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Democratic vice-presidential candidate Joe Biden was quoted Monday as telling senior Israeli officials behind closed doors that the Jewish state will have to reconcile itself to a nuclear Iran.

In the unsourced report, Army Radio also quoted Biden as saying that he opposed "opening a additional military and diplomatic front."

Biden, chairman of the powerful Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has long been considered strongly pro-Israel.  His nomination as Barack Obama's running mate had been expected to shore up the Democrats' strength with U.S. Jewish voters.

Army Radio said Israeli officials expressed "amazement" over the remarks attributed to him.

Other gems from our friend Beckwith at 'The Obama File':

ABC's on-air genius, Terry Moran, reports: 

"To Barack Obama, the son of a black man from Kenya and a white man from Kansas.  Now, no matter what your politics, that is a moment for the history books."

This video is priceless.

Uncle Jeremiah resurfaces:

Jeremiah "G-d D*mn America" Wright, the former pastor of Obama's church, made an appearance today at Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church in downtown Houston.

Mike Snyder of the Houston Chronicle wrote that Wright has been "a regular guest minister at Wheeler Avenue for more than 15 years" although a "scheduled appearance in March was canceled because of security concerns."

Wright "spoke glowingly of Obama while preaching at Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church, as part of a message that G-d takes 'the ordinary and turns it into the extraordinary'," Jones wrote.

True to form, Wright was immediately quotable, as reported by Jones:

"The Lord turned the ordinary into the extraordinary.  Y’all just saw it this past week.  It was on national television," Wright said to applause.  "This ordinary boy just might be, come November, the 4th, this ordinary boy from a single parent home with a daddy from Kenya and a mama from Kansas.  This ordinary boy just might be the first president in the history of the United States to have a black woman sleeping at 1600 Pennsylvania, legally."

BOY?  Can you call Obama "boy?"   Do you think we'd get any mail if you or I referred to Obama as "boy?"  Google returns 12,200,000 results for "Obama" and "boy" -- is Google racist?

Obama called Raul Castro
"As I left Havana earlier this month," writes Dr. Rens Lee, senior fellow at Philadelphia's prestigious Foreign Policy Research Institute, "Cuba was eagerly awaiting the United States' November presidential elections.  The buzz around the capital, reportedly from a highly placed source, was that Barack Obama has already talked to Raul Castro by phone."

"President Hugo Chavez, Vice-President Vicente Rangel, Ministers Moncada and Isturiz, invited guests,comrades.  I’m honored and humbled to be here with you this morning.  I bring greetings and support from your brothers and sisters throughout Northamerica.  Welcome to the World Education Forum!  Amamos la revolucion Bolivariana!"

Obama buddy, Bill Ayers
These are the opening remarks from Obama sponsor, Bill Ayers, to the Marxists, communists and socialists at the World Education Forum, November, 2006.  Read the rest at the link.

From Bill Ayers blog -- the red star is a nice touch.

Obama's Supporters
8/31/08 While the likes of the New York Times, Washington Post, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and other news organizations have their reporters digging for dirt on Alaskan Gov. Sarah Palin, John McCain’s choice for vice president, their savior-in-waiting Barack Obama is getting a free ride at the expense of truth.

It’s no secret that the denizens of America’s newsrooms want Obama sitting in the Oval Office, but Americans are being purposely duped by the Democrat National Committee’s volunteer publicists, formerly known as the mainstream news media.

If it weren’t for talk radio and the blogosphere, even what is known about Obama and his friend, former Weather Underground domestic terrorist and leader William Ayers, would only be a paragraph or two in the back pages of most newspapers, or a sentence or two on most TV and radio news programs.

On Friday night, one of America’s top talk show hosts -- who happens to be an attorney and worked in the Reagan Justice Department as chief of staff -- recited a list of terrorist acts that would elicit envy from Osama bin Laden.  Mark Levin had his listeners glued to their radios or PCs as he read the resume of a man who should be serving life in prison instead of enjoying a tenured professorship at a major university and entertaining a possible US President in his home.

Because of so-called "prosecutorial misconduct" Ayers escaped what could have been a life sentence.

As I write this "resume of a terrorist," I find it difficult to understand how a man who is running for president of the United States would even know someone as anti-American and destructive as William Ayers.  Plus, Ayers, his wife and their comrades at the Weather Underground are cop-killers.  And Obama doesn’t just know him personally -- he’s a close friend with and employee of Bill Ayers.

