It seems that no matter who runs for what position, not just U.S. President, is always scrutinized, criticized, and ostracized by the media and the world for at least one thing. I understand that it's impossible to please every race, sect, and political affiliate. What I don't understand, however, is why obama (it doesn't deserve a capital "o" or the benefit of proper English in its muslim name) isn't exposed by all media outlets for whatit truly is. If the U.S. is so opposed to terrorism and sensitive after 9//11, how can they let the epitomy of what they are supposed to be against take hold of the most powerful position in the world? Either they just have no idea (which is their responsibility to learn), or they are covering up the truth for monetary gain. In either scenario, if obama, G-d forbid, takes office, who else can the U.S. blame but themselves if it leads to horrible situations? Also, how many votes will obama get in the South? Aren't they a shtickel more racist down there?