Hi Mizletzet,
Im all with you...

We cannot just sit back and wait for them to make the 1st move. We know that they are maneuvering in ways which are suspicious. I would like to talk to them as much as anyone, but I really dont think that all this talk will stop the Iranian government from moving ahead with its nuclear ambitions. Everyone who has gone to talk to them basically just talks to the hand.

How long will we wait before it is too late? Every nerve in me feels the desire for a peaceful solution but another part of me knows the nature of the evil we are dealing with. When I see the maniacs marching to the tune of "Death to America, Death to Israel, Death to the Jews!", then I am awake again and I remember what Hashem ordered from us.
Remember Amalek and what he did to us on the way. Remember how he shamelessly slaughted the weak and the old at the rear of our journey. Amalek is still alive in this world. And we know that Haman was Amalek and Haman was the Kings henchman in Persia. Only because of the Repentance of the entire Jewish nation was the evil decree nullified. Amaleks descendants may be Persian and we know that Persia is Iran. Has Ahmajibbajabbah said he wants to wipe Israel from the map, how he thinks the Jews are Satan and he thinks the Ishkabibble imam is coming. This is not to be taken lightly. These are things which our Gedolim and prophets had foreseen.
If America must choose who side to be on I am with Israel. I am voting for the president who will be watching out for Israel, and in effect looks out for the good of America. As Hashem has promised us, his eye is always on the Holy land.