Here is the "resume" of an American terrorist:

The Demorat Convention
All the elements were present: the individual stories told by real people of their situations and hardships, the packed-to-the rafters crowd, the crowd's chanting of key phrases and names, the action on the spot of texting and phoning to show instant support and commitment to jump into the political battle, the rallying selections of music, the setting of the agenda by the power people.  The Democratic National Convention had all the elements of the perfectly organized event, Saul Alinsky style.

Barack Obama's training in Chicago by the great community organizers is showing its effectiveness.  It is an amazingly powerful format, and the method of my late father always works to get the message out and get the supporters on board.  When executed meticulously and thoughtfully, it is a powerful strategy for initiating change and making it really happen. Obama learned his lesson well.

I am proud to see that my father's model for organizing is being applied successfully beyond local community organizing to affect the Democratic campaign in 2008.  It is a fine tribute to Saul Alinsky as we approach his 100th birthday.

/31/08 Using donations for the poor to help power-seeking politicians attain their ends is pure Alinskyianism.  One of Obama’s Chicago mentors, Gregory Galluzzo -- a former Jesuit priest, now married and Executive Director of the Gamaliel community organizing network -- was interviewed by a writer to whom he showed the training manual he uses with new organizers.

"Galluzzo told me that many new trainees have an aversion to Alinsky’s gritty approach because they come to organizing as idealists rather than realists.  But Galluzzo’s manual instructs them to get over these hang-ups.  'We are not virtuous by not wanting power,' it says.  'We are really cowards for not wanting power,' because 'power is good' and 'powerlessness is evil.'"

Obama Campaign calls Clintons and working people "White Trash."

Here is an entire page of hate presented by the Obama Campaign and its supporters.

Eighty-five thousand cheering fans. Pyrotechnics. A dramatic, temple-style backdrop.  Such was the scene in Denver Thursday night as Barack Obama accepted his party’s presidential nomination with "great humility."  As his deep voice reverberated throughout the massive venue, thousands of eyes welled up with tears of hope and change.  In the sea of faces and waving flags stood a woman by the name of Marilyn Katz, the head of security for the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).

Like several of the other radicals who populate Obama’s sphere, she once advocated guerilla tactics against police officers and participated in violent riots.  Unlike some of her more infamous counterparts like Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn -- who are in self-imposed exile until November 5 -- Katz is deeply, and officially, involved in Obama’s presidential campaign.

I wonder if the fact that Stevie Wonder, Will.I.Am, Michael McDonald and Sheryl Crow performed  before Obama’s speech and Bon Jovi after had anything to do with the large crowd?

David Axelrod, Obama's Karl Rove, is talking regularly with Bill Ayers.

I now have two sources confirming that Barack Obama’s Communications Director, David Axelrod has been communicating regularly with unrepentant terrorist and former member of the Weathermen, Bill Ayers, about how to respond to stories trying to report on Obama’s longstanding relationship with Ayers.  One of my sources tells me that one person, a TV pundit who wishes to not be named, is talking about this without mentioning Axelrod.  This person told my friend:

"I predict that the howling and whining we hear from the Obama campaign about Billy Ayers, the unrepentant terrorist who bombed the US. Capitol and has been linked to candidate Obama at least for the last dozen years, will get louder, and more hysterical and more damaging because we will find that not only did Billy Ayers work closely with Barack Obama to fund left wing school schemes in the hands of Maoists (Mike Klonsky) and Neo-Stalinists (Bill Ayers) but also Billy Ayers himself, now, regularly, is talking part in strategy sessions with major Obama advisers as to how to bury the truth about the terrorist and the candidate."

Another source with direct access to the Obama campaign reports that it is David Axelrod who is fielding these calls.  It is astonishing that the Obama team thought they could contain this information.  But they will fail.  Their fear about Ayers has little to do with his past as a bomber of U.S. Government facilities and more to do with the mismanagement of more than 100 million dollars that was spent by the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC).

Do you ever ask yourself why Barack has not touted his "EXPERIENCE" as the Chairman of the Board of the CAC?  You would think that a man who headed a $100 million plus foundation would put that at the top of his resume if he is running for President.  Well, he doesn’t.  Why?  It appears that his ties to Ayers and how the funds were actually spent are facts the Obama campaign wants to keep buried.  But the shovels are out and the facts will emerge.  I guess the next question for Barack will be if he thinks it is okay for his Communication’s Director to talk regularly with an unrepentant terrorist?  I bet most Americans would say no.   


Change you can believe in.

Offline Roadwarrior

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Joe B. is on the losing side of this one. 

Provides a perfect opportunity for Sarah
Palin to win this issue during the debate.