above was one of the most moving and powerful. Congratulations to the people who put that movie together. Bravo and well done!
I'm also a fan of Michael Savage, Robert Spencer and Daniel Pipes.
I'm learning a lot and hope to learn more here by lending my support. :)
Welcome to JTF. :)
Welcome to the forum.
Welcome to the forum. :)
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